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Reinstate the Airborne Petition

  • Thread starter Thread starter RoyalHighlander
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The point of bringing back the "Canadian Airborne Regiment" is moot. Once a unit is "disbanded" they are gone forever, no other unit can take the name, or cap badge of that unit again. The RegF Queens Own, Black Watch etc., were not "disbanded" merely they were reduced to "nill strength" and/or "amalgamted" with other units and and all serving members were sent to or were absorbed by other units. So technically those units still exist on paper (those that didn‘t have reserve battallions ie Queens Own). There was an article in the maple leaf about 1-2 years describing this. You can look it up online if you choose to. Maybe 2nd Canadian Parachute Regiment?
The point of bringing back the "Canadian Airborne Regiment" is moot. Once a unit is "disbanded" they are gone forever, no other unit can take the name, or cap badge of that unit again.
Would you mind giving us references to this ? BTW, 1st Can Para was a Battalion, not a Regt. So the proper appelletion would be: 2nd CDN Parachute Battalion. But then again, the 2nd Can Para existed for a while, and became the base of the CDN component of the 1st SSF. If anything is moot, it is someone coming on here flapping their gums without doing proper research.
One I forgot there was a 2nd Para, two the article was the Maple Leaf about a year or two ago, no I don‘t remember which issue, I can currently searching all the issue myself cause the DND search engine sucks. When I find the article I will post a link.
Sorry, Falcon, but there are precedents for reinstating "disbanded" regiments.

During the 18th and 19th centuries the Royal Newfoundland Regiment then part of the British Army was disbanded several times. For the most part this was at the end of hostilities, although once it was for "Fenian sympathies" as basically the whole Bn it appeared was full of Irish rebels (big surprise considering it was recruited from a colony full of Irish settlers).

The last time it was disbanded and it‘s colours laid up was at the end of WWI. It was then reconstituted again in 1949.

Basically if the Government or the higher ups are using this as their reason to say no to the CAR, then once again their full of it.
"2nd Canadian Parachute Regiment" was already used, during World War Two. It was the official name of the Canadian contingent, 1st Special Service Force.

Danjanou is correct, there have been other "disbanded" regiments resurrected, and there is nothing written in stone about it. It‘s not like God descends from the heavens to create and disband regiments, it is mortal beings in Parliament and NDHQ who do these things, and any thing they do, can be undone.
"2nd Canadian Parachute Regiment" was already used, during World War Two. It was the official name of the Canadian contingent, 1st Special Service Force.
Again Michael, it was a Battalion, not a Regt. The 2 Can Para Batts were never organised into a Regt structure, and they were part of different formations with different roles:
- 1st Can Para: 6th British Airborne Division
- 2nd Can Para: 1st Special Service Force
found the article in the maple leaf
http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/community/mapleleaf/html_files/html_view_e.asp?page=Vol4_28____Entrenous14-15, and I was wrong about the Queens Own and Black Watch Reg Force Battalions, they were disbanded, they left their orignal reserve battalions in place