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Remembrance Day Project at work.


Jr. Member
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Good day ladies and gents.

I have taken the initiative at work to start a project on Remembrance Day and am soliciting ideas to make this a project that will hit home.

The current practice at my work for Remembrance Day is two observe 2 minutes of silence, nothing more.  Although the 2 minutes in itself is a great sign of respect, I wish to do something more.

I was thinking along the lines of creating a mural like display containing information on the history and significance of Remembrance Day and all that it entails.  In addition, my project would include the contributions of all co-workers (i.e poems, thoughts, open-letter, pictures and anecdotes). 

Although I have those ideas in mind, I am looking for more ideas.  I would appreciate any feedback or ideas pertaining to this project.

Thank you in advance.

There might be some good info here..
Thanks for pointing me in the direction for some info.  Although it was not quite what I envisioned, I did finds an idea that I may use, that of the slide show.
