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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I was just curious as to whether or not anyone knows what expenses are covered by DND for an ROTP member in a civillian university. Is it  tuition and books, plus the salary?
That's how I understood it: okay! :) So even though room and board will still do 7 thousand dollars worth of damage here at St. FX, it still might work. Would a scholarship from the university be null and void if accepted into ROTP?
I totally understand that it's probably been talked about before; just wanted to make it short and sweet. :)

I'm from Inverness, Cape Breton! Just an hour and a half from X here. Yourself?
I am currently attending Civilian University through ROTP at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia.  It sure is a sweet deal.  I get paid to go here plus I have everything pretty much covered and if you live in a "high cost" area, you can apply for PDL.

I live on campus and I am paying for that myself with the money I get paid, it's a small chunk of it but it is worth it.
I'm currently applying for ROTP at Civy U (I'm second year at Wilfrid Laurier University), and I'm so glad to hear that all the stuff mentioned above is covered.

My question is about the salary. Is it enough to get by? Or will I need to work part-time? I know it depends on the exact pay rate, and the area and cost of living, but I'm just asking in ballpark terms.

I really hope I get in.

EDIT: I'm also reading about others at Civy U who find a local reserve unit and parade with them. If I'm air force, and the only local unit is infantry, would that still fly? Even in just an admin role? I'd love to be able to parade somewhere during the year.
With just my ROTP salary I am having no problems paying for residence, food, alcohol, xmas presents and still am saving up money. 
I'm a bit confused...

Various posters have said you need a leave pass for any leave, but how to they distinguish leave from "school time" during the year? For example: The few weeks between school and training in the summer is pretty clearly "leave" and you're under the military's close supervision. But when you're let loose for the school year, are you expected to request leave to go away for a weekend with your buddies or something? I understnad you'd have to if you want to get that travel assistance.

I also have another question. I'm getting married next fall, so after that, if I was on leave and was to request travel assistance, would she be included too? Probably not, but I'm just curious.
If you are now in the CF, you will need a Leave Pass when you go on Leave outside of the Unit Area.  You will find out how large that 'Area' by inquiring at the Unit you are in. 

Any plans you have for marriage should be done, keeping your Unit informed.  The OR will be able to give you all the info and details you require for your new spouse.

One reason you should have a leave pass when you are away for a weekend is so that the system knows where you are.  To be honest, your ULO doesn't care that you're going hiking for the weekend, but when he gets a call from a Duty Officer because your mother needs to find you in the event of a family emergency, she expects the "army" to know where you are.

As for travel assistance and marriage: once you're married, your new wife becomes your primary next of kin.  After that, there's no travel assistance entitlement to go home to see Mom.

Regarding the question about parading part time with a reserve.
It shouldn't be a problem to parade with them even though your air force, I've heard of one parading with a Recce unit.
It just depends on if your ULO allows it and the reserve unit accepting you to parade with them.  I myself am hoping to return to my Cbt Engineer unit, even though I was a pte back then and CT to Aerospace Eng.  Hopefully you get in and get to parade with them.
For those of you all currently involved in the ROTP through CIVI U, what sort of academic requirements do they hope you maintain? I find myself wondering a bit more of what might be expected now that my interview is less than one month away. :)
Saorse said:
For those of you all currently involved in the ROTP through CIVI U, what sort of academic requirements do they hope you maintain? I find myself wondering a bit more of what might be expected now that my interview is less than one month away. :)

A pass
mhawk said:
Regarding the question about parading part time with a reserve.
It shouldn't be a problem to parade with them even though your air force, I've heard of one parading with a Recce unit.
It just depends on if your ULO allows it and the reserve unit accepting you to parade with them.  I myself am hoping to return to my Cbt Engineer unit, even though I was a pte back then and CT to Aerospace Eng.  Hopefully you get in and get to parade with them.

I assume the same rules would apply with a cadet unit? Does this even happen?
Good to know, thought I meant mainly about working at a cadet unit during the school year, assuming they have an opening.
Saorse said:
For those of you all currently involved in the ROTP through CIVI U, what sort of academic requirements do they hope you maintain? I find myself wondering a bit more of what might be expected now that my interview is less than one month away. :)

From what I have been told, there is no academic requirements that you must maintain except for passing though I am sure you are expected to do as best as you can as I am currently doing. 
Hi, I'm new to this website, today.
I'm currently at the stage of waiting to hear back from RMC to see if I'll be accepted. I've also applied to a couple civi U's.. Recently I've been talking to people about RMC and have heard nothing but bad reports... Things like, "The people at RMC are super cocky", "RMC is like 4 years of BMQ" and "After RMC everyone is brainwashed and crazy". I've gone thorugh Reserves BMQ and SQ so I'm not completely oblivious to the ways of the military, but is RMC really as bad as everyone says? If Im offered Civi U should I take it, or go to RMC?

Comments from former RMC students would be appriciated...

Well... I am not from RMC, however some of my platoon mates from IAP are attending at the moment. I speak with them fairly often and they seem pretty normal to me. I believe the hardest part of RMC would be the FYOP (First Year Orientation) and after that the pressure eases a little (But it is still university, you will still be swamped with tests and essays) There are a few RMC'ers kicking around on this forum, I will leave the rest to the ones who are far more informed then I.
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