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Reservists in AFG (merged)

MULTIPLE Communications Reservists...763 (Ottawa) Communications Regiment, among others.
Had a Regina Rifle with my PL on my rotation (the evil little Gnome!)
In August, the last month I have figures for, there were members of virtually every unit of the Army Reserve on class C service deployed on operations, preparing to deploy, or on standby on the second line of operations.  Different branches have different participation rates, but you'll find Reservists from all units, in all trades, at all ranks from Pte to BGen deploying on operations.

In other words, for a list of units providing personnel on operations, you could look at this topic:

My Regiment (RHFC) has quite a few in Afghanistan right now (9)...

Almost half are with 1 RCR and the rest are with NSE / Other.

Since I'm home now, I've been trying to organize care packages and christmas video messages for them.

BTW.  If your reserve unit has anyone over there who is outside the wire a lot, and you want to send them usefull stuff in a care package; Wet wipes, Brush ups (disposable tooth brushes), small snacks (Sun flower seeds, nut, power bars, etc.), reading material, and vitamins (they don't eat much... I left a huge bottle of multi vitamins in the LAV).  All this stuff helps... especially wet wipes (aka, field shower)


- Piper
There are six members of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders deployed in Afghanistan, ranging in rank from Major to Cpl.

RHFC_piper said:
If your reserve unit has anyone over there who is outside the wire a lot, and you want to send them usefull stuff in a care package; Wet wipes, Brush ups (disposable tooth brushes), small snacks (Sun flower seeds, nut, power bars, etc.), reading material, and vitamins (they don't eat much... I left a huge bottle of multi vitamins in the LAV).  All this stuff helps... especially wet wipes (aka, field shower)

Good on ya, Piper.  A local service club "adopted" the six Glens and several other Reg F soldiers from the same city and has sent care packages including those items and much more.  The big requested item was beef jerky.

Good luck on your recovery. 
Haggis said:
There are six members of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders deployed in Afghanistan, ranging in rank from Major to Cpl.

Good on ya, Piper.  A local service club "adopted" the six Glens and several other Reg F soldiers from the same city and has sent care packages including those items and much more.  The big requested item was beef jerky.

Good luck on your recovery. 

Any kind of snacky foods are greatly appreciated over there.. preferably healthy stuff.. Eating IMPs every day is just wrong, and having something like Beef Jerky or breakfast bars really breaks up the monotony. 

The day I was wounded, I had a blueberry pop tart and a bag of sweet chili flavoured chips for breakfast... not the healthiest, I know, but it beats IMP Omlette with Salsa... for the 8th time in a row... cold... ugh.

Just don't send C Coy any Combo's (the cheese filled Pretzel bits)... we had lots... we got sick of them.  I never want to see a Cheddar Jalapeno Combo again for the rest of my life.
Eight Camerons from Ottawa deployed that I'm aware of- though we might have had one or two more go over short notice on support roles that I'm not aware of. I'm embarrassed to say I don't know exactly. An Lt., a Sgt., and six Cpls.
nsmedicman said:
AFAIK....with 1-07.....there will be infanteers from each of the units within 36 & 37 Bde, to augment 2RCR, including at least 20 from the local unit (1NSH) Are there any from the other units going as well?

More than just infanteers...

My Regiment has quite a few going.  No numbers or positions for obvious reasons.  Some that trained me...some that I trained...

There is one that is from Tess's Regiment that works with my unit that is over now...he emailed me last week..."I am more tired, dirty and alive than I have ever been".

Stay safe boys  :salute: 

Sticks on the ice...
most regiments sent about 8 personnel

don't quote me... but that seems the norm in LFCA

Tor Scots sent 8, Royals sent some that I know of, so I'm
sure just about every regt sent some type of support
A guy I know from the Brockville Rifles is over there right now. I've been told that my driver for 1-07 is from the PEIR I just got told on Tuesday that I was going to be going as a Gunner in an Engineer  LAV in February, so I haven't met my driver or crew commander yet.
Just from the Res Units here on the Island, all will be represented on TF1-07

18 from the Armd Recce mentionned in the post below;
2 from the Comm Sqn;
and 2 NavRes who will be serving aboard ships.

It is garnering it's fair share of media attention in this province. The little one-person staff of the MFRC here in my building is very very busy but not just with the members above families and loved ones, there are a whole lot of Islanders in-theatre now doing their part.
the 48th regulator said:
48th Highlanders are there.



And one of them got quoted in the star last month to boot!  Figures a 48th would compare Kandahar to working in Jane and Finch mall.
career_radio-checker said:
I know people from 709(Toronto) and 744(Vancouver) just got back this summer.

The last four people from 744 on Op Archer are returning next week. We have five more, including myself, who are nominated for TF Afghan Roto 3.
735 Comms here in the Peg has sent a few, as well as the RWR

Our Padre is over there right now at Nathan Smith. One member of the Regt just came back, and we're looking at 20-25 for TF 01-08.