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ROTP 2011-2012

trampbike said:
Yep! See the last post on the fifth page of this thread. They called me to schedule my CFAT. I'll be at Montréal CRFC next tuesday at 0730 to see if I met the minimums to be an officer.
My first and only choice was pilot. I applied for Civi-U, but if they offer me to go to RMC instead, I'll accept for sure.

I have a question for you all. A lot of people say they are "getting ready" to apply, or that they "worked on their application for the past year"; what do you mean by that? For me it's quite simple: I go to school full time, I work to pay the rent, the food and the occasional flying, and I do a bit of sport when I have time. What are you doing exactly to "get ready"?

Yeah i was wondering the same thing. (I never applied before) But all it seems to me is a month of work (In order to apply)

Currently my Marks are sitting at  79.5% average  :-\

But i'm taking a 5 th year at high school and can easily bump that up to a 85% (Just need one more 80 and a 75 in english)

Unfortunately i only have 2 4u courses this semester , 1 3u and 1 4c (leadership).

I talked to my location CFRC and they said i should wait until first semester mid terms (November 14th roughly) because my marks should improve then. I only have to do better then a 65 so no worries there.

Realistically I think i can get about a 75 - 80 this semester (Exercise Science and Advance Functions)

So if i get that my average should be about 82% which is only a 2 percent increase, now my question should i submit my application earlier just to be safe in case something goes wrong throughout the process or should i wait until mid terms?

Next Semester is where i will have some easy courses. (YearBook 4u, Sap 4m and then i will have ENG4u (Re-Take) and Chemistry (4u)

By the end of second semster i should easily have a 85% average. Im Retaking English as i wasted time and got a 65...  >:( If i get a 75 in that and another 80 i will have 85% percent average, which is easily do able yet, most of my shine won't be until second semester

I know its not all about marks, but what they said at CFRC is that if i could get up my marks that would definitely help.

I'm hoping to get into RMC..

Thanks everyone
When I say that I am "getting ready," I essentially mean I am living life as usual, but always taking into account what will and will not help me to get into ROTP (and always taking note of things I can refer to in an interview or application).

The actual preparation of my package took about 5 weeks, filling  it out whenever I had the time.

Technically, the most preparation I ever did for ROTP was what I did in the last few years, and not necessarily what I am doing right now. What I mean by this, is that I had great grades in high school, played team sports, and volunteered wherever possible, and always took a leadership position whenever available. Right now, I continue with those things, and I just keep my head on straight.

I have some flight experience also; only 20 hours, before the ONLY flight school in my town took a turn for the worse. Right now I have a job as a tutor and supplemental instructor at the University in my hometown, and I still play hockey and volunteer as much as I can. I am also taking a couple courses at the University. I suppose these are all the things I am doing right now to "get ready" for all the rest of the things to come.

Hope that helped.
What are the chances a single mom, mid 20's already completed one year Bachelor of Science in Nursing would be accepted into the ROTP program? I have mediocre grades-75% average. I also work part time for Red Cross and therefore don't have a lot of time for extra curricular activities.

I realize that no one can give me a definitive answer. I'm just looking for opinions.

There are numerous factors including the interview, CFAT, medical, and trade you would like to enter for (I'm assuming Nursing) that none of us have the data for and the only person that would be able to give you that answer is a recruiter. I will say that I am older and I was accepted with one year of university and absolutely zero extra curricular activities.

Review information on the forces.ca website, review these forums (especially ones relating to your trades of choice), and decide if a life in the CF is for you. If you feel it is, then apply and do your best with the application process.

I firmly believe that if a trade is open and you have applied for it, your chances for success are directly proportional to your level of desire and amount of effort put into preparing yourself for the application and throughout the application process.
MMJ said:
What are the chances a single mom, mid 20's already completed one year Bachelor of Science in Nursing would be accepted into the ROTP program? I have mediocre grades-75% average. I also work part time for Red Cross and therefore don't have a lot of time for extra curricular activities.

I realize that no one can give me a definitive answer. I'm just looking for opinions.

I can't comment on chances since frankly I usually get all sarcastic and the mods tell me to knock it off.
But... On the 2 week recruit camp this summer in St Jean one of the OCdts was a mother ( I think of 2) who appeared to be around mid 20s and was in Nursing.  I don't know about grades, but if she was able to get in then I would assume you could too given the similarities.
The CF won't discriminate against you if you are a mother, as long as your child has appropriate care given by somebody else (ie, someone else in your family) while you are at BMOQ and other parts of your training where you cannot care for a child and train. As for the marks, its the same as with any applicant; the better your marks, the better your chances. There is no cut off grade, and it often depends on what trades are available, and who you are competing against. The only way to know is to apply.
Sweet yeah thanks Pudd.

