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RMC, What should I do?


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Hi everyone,

Im currently in grade 11, I've been thinking about going to RMC and doing the ROTP as well. My grades aren't bad, but they're not spectacular either. I have a 67% in English, 70% in History, 80% in a tutoring class and 76% in Canadian Law. All my classes are at a University Level. I played AAA hockey up until last year, and Im always volunteering at my local church (the priest is a Major, thought he could put in a word for me when it comes time to apply?). I just need some advice on what I can do to really put me over the top. Ive done research, Ive called the school, Ive been to my local armoury to talk to recruiters, and I plan on joining the reserves within the next week. Yes, I realize my marks will need to improve quite a bit but please people I need specific volunteering advice! How many hours will make me more then competitive!? Whats an average (school marks) that will get me accepted!?

School marks, shoot for the sky. Aim for 90%+, no joke. Also, just a reminder, getting into the reserves takes absolutely forever in my opinion. It can literally take up to a year depending how good of an applicant you are and if they are hiring.

-Phoebe  :cdn: :yellow:
You're in grade eleven but your courses are at a university level? Just curious. High marks are a must, like Phoebe said. There is no definitive cut off; you are evaluated based on the competitiveness of the rest of the applicants. In terms of volunteer hours, just devote a couple of hours a week towards volunteering and you will slowly accumulate hours. Asking your priest to be a reference would be a good idea if he meets the necessary requirements. Most of my friends who applied out of high school (and got accepted) had averages in the high nineties, but that may not be necessary. Good luck!

edit: horrendous iPhone spelling.
I believe he means like 3U courses and then 4U basically the senior years form of academic
Also, I went to my local regiment today and they said this summer I'd be going to B.M.Q with the reserves, would that be more of a negative than a positive, seeing as how it would take away from volunteer opportunities?
I'd say time in the reserves is worth more than volunteer hours, but that's just me.
Lumber said:
I'd say time in the reserves is worth more than volunteer hours, but that's just me.
I agree, since you would then have references from within the military who are able to vouch for you (if they deem you worthy of their support  ;)).
Lumber said:
I'd say time in the reserves is worth more than volunteer hours, but that's just me.

That and you'll get paid better at RMC ( you will get the pay grade of your NCM rank, instead of OCdt)
As a long serving reserve NCM, I've been approached for a reference for soldiers who've wanted to go the RMC route.  For the young applicant, it can be a bit of a gamble as a so-so private might not like what he hears from the someone he was hoping to use as a reference, or if the company commander has approached me as his/her section commander for my input.

From my perspective, I am pretty ruthless when it comes to deciding whether or not someone is ready for the responsiblity of leadership especially going to RMC as it seems their grads get a bit of a career leg up over some of their peers who may have had a better quality but non-military themed education at another university.

I've endorsed two, and worked very hard to sucessfully prevent another, so you may find your volounteer opportunity to be a softer touch than a member of an NCO corps who understands leadership potential a lot better than you think.

The flip side is that if you join the reserves and feel that you're not ready to lead the people that you find instruction you, then that might be a reality check you need.
I agree with Osotogari, particularly as I have been on both sides of that situation (the only difference being I'm reg force). 

There is no shortcut around mediocre high school marks.  A year in the reserves is not going to help that - if it takes more focus away from school, it may hurt, no matter how sierra hotel you might be as an untrained Private.

Put your head down and get your second term marks up, and keep it up for your first term grade 12.  Take a look at the pre-reqs RMC requires, too, as I don't see math, physics or chemistry on your list of courses. 

It is a long, hard road to officership in the CF if you don't do well in high school.  I recommend you do it the easier way.
It was brought to my attention I was little unclear - I'm not talking dropping everything so you can pull 90+% averages. 

Get 'em in the 80s (probably) and otherwise basically work with what you have.  Join the reserves if you want (it's not a bad idea) but it won't be a panacea.
The only prerequisite is ENG4U, I also have mixed math and University level biology next semester. But yes, I realize my marks need serious improvement, Im just saying on top of that, what are good experiences outside of school marks to have before I apply, I just thought volunteer work, and sports might look better than being in the reserves, but again im not too sure.
So as of late I've really been brushing up on my extra curricular activities. I have things like AAA hockey, Ball Hockey, Baseball, Church service, Coaching numerous sports, spending hours on end at the gym, and volunteering at my brothers cadets. I have much more, I just don't really feel like typing it out! Anyways, aside from that I've been up for the past week until 1 and 2 AM looking around at website after website trying to figure an average that is bound to get me into RMC. I believe I saw a guy on here who said he had a 65%!? Mine won't be as low as that (no offence), but my average from last semester was a 69%, and I've been working with all my teachers to ensure my average this time around is at least an 85%. Now, Im in grade 11, so I still have another year. If my average is anything less then an 85% this semester and overall next year am I a lost soul? I know sometimes if you're a local you get into Universities with lower marks then out of towner's, but this is  National school so I figured it would be different. ANYWAYS! Can I have some guidance, or some answers please, I'm so stressed, and I need some comfort! 
Well, if we say that "it's alright, you will be fine" just to comfort you, we would be lying. It is a very competitive process, and a lot of people get turned away.

You do have an impressive list of extra-curricular activities, but in order to be the most competitive candidate, you would also need higher averages in school. You are still in grade 11 so you still have time to improve your grades, so try the best you can to take all the advanced courses and get the best grades you can.

Best of luck to you.
Like Cui and has (along with many others) said, there's no guarantee.
In the end, why settle for anything less than the best you can do, right?
You could be getting a 90% average and be the captain in all the sports teams, but if everyone else applying for that trade is better, then you won't get in.
So yeah, just do your best.
jack3d17 said:
I'm so stressed, and I need some comfort!

I hope you're sort of joking.  If not, I'm thinking RMC may not be a good fit for you.
I don't literally need comfort. You shouldn't be taking that out of context, you also don't know anything about me so you're negative comments are coming in one ear, and going out the other. 