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Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

Quote from: exabedtech on Today at 17:58:49

    Are tall people smarter than short people?

PPCLI Guy said:

How? with all that lack of oxygen, somethings' gotta give.................
Redeye said:
However, numerous studies suggest that people who lean right are more consistently misinformed, and the right wing propaganda machine probably bears some responsibility for that - it's fairly well documented.

Perhaps the left has been misinformed into believing that the right is misinformed?
So what does this mean for us centrist moderates?  :dunno:
Redeye said:
Not only does this statement display an excellent example of a logical fallacy known as "non sequitur", ...blah blah blah
Go back to left wing brain academy and study your notes on logic.
A "non sequitor" argument is simply one "...in which an argument's conclusion does not follow from its premises"  So, you have stated a tautology, because saying that something is non sequitor is just another way of saying that it's a logical fallacy. 
Technoviking said:
Go back to left wing brain academy and study your notes on logic.
A "non sequitor" argument is simply one "...in which an argument's conclusion does not follow from its premises"  So, you have stated a tautology, because saying that something is non sequitor is just another way of saying that it's a logical fallacy.

Holy *&$%.  Those were grown up words.  Be back in a couple of hours, after I check the dictionary.
Crantor said:
I don't know.  I've been following the republican primaries.  The guys who conducted the study may be on to something... ;)

I'll see that and raise you the NDP Leadership debates. ;D
exabedtech said:
Are Asians smarter than Caucasians?
Are red heads smarter than blondes?
Are tall people smarter than short people?

So the ideal is a tall, red headed Asian  ;)
Danjanou said:
I'll see that and raise you the NDP Leadership debates. ;D

Ooh tough one that is - two races to pick a loser, both of which are circling the drain at an increasing rate...
PMedMoe said:
Oh, I think women with small breasts are smarter.  ::)  ;)

How? Aren't the excess brains that are causing her to be so smart carried in her boobs? I thought that was what all snuggling thingy was for......communication........drat!!

Oh well, the habit's formed, like as not let it go to waste....................... :)
GAP said:
How? Aren't the excess brains that are causing her to be so smart carried in her boobs?

Umm, no.  If that was the case then men with large.......oh, never mind, they only have enough brains to run one head at a time.  ;D
Does that make a woman who has been "augmented" the definition of artificial intelligence?
Spanky said:
Does that make a woman who has been "augmented" the definition of artificial intelligence?

uh huh....The augmentation drains it from the admirers......
I liken this argument to what Jeff Foxworthy says about Southerners - the people that often end up publicly representing these folks are often the ones that perpetuate the perceptions people have.  His for instance, the people that get interviewed after a tornado hits that inevitable suburban tornado target - the trailer park.  They often aren't the best or brightest representatives of the South - but those are the folks that people see and hear...naturally, we assume the worst. 


GnyHwy said:
Are tall people smrtr?

I agree.  It is much easier to look down your nose when you are taller.

As life should be.......................... :king:
Almost 30% of the population is susceptible to the placebo effect. These people lack the critical reasoning ability to tell fact from fiction. This disability is completely unrelated to IQ and various other mostly useless measurements. They will believe whatever they are told and ignore any objective reality that interferes with their belief.

They fall for everything from Maoism to Scientology. These people are the biggest threat to a functional democracy. Any intelligent demagogue, regardless of political stripes, can whip them into a lynch mob. I really don't know what to do about this fundamental flaw in our system. Perhaps critical reasoning can be taught. I remember how the elite preached loudly that the majority of people were so stupid it would  be impossible to teach even a fraction of them to read. We would need to update how we educate people from the 18th century model we use now.

An actually useful experiment would be to find subjects highly susceptible to placebo.
1. Make them believe some crazy nonsense.
2. Use various techniques to try to teach them critical reasoning.
3.  Retest how suggestible they are.
5.  Repeat till they get it. ( at which point you get to vote, lol)