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ROTP 2011-2012

pudd13: What happened to Ryerson!?

Yeah, I guess nothing today. Two people think tomorrow is feeling good so hopefully tomorrow it is!  :P
Yes, Ryerson is on the list also. I am leaning towards U of T or Carleton right now though. But I am still hoping on RMC in the end, so hopefully it doesn't matter what civilian school I want most.
pudd13 said:
Is it just me or does it seem like there are lots of ACSO applicants this year?

Which is weird, because I heard ACSO is still wide open. =/
Nothing for me today. Although, it's only 2pm.
First choice is Intelligence Officer, then MARS Officer, and Logistic Officer
Military and Strategic Studies
0 experience
Everyone go to Carleton for Combat Arms......it is the best.
As long as I don't do what I did on my 2week intro course.  AF MCpl and Capt were marking our speeches and although I got 100% in marks, he was very unhappy with the content. Even in the short time together many other trades enjoyed calling us infantards and such.    So I made a satirical speech about how Combat Arms was superior to every other part of the military.      He did not enjoy the humour in my speech and pretty much lectured me in front of everyone at attention for a few minutes.    Poor guy, not my fault he was chairforce :P
It is going to be very weird (should I get accepted) to go on course with non combat arms trades. Even weirder if I get accepted as my first choice and I'm in a non combat arms trade lol.
Clancey01 said:
It is going to be very weird (should I get accepted) to go on course with non combat arms trades.

This is a silly preconceived notion that you'll want to dispel before going on any courses with anyone.
jwtg said:
This is a silly preconceived notion that you'll want to dispel before going on any courses with anyone.

I never said it was going to be bad/horrible and I appreciate that without non combat arms the combat trades couldn't do their jobs. I'm simply pointing out that my courses have been combat oriented and it will be different for them to not be. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Clancey01 said:
I never said it was going to be bad/horrible and I appreciate that without non combat arms the combat trades couldn't do their jobs. I'm simply pointing out that my courses have been combat oriented and it will be different for them to not be. I'm actually looking forward to it.

I guess I didn't quite understand what you meant when you said 'weird' then. 
Either way, I guess I jumped down your throat before evaluating where you're coming from (2 yrs, Sapper).

My apologies- if you can imagine a statement like yours coming from someone who has no experience, it would appear quite arrogant.  Different when you express it as 'weird vs. your previous experience.'

Who knows- I might be one of those 'non-combat arms' you're stuck on course with!
jwtg said:
I guess I didn't quite understand what you meant when you said 'weird' then. 
Either way, I guess I jumped down your throat before evaluating where you're coming from (2 yrs, Sapper).
No, you were right jwtg. It was an arrogant post. Claiming his two years' courses in the Reserves were "all combat" glosses over the fact that BMQ is mostly about wearing the uniform and doing "synchronized walking," while the SQ is learning similar, very basic tasks, but while dirty.

Given the reality of the Reserve training that I'm familiar with, I would be quite surprised if RAMBO Clancey01 is even completely basic trade-qualified at this point.
@Journeyman: Look I understand where jwtg is coming from; however, I was being far from arrogant, I was simply making a statement. Read through my past posts and you'll see I have no problem admitting I know far from everything. Also next time you quote "all courses" you might want to make sure I actually said it. I'm going to refrain from being rude.

@jwtg: I understand how it would sound that way. I also understand the role alot of trades play in the CF. I certainly would not be demeaning towards yours (or anyone else's) trades when I've been combat arms (although Journeyman doesn't think that's worth anything) and my first choice for ROTP is Construction Engineer.
Folks, this thread is for the sharing and discussion of information regarding the ROTP 2011 process and applications; let's refrain from picking apart each others posts and turning it into an argument.

I highly doubt that Clancey's post was meant in any way to be an attack on part the part of the Forces he is currently trying to join. Making assumptions regarding someone's official opinion through internet message boards almost always ends in the standard back a forth posting that has come to ruin so many good discussions; so let's move on.
KY-WPG said:
Folks, this thread is for the sharing and discussion of information regarding the ROTP 2011 process and applications; let's refrain from picking apart each others posts and turning it into an argument.

I highly doubt that Clancey's post was meant in any way to be an attack on part the part of the Forces he is currently trying to join. Making assumptions regarding someone's official opinion through internet message boards almost always ends in the standard back a forth posting that has come to ruin so many good discussions; so let's move on.

Well said!

(Back on topic)I have a good feeling calls will be made today! Anxious to see if people get offers.
I have a class after work today, but I will definitely be stopping by the house to check the mail in between.

I was told by my RC that I would most likely receive a letter in the mail 2-3 days before they even found out; anyone else told to expect this?
Ohh man, they send out letters for ROTP still? I thought it would be so much more efficient to just call the member instead of sending a letter out and if you are accepted, Celebrate but do it moderately... I got extremely silly off the Coca-cola when I was told I was accepted into ROTP a few years ago and ended up hyper-extending my knee in an accident. Almost cost me my contract as I had received an injury before I was sworn in. They are quite adamant, (Your ASU's,  Area Support Unit and ULO's University Liaison Officer) on you not being injured while at school, playing sports, or drinking your mind away. There are also certain sports that you will not be covered on in the CF if you are injured. There is always that one guy who "Wants to fight in the UFC  ;D". All this aside just ask about what you can't or can do whilst in the CF (In the way of varsity sports or martial arts). This will save you a-lot of headache and maybe save your career.. No point in wasting your dream away  ::).
OneMissionataTime said:
All this aside just ask about what you can't or can do whilst in the CF (In the way of varsity sports or martial arts). This will save you a-lot of headache and maybe save your career.. No point in wasting your dream away  ::).

If I recall correctly, provided your physical activities are properly documented, there are very few activites that you shouldn't do...I'm thinking 'extreme sports' with martial arts being nowhere near that category.  Long story short, during my brief time in the forces I trained extensively in MMA (great workout) and provided it was all recorded/declared, I had no problems...
Your not covered if your injured in certain sports.. That's what the SEM has told me IE: Boxing I am certain is one of them and if you were to play hockey you would have too wear a full mask not just a visor.

*Edit* This is during your Subsidy and your service with the CF, if you are unclear. You can do it on your own dime and risk but will not receive coverage if you are injured.