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Reinstate the Airborne Petition

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Good idea????
Yes, it is a good idea.

Will a petition do anything in parliment? I highly doubt it. The current government won‘t put the money or resources into resurrecting the airborne.

I doubt even if it would get to that point where there was actual discussion on the subject from a petition. How many signatures do you think they‘re going to get? Not many because it‘s time consuming and "hard" to do by todays standards. Online petitions are what people are looking for. I‘m sure most don‘t really want to print this thing out, find 24 people to sign it and then buy a stamp and send it off to the CA. Thats just the way it goes these days.
I guess you didn‘t read the part stating free postage.
Obviously not.

Does that go for all letters going to MP‘s and other government officials?
Just a small note here. We are supposed to be politically neutral so you may want think twice before signing petitions generated by a political party. Do I seriously think something would come of it if signed your name on any of these petitions? No, but nevertheless... it‘s part of being a soldier to support whatever government in power even if they don‘t support us. But I didn‘t say that.
ah, here it is. Just in case anyone here wanted to sign this or any other petition they should at least be aware.

QR&O Chapter 19
No officer or non-commissioned member shall without authority:

(a) combine with other members for the purpose of bringing about alterations in existing regulations for the Canadian Forces;

(b) sign with other members memorials, petitions or applications relating to the Canadian Forces; or

(c) obtain or solicit signatures for memorials, petitions or applications relating to the Canadian Forces.
I‘m sure this has come up before, but why was the airborne originally disbanded? I heard the REAL story was because one numpty beat a civilian to death, and rather than blaming that individual, the entire regiment got the blame... then again, I don‘t really remember the story, so can anyone help me out?
The airborne went into Somalia on a combat mission, not peacekeeping but was not well enough equipped to keep people out and the troops safe. Many times Somalies were caught inside the Canadians base. One Somalie was beaten to death and basically tortured by a few Canadian paratroopers. This led to a cover-up by th government, which eventually led to more lies. By 95 the Airborne had been rejuvinated by getting rid of the bad apples. The problem was basically solved, however, much damage had been done and the government decided it was best to scrap the entire unit.

What I described was a very vague generalization. I am not in the Airborne, nor have I ever been. I have read a few websites on the topic, had an Economics Professor who was in the Navy and knew Airborne guys, and I watched a couple specials on CBC and the History Channel. That is where I get my information from. I don‘t want to step on any toes.

For more detailed information go to:

From what I‘ve heard, the CAR was on the chopping block before the Somolia incident. The Somolia incident just was used as an excuse to get rid of it.
Ghost778, see QR&O Chapter 19 as cited by Maven.

The disbanding of the Airborne was a tragic blow to our armed forces in terms of prestige and morale. The problem faced with reinstating an entire regiment boils down to cost and man power though. We simply cannot afford to strip units of this quantity of trained soldiers and then replace them with Joe Civie. The current solution of Para Coys‘ meets our needs and frees up a good chunk of operating capitol.
ForeverPvt: If you think the current CF airborne capability is sufficient, consider this:

All of the Para Coys are located in opposing ends of the country. They have to come to a central location to train, and are required to do a minimum number of jumps (3-4 I think) every year to remain current.

As it stands now, there are nowhere NEAR the number of airplanes, pilots, fuel and allotments for parachuting to supply every para Coy with everything they need. For example: since 3 PPCLI has trouble accessing Hercs (the hercs are incredibly overtasked as it is), often they have to do jumps out of chinooks, because of the proximity of 408 helicopter squadron. This isn‘t a bad thing, but it makes it clear how stretched our assets really are. If they were located in Trenton, however, where the jump school is, there is an allotment of hercs currently in place who are tasked with parachuting. It just makes logistical sense (which is probably why it isn‘t being done ;) ).

ALSO, only 1 Coy out of 3 in a battalion is airborne capable, so the battalion commander can‘t plan any battalion level airborne ops, since it is in no way possible to have all the paratroopers in the same location at the same time.

