I was present at the CFPMP breifing this afternoon in Ottawa (for anyone who was there, I was the, ahem, more involved member of the crowd

The main points that are new or different from previous information follow.
1. All members eligible to enrol in Part I.1 (part-time) or part I (full-time) will receive a letter from DAPPP (the military pay folks); these should arrive between mid-March and mid-April.
2. Pension deductions for eligible members will begin on mid-March payrun for pay earned on or after 01 March 2007. These will be current deductions only; elections for prior service will follow.
3. For part I (full-time) at least, if documentation cannot be found, the old "1/4 time" rule will be applied for periods other than class B and C, where the member was neither NES nor ED&T (other than MATA/PATA ED&T).
4. To be eligible for an annuity or allowance, a Reserve Force member must release from the CF. Transfer to the Sup Res will not result in an entitlement for Reserve Force members. Reg F members will still beable to release with an annuity and immediately join the Reserve Force.
5. A Res Force member in receipt of an annuity may not resume serving. Only former Regular Force mebmers may draw an annuity and continue to serve; Reservists will cease receiving any benefits under the CFSA upon resuming service, whether full or part time.
6. Under Part I at least (not sure about part I.1) a member's estate will receive 5 years of benefits if the member leaves no survivors.
7. Accumulated RFRG cannot be transferred directly to the pension plan to buy back service.
8. All paid service will count for determining eligibility, regardless of whether a member elects to buy it back. Not buying back service will lead to reduced benefits.
9. Members will have up to 3 years to elect after the coming into force; for members becoming eligible in the future they will have 1 year from their eligibility date to elect.
10. Interest on contributions will be paid based on the rates in force in the current year. For example: the rate for Part I./1 is 4.3% in 2007; that is the rate you will pay on old earnings if you elect this year. if you elect next year, the rate will be 4.6%; you will pay that rate on old earnings if you elect next year. (this is the contribution on earnings, not the interest - that rate is 7%).
Those are the big points that jumped out at me; there may be others I'll recall as I review my notes. I will also review the calculator I posted earlier, and make any adjustments necessary. The "Official" DND calculator should be posted to the DAPPP website March 1st or so - it will assist you in determining your contributions. The benefits calculator will follow later.