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Reservists in AFG (merged)

Thanks for the replies, I suppose I won't get discouraged about it. Maybe we'll end up staying for a few more years, who knows. When parliament talks about ending the current mission, could that be something as simple as moving operations into another province (ie, Helmand)?

That doesn't seem to be the case. The door was left open, given that the 'end date' only stated that the troops would leave Kandahar province by 2011. Since then the conservatives have said that the bulk of troops will leave the country, not just the AO, and a small contingent will stay in some role.

However, who knows what that means? Maybe there will be PRT's, OMLT's staying?

It's been reported that U.S. lobby groups are working on a possible request of the Harper govt. to keep the troops there past 2011. Personlly I think Harper wants to stay, but he's playing politics to stay alive. He's not stupid and knows pulling an about face, or looking as if he mislead the country would be a death sentence for his government. Therefore it needs to be very calculated if they are thinking of staying.

I don't see it happening, but i wish it would as well, as I'm going to be in your shoes pretty soon. There will be more tours, and lots of other experiences in the army though.
ONT, you applied for ED&T and now you want to get on tour?

ONT said:
I don't mean to go a little off topic but this is the best spot I figured to ask this question. After talking to the unit clerk and due to some confusion I may be declared NES. Although I have put in for a ED&T form as of today so hopefully I'm not already NES. So my question is would having an NES on your record be a hindrance for applying to CSOR or JTF2 even though it should have easily been avoided and wasn't really my fault.
Flawed Design said:
ONT, you applied for ED&T and now you want to get on tour?
Yes I did, I don't see why that has anything to do with getting on a tour though. I wasn't scheduled for any courses for the time I requested the ED&T, just parade nights. It was only for a few weeks.
ONT said:
Yes I did, I don't see why that has anything to do with getting on a tour though. I wasn't scheduled for any courses for the time I requested the ED&T, just parade nights. It was only for a few weeks.

I wouldn't pick a soldier who requested to be exempt from training over a soldier who showed up every night for training and every exercise that's all.
As long as you show up one parade night a month (4 weeks) you don't need to go ED&T, I believe ED&T is intended for longer periods of time.

If your stuck at SQ level waiting on your infantry course all I can do is recommend attending as much training as possible.
Flawed Design said:
I wouldn't pick a soldier who requested to be exempt from training over a soldier who showed up every night for training and every exercise that's all.
As long as you show up one parade night a month (4 weeks) you don't need to go ED&T, I believe ED&T is intended for longer periods of time.

If your stuck at SQ level waiting on your infantry course all I can do is recommend attending as much training as possible.
That's true. However I didn't request ED&T just so I didn't have to train, I was in a mess up situation, but that's besides the point. I appreciate your replies.
Hi guys, me again

Sorry if this is in the wrong board, I couldn't find where to put it. I was wondering, if I were to join an Infantry Reserve regiment in Vancouver, is it possible I could be shipped to Afghanistan? And if so, how long would I be shipped there for?

I can't beleive you posted this too.

Welcome aboard, but don't expect any of us to do your leg work for you.
I am looking for some information from reservists who have deployed on Class C Contracts to Afghanistan.  I am attempting to put some stats together for a document i am writing.

I would like to know the following;

1.  On what tour did you deploy

2. Did you relinquish your rank to get a position on the tour.

3. If you did relinquish rank did do it voluntarily or was it a condition of the tour

4. If you did relinquish rank how many ranks did you drop

5. If you did not relinquish rank how did you reserve IPC compare to your Class C IPC?

the more data I can get the more accurate my info will be and the greater its effect might be.  I would prefer this info in the form of a message rather than a post in case i need to clarify some of the facts

thanks in advance 
Gotta ask, what is the document for? Is it for a school research project?
Just who would be even remotely interested in this document. This situation isn't new or exciting. It is also a SOP in quite a few cases for Reserve deployment\ employment.

Sound like someone feels short changed and needs ammo for a redress.

Let's cut the bullshit. Tell us the truth so we don't have to chase down the facts. We can likely do this in a few responses if you're up front. Otherwise, we'll be doing this thread for weeks and you still won't have an answer.
recceguy said:
Just who would be even remotely interested in this document.
D Res, for one.

recceguy said:
This situation isn't new or exciting. It is also a SOP in quite a few cases for Reserve deployment\ employment.
  Voluntary reliqushments, yes (i.e. Sgt deployed in a MCpl position - overranked - reverts to a MCpl).  Involuntary relinquishments, no (i.e. Sgt deployed in a Sgt position reverted to MCpl).

recceguy said:
Let's cut the bullshit. Tell us the truth so we don't have to chase down the facts. We can likely do this in a few responses if you're up front.

Yes, please do.
I found the biggest issue was Res members being short changed due largely to messed up MPRs. I think that's what they are called anyways.  With 5 years plus chane of class B and C service as a Corporal I still had someone telling me I was only Cpl (1).

Because of the "Your contract isn't secure! You can be fired any minute!" threat constantly thrown at reservists most guys and girls didn't even bother to argue for themselves.