Would it not make a great deal more sense to keep them all in the same location, somewhere where the assets to keep the trained is readily available, where they can remain current in all of their training without having to fly across the country several times a year, as well as being able to deploy quickly. Since they are a light infantry unit, even without airborne assets, it‘s much easier logistically to deploy (without the requirement of armour, as many vehicles, fuel etc.) than it is for a mechanized battalion.
Sorry, 408 doesn‘t have any Chinooks. The CF didn‘t think they were any good and got rid of them many moons ago...
A person in a "Hard Para Position" must jump at least once every 90 days or he must do a refresher, which is technically better then a jump because you have to practice all of your drills.
CPC often has the same problems with Herc‘s as everyone else!
Nice to see the piece of crap they are using now.
Can‘t lift a sack full of wet s***.

Gimme the old Chinook any day or night for that matter.

Jumping in the U.S is the way to go.They could lift half the world anytime any place.Great jump programs too. Did 22 jumps in 4 days once.

Loved the airborne here at home but Maroon Berets will always survive somehow. Had a few colours in my time but I was proud to wear maroon.
I believe in the Canadian Alliance election campaign proposal it includes the reinstatement of the Canadian Airborne Regiment.

But whether the CA will keep their promise, that‘s another story.

Doug: I had to look back on my own post on that one. I meant to say Griffons, don‘t know why Chinook came out. Probably because I‘m on course and am seriously sleep f#$ked.
In my limited knowledge of the airborne, I heard a few men tortured and beat a teenager to death. The camp had a problem with ppl breaking into it to steal anything they could lay their hands on. They would prbobaly kill for your pair of boots. Anyways they caught a guy and killed him through torture and displayed his body as a trophy which is horrific no matter what the circumstances. T

The unit also had problems with disipline at the time and control of the unit was being lost by the officers. There were fights at the Karina club (the aibrone club in Petawawa). They disbanded before something worse happened in Canada itself. They also diosbanded it because everyone was covering for everyone else and they didnt know hopw deep or high it went.

Unfortunately MOST blame can be put on the government who sent a highly trained motivated and elite unit overseas with dire warnings of dangers of what to expect on their "police" action. As consequnece the airboren took a no **** from anybody attitude. The y did the equivalent of sending the JTF 2 on angry pills to guard a high school dance.

Also if the government wanted to spend more money and resoruces they could of easily found the right people to blame and took action on those alone, but money is money and it was cheaper to disband the whole unit. Also at this phase the CF had already begun to be slashed for money by the current governemt. Not only that but the public wanted the military as a whole to pay and to make sure everyone was punished. They were horrified and wanted blood. This probably the only time the general public dwelled apon justice in the ruling and not compassion.

Now before I get any angry airborne guys jumping me in the streets and sodomizing my corpse Id like to say all this info is from other sources and could potentially be wrong, I wasnt there so I wouldn‘t know for usre. If you know for sure that something in this post is incorrect plz correct it and accept my apologies.

The disbanding of the airborne was a blow to the morale and esprit du corp of the CF. However in my eyes anyone who was Ex-airborne was and always
will be airborne for as long as they live and long after they die. I respcet the airborne soldiers that i meet more then most officers I know. The airborne still exists in pride and spirit of the CF, how times have you heard someone say "Yeah well my Sarge is Ex- Airborne so Ha!!". Their still here just not in unit structure. For the best **** exhibit on the airborne go to the Petawawa musuem and take a look, it brings taht ache to your heart feeling and theres a monument there that will send chills down your spine.

As for voting for the alliance in just to get more money to the CF and getting the airborne back, F*** that the alliance are also bigoted racist and homophobic, they want to strip the rights of native americans who deserve every single one, use catholisim in the government as well as reinsert it in public schools and close the borders to immigrantion almost compleltey except those rich enough to donate. They want to defently get rid of homosexual marriage. It aint worth protecting a country like that with my blood.

Thats my 2 cents time to go back to work.
I was watching a show on the airborne and they were talking about how they gave the para guys some drugs so they wouldnt get a virus transmited by some bug. It has side effects like making them more agressive, and that was one of the reasons why they tortured and killed the kid. Is this true?