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RMC Interviews


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I've begun the process of preparing for my interview which is in about 9 days. From what I've gathered from the threads the RMC interview is a little more indepth, which I'd expect. In the next few days I was wondering if anyone could give me any tips on what I should focus on researching. Besides knowing your MOC's, why you think you're a good candidate and other moral/ethical questions, should I spend a lot of time on military history? The current climate of politics? Basically, how much of the interview is based on knowing facts of what's happend and is happening and how much is based on....how would you say...personality?
The ROTP interview is now the same as any other officer interview.   Know your occupations know your occupations and know your occupations.   Be prepared to give concrete examples of when you have demonstrated leadership.   Make sure your application is neat and complete.
I wasn't aware that Military Forum Police was MOC. I should keep up to date.
I agree with Kincanucks...when I had my interview she stumped me on the occupation questions I had no idea what to expect going into it because I didn't have this fancy website. I would also like to add that you should know everything about yourself. I know it may sound dumb, but they will ask you questions like "why did you do this...why did you smoke that...why did you get suspended from school...why did you quit this and that..." Just don't sit there like a retard like I did and be like, "ahh, um, well you see....i dunno." So whatever you put on your application in terms of previous employment, leadership appointments, clubs and sports, or anything else just make sure you can back everything up.

Hope that helps man...
Well thanks for taking the time to point those things out. I appreciate it. I think that about covers it. If there is anything else anybody thinks I should know before hand like offering a fruit cake or back rub :P...let me know.

Thanks again dude...
Hey Zee, just wondering...what MOCs do you plan on applying for??
My choices are as follows: 1. Infantry 2. Armour 3. Artillery...I was thinking about applying for aircrew but my vision just won't hold up. As well the programs I chose were: 1. Military & Strategic Studies 2. Political Science 3. History. So overall nothing too exotic, I just find something appealing about sleeping in mud and learning about the countless others that have done so in the past. Thanks for the interest.
I'm actually interested in how many of you took the time to memorize the entire descriptions of your MOC choices from the recruiting website like me...It's 2 am and all I can think about is: I need me troops to be combat effective when I'm driving an LAV lll so during target aquisition at Armour School at Combat Arms Centre my moral and dedication to the chain of command will give me a post with the 2nd Battalion Shilo, Manitoba with the Princess Patricia's Royal Canadian Dragoons 2nd Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group in Petewawa. Apparently my health will be monitored closely during my methodical, creative and mentally resiliant decision making, spending 35% of my time in the field doing anything from planning logistics and doing personel administration and the other 45% in the office executing field exercises and racing camels...the other missing 20% of my time will be trying to figure out how the hell i'm going to keep this information organized for my interview...anyways...here's to preperation...
figure_11 said:
Who doesn't like sleeping in the mud?  I could do it all day.

*raises hand* :)

Know your occupations, as has already been stated. Also, don't make questions they ask you more complicated than they have to be.

It won't be an hour and a half (or three hours, however long it is now) grilling simply on occupations. From what I remember of my interview, a large majority of it was spent just going over what I had written in my application, confirming information.

I also bet that the recruiter would be impressed if you did not simply regurgitate the info on the MOCs given on the website. Talk to some real life combat arms officers *cough* this website *cough*, find what a typical day in garrison, in the field and posted is like.
The interview process is different than what was used last year.  Know your occupations and be prepared to provide examples of demonstrated leadership.
Interview was completed. It was as simple as kincanucks stated.
DVessey said:
*raises hand* :)
From what I remember of my interview, a large majority of it was spent just going over what I had written in my application, confirming information.
Well there DVessey I hope you do not forget the location of your initial interview... It was probably after the guy who went to Bluefield or Three Oaks... Therefore they were annyoyed enough of us spudheads that they wanted to get you out of there as quickly as possible... Lol... And do you still not know who this is? ;)
Sell yourself. That's the only way you'll get accepted.  But don't Slurp your way in either  ::)
Hey guys, first post here. I'm not entirely sure what I am allowed or not allowed to say.

