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ROTP after High School Questions

Yes I tried looking at other post but couldn't find one with circumstances like my own, especially with a CT.
Can someone help answer my question

I see you already did.

PS.  One post is enough.  More than one cut and paste is borderline SPAMMING.  Several and it becomes TROLLING.

Oh?  How did you get CFAT scores?  They are not to be released, not that they matter too much to us.
I just asked for them. Im not going to say who I asked because I don't want to get anyone in trouble
So can you help me with my question?
Spence671 said:
I just asked for them. Im not going to say who I asked because I don't want to get anyone in trouble
So can you help me with my question?

Actually, yes I can.  If you read the topics thoroughly in this forum, you will find all your answers.  You will even find answers to questions you have yet to think of.  This will save you time, and better prepare you for the copious amounts of research you will have to do to earn a Degree and perhaps a Commission in the CF.
I was just readin through this and just had a question of my own. Will going back and re-taking calculus and physics 30 hurt me in anyway? or will it look like i want to be there and want to succed?. Just thought id ask.
First of all I only applied to be an artillery officer. I'm going to list a few things that came up in the interview and I'm wondering by personal experience if i should get it. I graduated high school with a 75 average (86 in senior year) I have completed a semester with a 60.2 average (woops) and In terms of leadership I have been an assistant captain of softball team and captain of both high school and midget hockey team being MVP in my senior year and only played hockey since the beginning of grade 11 (They loved that and after the interview said that it was extremely impressive and I'm assuming that it will help in the selection process that i brought it up). They said that I have the potential to do anything i put my mind to and seemed impressed. I also told them about volunteer work cleaning up my small community on several occasions and working with the local rink. Any feedback even really negative is appreciated because I'm also interested in being an NCM so it wont be too big of a downer it will help me think about alternate decisions. Either way Canadian Forces will be my future!
If you browse and search the forum, you'll find similar questions have been discussed before:

Preparing for RMC application?

What are my odds of being accepted into ROTP?

Since no-one here has visibility on all the other candidates you'll be competing with for an offer to the occupations of your choice, you won't get a definitive answer. The best you can do is familiarize yourself with the advice given to others, since you'll only be offered the same "best guesses."
Basically i wanted to know if an artillery officer is a very competative career and when i said i wanted to know from people with previous experience i pretty much wanted people that have been accepted into ROTP or know people that have been to compare me to them... and today was my first time on the site so I'm still unsure as to how to use the site. Thanks for the feedback so far tho it will be helpful in the future
NickB3322 said:
Basically i wanted to know if an artillery officer is a very competative career and when i said i wanted to know from people with previous experience i pretty much wanted people that have been accepted into ROTP or know people that have been to compare me to them... and today was my first time on the site so I'm still unsure as to how to use the site. Thanks for the feedback so far tho it will be helpful in the future

First tip: Use proper grammar and capitalization, or you will be hearing it from the mods.

Secondly, your application looks a lot like mine did. I didn't start playing football until grade 12 yet was still named captain, I also captained the hockey and soccer teams, and now I'm captain for the junior hockey team I'm playing for. My high school average was about the same as yours and I also did some volunteering around the local rink as well. Hopefully that gives you an idea of how similar our applications are.

All in all I was accepted with an application similar to yours, but with that being said, it also depends on how big the intake for Artillery in this year's selection is. This is decided by the overall needs of Artillery Officers in the CF. So, there's really nothing you can do at this point . I know it's difficult but all you can do is wait it out. Good luck.
Thanks. Sorry about the grammer I actually did all that on my blackberry and its just a bad habit.  :facepalm:
Your chances of acceptance are exactly 86.987987982734981723123123239874987429741098274923 %.


For an absolutely unanswerable question, this question comes up far too often.

Your chances of acceptance are based entirely on the assessment of your fellow applicants. You're in a large pool of applicants, all of whom bring vastly different experiences, attributes, and qualifications to the application table. Your chance of acceptance depends entirely on how you compare to each of them, and how you compare to each of them is something you'll never really know.

You'll know of your chances for acceptance when the offers come out. No one can give you an arbitrary number or percentage of success based on what you've done in your life, your specific marks, or your life experiences. It's all relative.

Either way, good luck. Don't drive yourself nuts over it.
I'm a grade 11 student and am seriously considering the ROTP contract. I just have a few questions about life at RMC. First off while living at RMC are people able to come down to visit you, or would I have to use a leave pass for that. Also after I graduate  do I still live on a forces base or can I live elsewhere.My last question about the ROTP is if you know, or if you yourself gone through with it while having a civvy Girlfriend/Boyfriend ?
I know you must get this a lot but I was wondering if you could tell me how good a chance I have for being accepted into RMC?

I am currently in grade eleven with a 89 average and am in french immersion so I am bilingual.
I am a captain on my schools Rugby and Football teams.
I also play varsity Rugby and snowboard.
I am currently a sergeant in cadets but expect to be promoted soon.
I have completed over 100 community service hours.
I am applying for mechanical engineering so I thought my certificate in welding from my local college might also be relevant.

it's better than all my friends who were admitted at RMC...  well all that will depend what are your courses if they are academic or professional
Thanks. All my courses are academic and I chose them to get into an engineering discipline so they meet the requirements.
According to my Chance of Acceptance to RMC Calculator, you have an exactly 69.8324% chance of getting into RMC.
Stacked said:
I feel like these threads are just designed to stroke the posters ego. "Tell me how good I am please!"

The urge to tell them that they don't have what it takes is often overwhelming. 

Good thing we haven't see too much of that.  This topic would spiral so fast.