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RFT abolished?

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I totally agree with you about the threshhold test, last I heard they put one in just as I left. I was just stating I personally think it was a good decision for the CF because it has opened doors. I do not think they are going to totally remove the program, however. I was 1 in a very large ratio of Pass:fail after a term. I am totally happy I was on the program, because it has given me the tools to fix what needs to be fixed and get my *** back into the CF.

And to Eye: How are you sure those weren't desired results? Put it this way, I went from incredibly morbidly obese to a positionin which i can now get my self to a suitable level for the CF. If it can do that for me, imagine what it does for people that are >this< close to passing?
Their job most definately is to produce recruits suitable for the Canadian Forces, which in this case, includes getting some recruits into physical fitness standards level.  It is a team effort, that includes all of the staff, not just platoon staff, and not just RFT staff. I am an exceptional case, people being released doesn't happen often, I already stated that. I do however see where you are coming from. And after being there, I wouldnt recommend anyone goes until they are in a proper physical capacity to pass the CF Expres.
popnfresh said:
I know a few people that went through RFT, and most of them are still fat as anything...

I know a few people that went through (insert applicable course here), and most of them are still stupid as anything...

Works both ways, people.  As I said, you can get a person fit but you can't make stupid smart.

The post from lpfan55 is not a good example of how beneficial RFT is.  I could care less how much he improved his fitness level because in the end, he was still released.  MediPea is a much better example.  Of course, with the new "minimum" standard that one must meet at the start of BMQ, lpfan55 would not have even made it to RFT.  On that note, why can't they get the "minimum" testing done at the CFRC?

To tell you the truth, I'm shocked that at 5'11" and 330 lbs, lpfan55 even made it past the medical at CFRC.  (Please accept an apology in advance as I am not picking on you personally, more so on the staff at the CFRC).
PMedMoe said:
I know a few people that went through (insert applicable course here), and most of them are still stupid as anything...

Works both ways, people.  As I said, you can get a person fit but you can't make stupid smart.

The post from lpfan55 is not a good example of how beneficial RFT is.  I could care less how much he improved his fitness level because in the end, he was still released.  MediPea is a much better example.  Of course, with the new "minimum" standard that one must meet at the start of BMQ, lpfan55 would not have even made it to RFT.  On that note, why can't they get the "minimum" testing done at the CFRC?

To tell you the truth, I'm shocked that at 5'11" and 330 lbs, lpfan55 even made it past the medical at CFRC.  (Please accept an apology in advance as I am not picking on you personally, more so on the staff at the CFRC).


RFT saved me from getting booted after my first year because I was irresponsible and lazy during university, and I sure learned my lesson. I haven't failed a PT test since.

I agree with some of what you're saying. I definitely think we should implement the minimum testing at CFRC to avoid the expense of sending these people out to St-Jean only to get sent home. Economy is everything, and at least taking that measure can cut some losses.



One could argue that perhaps it was uneconomical to send lpfan55 to St-Jean for his tenure at RFT only to get released. Yes, it was one more adding to the pass:fail ratio, but that's not necessarily a bad thing all the time. As many have told me, CF is all about attitude. Definitely lpfan55 wants to be in the CF bad enough that he's going to do whatever it takes to get there. No, he might not have been so lucky the first time around, but now he's got the tools to make things right the second time around.

What happens when someone like lpfan55 stays the course, gets back in, passes their courses, and becomes an effective soldier? I would say that the first tenure was then quite economical. He's now got the tools to keep an effective fitness level throughout his career, and I'm sure he'll have learned his lesson.

As far as I'm concerned, even if someone does a tenure in RFT and doesn't come back for whatever reason, at least there is a chance they will take fitness seriously in their civilian life, and given the obesity epidemic in Canada, that might very well at least be a good thing for Canadian society. Perhaps not as economical for the military, but at least it keeps them out of the healthcare system... hopefully.

I think putting a dollar value on personnel is just not a good idea at all. How many MNVG's/Leo 2's/CF-18's is anyone on this board worth? Big deal, equipment is great, but pretty darned useless if there's no one to make use of it. We need people, and if that means giving a certain bracket of society at least a chance, so be it.

If you can’t pass the express test then I am not sure why we should send anyone for BMQ? I thought that was the whole point of the express test to see if you could make it in BMQ.

They should make a program that you can follow well at home and to that extent not on tax payer’s dime. Something that can help you get in shape and be able to pass the minimums on the express test.

Personally for everyone reading this if you can’t pass the minimums I don’t see why you would continue on. Take 6 months off and hit the gym. I am not trying to be mean here but come on … 

And I have to agree with PMedMoe get the testing done at the CFRC.