So I was applying for ROTP program to RMC about a month ago, passed my aptitude test, medical, and had an interview. My recruiter (barrie detachment) told me to vividly prepare for a 45 minute interview that I would be given, on my occupation, and exactly what would happen to me if I was accepted. I had a 10 minute interview on nothing of that stuff. ( not sure what im allowed to say about the interview) Did this happen to anyone else? anyone whos already had the interview know what I can say?
Devon_W said:
Hey guys, first post here. I'm not entirely sure what I am allowed or not allowed to say.

So I was applying for ROTP program to RMC about a month ago, passed my aptitude test, medical, and had an interview. My recruiter (barrie detachment) told me to vividly prepare for a 45 minute interview that I would be given, on my occupation, and exactly what would happen to me if I was accepted. I had a 10 minute interview on nothing of that stuff. ( not sure what im allowed to say about the interview) Did this happen to anyone else? anyone whos already had the interview know what I can say?

There is no way a ROTP interview should last less than 45 minutes.  Ten minutes!  Unfortunately, you lucked out with a piss poor counsellor and I hope he/she can write a decent interview report from 10 minutes of talking to you or you are SOL.  You can't talk about what happen in the interview so forget that thought.
Originally I saw an RMC counsellor at a high school meeting and he said the interview was being given a drastic overhaul and wouldnt be 45 minutes anymore. He said RMC hopefuls would be given a year at RMC and then given a proper interview about their occupation choices. I'm just wondering why some people in the military say thats true, and others still say the 45 minute interview is the norm.
Devon_W said:
He said RMC hopefuls would be given a year at RMC and then given a proper interview about their occupation choices.

My ROTP interview was two hours long. Not only that, but my interviewer, a ResF LT(N), had a Sgt. evaluating him on how well he conducted the interview. Talk about a crappy morning! :S

Anyhow, what the recruiter meant was, this year you'll be accepted (if your accepted) into the ROTP program, but you will have no trade. Once you've spent a year at RMC, then you get your trade. I've heard it will be based on a merit list, so basically, the top first year gets first pick of the trade he wants, and the bottom cadet gets last pick.

I'm not sure how this is going to work, because I thought when you are accepted into the ROTP program you have to pick an environment (land, air, sea). What if you're 'navy', get top of your class, and then decide "Hey, I want to be a pilot"? What if all the "top" cadets choose trades in the air force. Does that mean that the army and the navy get stuck with only the "bottom" cadets? Many of the top cadets here are infantry, and good on them.

Worse yet, what if you join the military hoping to be front line oriented (combat arms, mars, pilot), and then when it comes time to dole out the trades, you get stuck with Air Log? Nothing against LogOs, because the reverse can be said. What if you're not into the whole front line, combat thing, you want to be a manager and be an Air Log or Health Care AdminO or something like that, but because of your place on the merit list, all that's left to you is infantry or artillery?

For any RMC cadets reading and wanting to comment, think of this. Might this system turn RMC into Westpoint? The merit list will be based partly on our PDRs. Lets say you're one of those who wants to be, say, LogO, but you aren't doing so well and think you might get stuck with Infantry if you don't have a good PDR. Don't you think this will encourage the more douchebagish cadets here to severely and frequently blade the rest of us in order to first, enhance their PDRs, and second, damage the rest of ours? <cough> YOUR SHOES ARNT TO STANDARD <cough>..... I'm not saying breaking regs or violating the CADWINs is excuseable, no matter how often it actually occurs, but were going to have the said douchebags actively, and constantly, looking for things to nail others on just so they can get merit listed higher and get their trades.  :threat:

NCdt Lumber said:
... What if all the "top" cadets choose trades in the air force. ...

This is where your argument falls apart - of COURSE all the "top" cadets will choose Army - any other choice would be anathema to the laws of nature.  ;)

Sorry - couldn't resist, please go back to your regularly scheduled thread which, by the way, is extremely interesting.
