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Reserve jobs


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What jobs are available in the reserves part-time, at the age of 17? I have heard that MP's do not need the college degree in the reserves, so I am wondering if any other jobs are like that. Also, what is the job with the most spots for a 17 year old in the reserves?
There are numerous jobs available within the reserves a 17 year old could get within the Combat Arms, Combat Support and Combat Service Support. Plus Navy and Air Reserves(if in your area).

The best thing you can do, is to figure out what Reserve units are in your area and find out what they do and what interests you.  You can visit the unit, and search for the units and trades online for information. As well, by contacting the unit you can find out what they have openings for.

To find out what units are in your area, you can do a google search, example

"Army Reserves in Toronto"
"Navy Reserves in Vancouver"
Find a Recruitment Centre

Browse Jobs
The problem with browse jobs is that, for example, it does not say that reserve MP's do not need the college degree. I am just wondering if there are any other jobs like that available. Also, what are the age requirements for a reserve MP?
I like to add one more thing to what Skeletor said. Pick more than one unit. I don't just mean by simply writing down two more trades because a piece of paper says you can. I mean really pick at least one more you really want. This way if your reject by one  you won't be as crushed. This happened to me, I was rejected and I was very upset. Thankfully I end up loving what unit I went to. Just food for thought.
tristan439 said:
The problem with browse jobs is that, for example, it does not say that reserve MP's do not need the college degree. I am just wondering if there are any other jobs like that available. Also, what are the age requirements for a reserve MP?

If you, "Find a Recruitment Centre", you can contact the Reserve MP unit in your area. They can answer your questions.

You can also search the Reserve MP discussions here.

Oh!  By the way; some of these Reserve jobs are "name only".  If you have no Policing credentials, you are not really a policeman in the Reserves as a MP.  Do not go thinking that you will be a military police officer with any LEO authority without any certification.
Use the Browse job filters:

Gr 10, Gr 10 with math/sc, Highschool
Part time

MP shows up only when you have "Tech Sc/Col" selected as well.