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Reserve MP

63 Delta

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What exactly is the job of an Reserve MP? How much of a difference is it from the Reg Force MPs? Are they able to arrest and act as Police Officer as well? Or are they just to provide security? I looked on a reserve MP site but it doesnt give much information on there role. Is it harder to get into a reserve MP unit then it is to get into a reserve infantry or armoured unit?
As far as I know, Reserve MPs can not arrest people, since they are not Law Enforment officers, the Reg Force MPs are, and they can arrest people.

Thats about the best I can do for you, just wait untill one of the MPs on the boards finds this, an fills you in.
521, try contacting an MP unit close to you and speaking to someone there or go view the videos they have on the trade at the CFRC. I haven‘t seen the video myself but I did speak to someone at the MP Platoon unit here in Ottawa and he was very helpful.

Also to be able to get into a Res MP unit, you have to be "invited" is what I was told. They will want to interview you first. I don‘t know if that is standard for all units but that is how they operate here in Ottawa.
Reserve MPs have the same arresting powers as a bloke working at 7-11. A Citizen‘s arrest.

Regular Force MPs have ‘peace officer status‘ and arresting powers Canada wide, and are classed as ‘police officers‘, having the same powers of arrest as RCMP and regional/city police. At least it was like that 10 yrs ago, and I cant see that changing.

Regular Force Military Police also have a badge with a number too, similar to the RCMP.

So, there is a big difference.

Reserve Military police do have a role, and it can range from establishing PW cages, to marking routes for convoys, but in reality these are common duties to both Regular and Reserve MPs.

MPs have many roles besides the power of arrest.

I think the only lophole may be when a Reserve MP gets onto a ‘Class C callout‘( not a class B or Class B ‘A‘). This may change his status but only for the duraction of teh Class C, again i might be wrong here.


You see, you learn something new every day. I was unaware of the difference between Res MP‘s and Reg Force MP‘s. As it is, my dealings with MP‘s has been few and far between (thankfully), but there is a guy where I work who used to be a Res MP before he became a Crewman, so maybe I‘ll talk to him next week, and help y‘all out if there isn‘t any breaking news on this subject before then.

In the US Army, the job of the reserve MP is to lose the moral highground by being retarded with your digital camera...


sorry, couldn‘t resist.
hmmmmmmmmm, where do I start. Wesley is right in his post. Reserve MP‘s are strictly field soldiers. They are tasked with POW and route signing, that kind of stuff. Reserve MP‘s do not get badges are are cannot arrest under the definition of a peace officer in the Criminal code. Their arrest powers falls under the citizens arrest clause. There is an exception to that though. ARAF MP‘s or air reserve MPs do get badges and take the same QL courses as us reg force types. When they are engaged in their duties, they carry the badge and have all the bells and whistles like us. The only difference is at the end of the day, they must return all the gear, including their badges. Army reserve MP‘s have their own QL courses and as such, are not trained to the same standard as regular force MP‘s.

The regular force MP‘s can be employed in guardhouses across Canada doing domestic style policing. i.e. traffic accidents, assaults, domestics...whatnot, or they can be employed within the various filed MP platoons. There are also embassy tours with the MSGU units across the world. Domestic policing operations can vary from base to base. Some bases are busy and some are very slow! Hope this helps!
Right on, thanks for all the replies everybody. That sure helped out. And sorry about the wrong forum, its sometimes hard to figure out the proper place to post your topic. :)
I just started as a reserve MP and dont know much yet, but is it possible for a reserve MP to provide security to an embassy with the Military Security Guard Unit?
no.....................you'd have to fight off all the reg force types that kill each other for the MSGU postings.....
There are those that say reserve MPs are responsible for a fraction of Tim Horton's revenues.
what about the RCMP? Actually, any police or quazi police type organization..... IMHO
It's all hearsay about the Ti.....
Sorry, Got some Boston Cream on my key..
Damn it now I've spilled my DD

At least the redhats now are issued with a sense of humor ;D
I'm not quite sure I got issued the same sense of humour that MP's do... and coming from a former CF member and a current RCMP member of 7 years, the Tim Horten jokes are a little old.  You find me a Timmies anywhere near a CF base, and it's just as full of infanteers, crewman, and every other trade under the sun.  Don't open you're mouth to shove that Timbit in, until you've walked a mile in that officer's shoes, and done or seen some of the things he may have had to that shift.

Well said, Blackhorse.

I work in a small BC town, and we fight over patient transfers to the bustling metropolis of Kamloops or 100 Mile House;  there's good coffee there.
Hoorah, Paramedtech...

It's nice to hear a voice of support every now and then.   I've been with a crew before that had attended some of our more gruesome MVA's.   Had to do CPR on a dude that dropped in front of his son in a bus with the EHS crew.   They were a good bunch.   Professional, right there with advice when needed or required... just top notch.   He (the patient), of course didn't make it, but the EHS members on scene were gold...   :salute:
Thanks, we try.

Kudo's to the RC's, too, you guys up in PG don't have a job I envy.

All that being said, I did name my rottwieler Donut.

What else do you call a dog whose parents are a cop and paramedic?