Last year at highschool was a joke for me, i still got a 79.5 average, but i never did the homework, rarely studided (The day before if that) last nighted projects etc.

I'm taking this year a lot more seriously , by actually doing my homework and keeping on top of my projects. While work a 22 hour week...

If i can i'm going to volunteer for my bros hockey team, since we didn't have a juvi team last year
runormal said:
Last year at highschool was a joke for me, i still got a 79.5 average, but i never did the homework, rarely studided

Remember; this is a very competitive position that you are applying for and the better your marks in High School, the better you present yourself in written and oral communication during your application and interviews, and the more points you make for participation in athletic and volunteer events or projects, the better your standing in the final meriting of candidates.
I know atleast 8 people on my BMOQ course this summer had kids and/or were single parents across a variety of trades.
Yeah i know what you mean man, thanks.

I am correcting my past mistakes, by actuallly doing the homework studying and what not.

I've done sports , volunteering a decent amount for the past years. I'm going to be doing a tad more this year to further increase my chance, i'm just still concerned about whether i should hand in my application now or in november, when my marks will only jump about 2 or 3 percent, plus would they even look at my mnarks right away?

@pudd13: I see what you mean by getting ready in your everyday life. Thanks for your answer.

I'm curious about this however:
pudd13 said:
The actual preparation of my package took about 5 weeks, filling  it out whenever I had the time.

On May 12 at 0900, I learned that ROTP-Pilot was not closed for the years to come (as I had been told by a mistaken recruiter), on May 13 at 0800 my whole application was in the hands of Montréal's CFRC. It seems most people take a couple of weeks to complete their documents.

I think what he means, he wasn't in a rush to fill it out and just filled it out when he had the time. I don't think there is much more then that.
Agreed, it took me just about over two weeks to complete everything. Nothing really more to it besides that people are busy and can only fit things in when time allows it.
Well don't I feel slow. I'll tell you why it took me five weeks. I was very busy at the time of filling it out, so that affected the amount of time I could spend working on it. However, I live in Prince George, and the nearest CFRC is in Vancouver, which is usually about a 3 to 4 day mailing distance away. Therefore, I wanted my application to be perfect, so I wouldn't have to have anything sent back to me, or have to re-send anything myself. I know that the sooner everything is in, the better, so I figured I'd get it done correctly the first time, well before the first selection board.

I also did a few copies of my application, mainly because I have been switching to better jobs frequently as of late, and my current employment and education situation had changed from when I first started filling it out, towards the end of those 5 weeks, but I also took great care to make sure my essay and everything else were written with great clarity, and everything was neat. I figured spending the extra time to write as neatly as I could on my application would pay off, if only in the slightest, but any payoff is better than none.

So it took my 5 weeks for 3 main reasons;

I was quite busy, my employment situation was changing, and I gave that application more attention to detail than I think I have with any other written document I have completed.
Talked to a recruiter today. He said RMC had rejected my application as a Senior Applicant. I am not at all surprised, considering some of my grades and my inability to speak French. However, the Junior Applicant option, which is what I wanted anyways, is still open, as is Civi U. Overall, I think I'm still alright  :)
CFAT is booked for October 25th! I made it farther away than what I could have because I want to study and get some math help as my abilities in math are limited due to lack of use lol. How is everyone else doing?
We have our university night tomorow night which a rep from RMC is going to be there, i'm to talk to him and see if i should apply now, or at the end of 1st semester mid terms. (November)

I'll let you know tomorrow, working on my essay at the moment.
runormal said:
We have our university night tomorow night which a rep from RMC is going to be there, i'm to talk to him and see if i should apply now, or at the end of 1st semester mid terms. (November)

Start the process now. Time is of the essence when it comes to ROTP. Get your application/questionnaire to the CFRC as soon as you possibly can so you can start booking the CFAT, Interview, and Medical. You can always bring in updated transcripts/grades to your CFRC as they come. Also, starting early helps if there are any problems with your application process because you will have time to fix it before the ROTP application deadline.

To add, I believe you can change/add to your ROTP questionnaire after you have submitted it (but only up until the application deadline). So get it in now to be safe. It's what I was told last year, and it helped because I had to do update interviews, medicals, etc.
Dou You said:
Start the process now. Time is of the essence when it comes to ROTP. Get your application/questionnaire to the CFRC as soon as you possibly can so you can start booking the CFAT, Interview, and Medical.

Makes me wonder if I should change my CFAT date to the 11 instead of the 25th...
nairna said:
Makes me wonder if I should change my CFAT date to the 11 instead of the 25th...

14 days difference isn't a big deal. I was just saying it would be better to start your application process now in October, rather than waiting a month, or a few months for no real reason to start it. You've already started the process by booking your CFAT so you're ahead of the game...so don't worry you have a lot of time before the deadline. For those who are going to start the process in a couple months, may not have enough time...but you'll be good.