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Responses to Sorry, we don't agree: "Fighting is for Men"

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3rd Horseman said:
I'm thinking......best I not comment at this point...... :rage:....MCPL...... ;D
3rd Horseman I'm giving you a +1 for this post. It is the best thing you've had to say since you've started visiting this forum...I'm talking the "best I not comment at this point" part.

Good job!! Keep it up!! No eggagerations...just stick to the nice clean facts of the matter...ahhh how nice it is  :D
When I was in Pang for Ex Narwhal there was a young female Inf Res who was in with 2 RCR for the Ex.  Some guy was complaining about all the crap he had to carry.  Well, she looked him up and down and said, "What are you complaining about?  You have 60 pounds and almost a foot on me and I'm carrying just as much as you are."  Then there were a few expletives in which she told him to shut the ^*@# up.
Strike said:
When I was in Pang for Ex Narwhal there was a young female Inf Res who was in with 2 RCR for the Ex.   Some guy was complaining about all the crap he had to carry.   Well, she looked him up and down and said, "What are you complaining about?   You have 60 pounds and almost a foot on me and I'm carrying just as much as you are."   Then there were a few expletives in which she told him to shut the ^*@# up.


Are you sure she wasn't the Reg F female they've had for about a year now? She's a phenomenally girl for her size and I see her out the back door of Clothing all the time. I counted off 14 chin-ups last time I saw her doing her PT. Good for her. I'm a scrapper and I don't think I'd like to piss her off!!
Hollywog said:
I mean if they are just as good and not riding coattails it would let them prove themselves beyond a doubt.
It was such a scam they would always be alongside men.   So I've seen women let guys carry backpacks, then guys get to dig trenches.
Never saw a woman carry a guys backpack, etc. 
I mean if they cry in peace time when emotionally distraught what would your mom be like in war?   If I was 5 I think I could have disarmed mine if she had a bayonet.  

Get out!!


EXCUSE ME!! Lifeguard of the genepool...I think you missed this one!!
Believe me IF I could clorox him - I would have...

  Thankyou, I will keep my pie hole shut and just watch those positive promote tags build...oh joy oh bliss....It will counter that overactive paracowboy neg tag ever 5 hours.

Oh and I like the picture of the Marine body builder, she must have been a real good addition to the motor pool since she was a maint person...I wonder how much combat the motor pool got in California.
Hollywog said:
And did joan of arc ever have to use a bayonet?

I think they were still using swords so heavy that it took two hands to use one back when she was around. ::)

Sarcasm off
Oh and I like the picture of the Marine body builder, she must have been a real good addition to the motor pool since she was a maint person...I wonder how much combat the motor pool got in California.

On behalf of my sister [ maint person] who did the same tours you did [only more]...frig off.
Is anyone in this world half as good as you are?   Jumpin' jesus....

EDIT: and that wasn't "frig".
As for women in the IDF, this is what Wikipedia had to say: "In a controversial move, the IDF abolished its "Womens Corps" command in 2004, with a view that it has become an anachronism and a stumbling block towards integration of women in the army as regular soldiers with no special status." To see the entire page go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Defense_Forces
Just adding more facts to the argument...


  Let me clarify for the benefit of all maint pers, the post had nil to do with the job she did just the reason it was trotted out.

bruce said On behalf of my sister [ maint person] who did the same tours you did [only more]...frig off.

Actually all the soldiers that served under my command were better than me, thats why I did so well. Hats off to them.. :salute:

Bruce said Is anyone in this world half as good as you are?  Jumpin' jesus....
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