And AEC we have the people who can make use of it. Also I am all for allowing that certain "bracket" the opportunity but I would like a hardened effort (get in shape so you can at least make the minimums)on their part if this really is what they feel they want to do.

so by your standards Infanteer, people who get hurt during BMQ should also get released. oh no, people have to sit on PAT for 8 months while they get healed up, they're a drag on our military and the money spent on them would be better used on equipment [/end sarcasm]

do you know how many people on PAT at CFLRS are only there to abuse the system and get a free paycheck twice a month? more than i can count.

i did my time on RFT, and it greatly improved my fitness levels. it helped me get through BMQ both mentally and physically. i've never regretted being on RFT, and anyone who bad mouths RFT gets an earful from me.

most of the friends i have in the Armed Forces i met while on RFT, both NCM's and Officers. not one person while i was on RFT didn't bust their ass to pass that test, lpfan55 included.
As far as I'm concerned, even if someone does a tenure in RFT and doesn't come back for whatever reason, at least there is a chance they will take fitness seriously in their civilian life, and given the obesity epidemic in Canada, that might very well at least be a good thing for Canadian society. Perhaps not as economical for the military, but at least it keeps them out of the healthcare system... hopefully.

The CF are not a federaly-funded Jenny Craig program ::)

and anyone who bad mouths RFT gets an earful from me.

Please come to my office and try that.......
I'm actually very happy there are some people out there that understood what I was trying to say. And you know what? I'd make a safe bet that some of the personnel now that have passed RFT and are now in the CF could kick even some of the butts of people who doubt the program's effectiveness. I appreciate the feedback but I'm finished with this thread if it's just going to attacks on something that Has made me who I am for the better. And anyone who thinks that people are just statistics, or funds exploited, or a waste, hang your head and be ashamed of yourselves. Sometimes these people work harder than you know.  If there is anyone who wants to have a civilized conversation about this and can look at both sides instead of their own side, please feel free to message me. :2c: >:(


Ipfan I have no reason you doubt you or slander you in anyway.
I would love to have a civilized convo but I would just like to say that; a way to make sure that if people are going into this program that they continue on staying in shape and stay with the CF
King Elessar said:
i have no problems doing it when i'm in the right.

Right or not, i doubt you would give me an earful about anything. Check your profile and compare it to mine if you are wondering why.
Pat, I would love to give you a statistic on the rates of leaving vs going but i dont have one ;D so all i have to say is that in seven months the only person i ever saw leave was me due to not passing CF expres ;D
lpfan55 said:
Pat, I would love to give you a statistic on the rates of leaving vs going but i dont have one ;D so all i have to say is that in seven months the only person i ever saw leave was me due to not passing CF expres ;D


I have a question for you. The stated CF policy for RFT is that one is to be tested after 30 days, 60 days ( if required) and 90 days (if required). After 90 days, if the member cannot pass, he/she is to be released. How could you have been there 7 months ?
CDN Aviator said:
Right or not, i doubt you would give me an earful about anything. Check your profile and compare it to mine if you are wondering why.

ahhh the old pull rank. is this where i go " yes Sgt, no Sgt, sorry Sgt"?

doesn't matter what rank you are, harrasment is a no-no, and it's unbecoming of a soldier to belittle a group of people because they can't pass the fitness test. some example we set. "sorry you're too fat to join, so piss off!"
Pat_Y said:
Ipfan I have no reason you doubt you or slander you in anyway.
I would love to have a civilized convo but I would just like to say that; a way to make sure that if people are going into this program that they continue on staying in shape and stay with the CF

Is this based on your wealth of military fitness experience, or just an opinion?  You'd probably find that people who've been to the farm are less likely to let themselves go than those who never got singled out for a lack of fitness.
King Elessar said:
ahhh the old pull rank. is this where i go " yes Sgt, no Sgt, sorry Sgt"?

Of course not. If you want to have a frank discussion, thats fine by me. That being said, this is the CF and i would not accept an "earful" from you. If you have a problem with the CF rank structure and the proper way to adress senior ranks, you have the ability to seek other employment......or experience the CF justice system ....in case you ever decide to give the wrong person an "earfull".

doesn't matter what rank you are, harrasment is a no-no, and it's unbecoming of a soldier to belittle a group of people because they can't pass the fitness test. some example we set. "sorry you're too fat to join, so piss off!"

I have done no such thing....ever. I disagree with the RFT program, that is all i said. We have standards for a reason and those standards must be maintained. One of those standards is the expres test. You cant pass, i dont belittle anyone, i follow the established process to put the member on remedial and to have him/her retested and , if required, released.
Kat: I am happy to hear that but, as I have never been to CFLRS I can not comment on the percentages of those who stay in shape or do not. My opinion is based on both with more so of a common sense theme.

But in that case I guess a persons own personal views mixed with lack of hard facts can result in the lack of understanding someone else’s opinion.

And all I want to know is that if these men and women are going into this program that they are seeing results and that they are not just taking the system for a "joy ride" per say.

What are your guys plans when you have to feed yourselves,life gets stressful,and PT is something you have to squeeze into your lives by using precious time after supper instead of with your families?

What really scares me is what happens when you leave a very structured way of life and back into a unit.

Do you think active units have special time to work with you alone?
As well I asked this in another post however none of you would answer.So I'll try here.

The post is the last one in this thread.


p.s Pulling rank on a internet forum is lame.Very.
Well I think you hit the nail right on the head X-mo

Anyone else before posting I would you suggest you read the other thread.
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