In the Ex Summary:
However, this conclusion rests on another assumption: that there is, prima facie, inherent value in the Canadian Military Colleges. The Board did not take this for granted; we dedicated significant time and energy to identifying and evaluating the value proposition of the Colleges. The results of these efforts led us to conclude that the Military Colleges are indeed critical national institutions of significant import to Canada, that play a distinctive role in advancing the defence and security interests of our country. They are unique establishments that cannot be replicated by civilian universities or other military units within the Canadian Armed Forces. They should be sources of pride for Canadians and should reflect Canada’s ability to project national power. As currently organized and run, however, they have failed to demonstrate a distinct value proposition, to prove their value in relation to escalating costs or to assert their relevance vis-à -vis the needs of the Canadian Armed Forces or the country.
This report brought to you by the RMC Protective Association for the RMC Protective Association