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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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habsman18 said:
Thanks, but I have previously looked at that website and they don't give information on what to expect on the tour they just tell you when and how to get there. I would like to know what will happen when I arrive there. I know they will give me a tour but what else?

Hello!  :camo: I'm currently a student at RMC, and while I am not a Cadet Ambassador, I may be able to give you a quick insight as to what to expect to see on your tour.
The RMC campus is not like other university/college campuses around the country. It's very small and compact. Let's just say that I am able to wake up 10 minutes before a class with messy hair and no uniform on, and still arrive to class with a couple of minutes to spare. There are two main academic buildings here, which you'll most likely briefly walk through and be shown where the different departments are located. There are also 6 residence buildings here, which I know for a fact you'll be walking through (at least one of them, anyways.) I saw a March Break tour group barge through my residence the other day!!  :P They'll most likely show you Parade Square, Mackenzie Building (the main building of the campus where the Commandant of the College, Sergeant Major, Chief...etc. work), the Senior Staff Mess, Brucie (a famous RMC statue)... I can't think of much else. Like I said, the campus is rather small. I'm thinking the tour guide will focus much more on the historical aspect of the College. RMC is very historically rich.  ;D
Hope that helped!
ElecEngGirl said:
Incoming ROTP first years will have completed ~7 weeks of their Basic Military Officers Qualification course before academics get started.
(I am a current student at RMC, and we have been advised to modify our training tactics for next fall due to the fact that first years will now have some military experience!!)

This "7" weeks of training, is now referred to as RMC/CMR BMOQ Mod 1.
DAA said:
This "7" weeks of training, is now referred to as RMC/CMR BMOQ Mod 1.

Is it at RMC/CMR or at MEGA?  If it is at RMC/ CMR, then there is already 7 weeks of OP in place. What will happen to the OP then?
Is it at RMC/CMR or at MEGA?  If it is at RMC/ CMR, then there is already 7 weeks of OP in place. What will happen to the OP then?

The training takes place at CFLRS St Jean (the MEGA).
Is it at RMC/CMR or at MEGA?  If it is at RMC/ CMR, then there is already 7 weeks of OP in place. What will happen to the OP then?

We were indicated that BMOQ Mod 1 and OP (FYOP - First Year Orientation Period) would remain separate. There will still be 5 weeks of intense, adrenaline-rushed training!!  ;D
Though OP will have to be modified a bit, since incoming first years will already have military experience coming into RMC (unlike all of us currently at RMC...).
ElecEngGirl said:
We were indicated that BMOQ Mod 1 and OP (FYOP - First Year Orientation Period) would remain separate. There will still be 5 weeks of intense, adrenaline-rushed training!!  ;D
Though OP will have to be modified a bit, since incoming first years will already have military experience coming into RMC (unlike all of us currently at RMC...).

I agree with you.

While BMOQ after 1st year itself(10 weeks) is not a happy camping for many, now straight into MEGA from High School will be challenging and early adjustment.. Good for them and rest of their life at RMC will be easy for them.
Is "RMC/CMR BMOQ Mod 1" also offered to Civy U students? Would they complete Mod 1 training in the summer before their 1st year of subsidization along with the RMC/ CMR guys?

J.J.Y said:
Is "RMC/CMR BMOQ Mod 1" also offered to Civy U students? Would they complete Mod 1 training in the summer before their 1st year of subsidization along with the RMC/ CMR guys?


I do believe that this will be the case.
Hello to all,

I'm pleased to say that I have been recently been offered ROTP at RMC for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer (EME) with subsidization for 4 years.

However, I have recently completed 2 years of Chemical Engineering at uOttawa, knocking out the big basic courses such as ALL mathematics required for engineers, general sciences, and as well as some introductory engineering courses such as: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Chemical Processes. After researching the list of courses required to be done for Chemical Engineering at RMC, the course list compared to uOttawa is very similar with of course the exception of the military knowledge and leadership courses.

Regardless of anything, I am being enrolled in as a "1st year student" with 4 years to complete. In addition, I have my official transcript ready from uOttawa from my 2 years of education under Chemical Engineering.

Would it be possible for the administration at RMC to transfer some credits I received at uOttawa to RMC? I do not mind to repeat some, but I don't feel it is necessary for me to repeat courses like Intro to Calculus again and such.

Same trade, similar position. I've completed first year engineering at a CivyU (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Thermo I, and a few others quite similar to those in the Eng program at RMC) and will probably need to retake a few of them. I was going  to inquire with them as to when the so-called PLAR is completed (prior learning assessment). I will post back what I find.

You should be able to get a large amount of credits transferred especially with the math courses judging by what I've read on the RMC page. It's just the matter of 'how' I'm not sure about.

Have a read on the RMC website for more information here: http://www.rmc.ca/en/registrars-office/prior-learning-assessment
How do I say this.  In no way in hell should you accept that offer.  The reason you are going to have to do all 4years is because you have to go through all the  military stuff at RMC.  They don't give a crap about your credits.  Finish your last two years and then enter the military DEO.  For gods sake engineering is hard enough, don't make it harder by doing an extra 2years at mil col.
AirPeaches said:
Same trade, similar position. I've completed first year engineering at a CivyU (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Thermo I, and a few others quite similar to those in the Eng program at RMC) and will probably need to retake a few of them. I was going  to inquire with them as to when the so-called PLAR is completed (prior learning assessment). I will post back what I find.

You should be able to get a large amount of credits transferred especially with the math courses judging by what I've read on the RMC page. It's just the matter of 'how' I'm not sure about.

Have a read on the RMC website for more information here: http://www.rmc.ca/en/registrars-office/prior-learning-assessment

Will do. As a student having finished 2 years however, it would be quite the challenge to repeat courses like Heat Transfer (one of the hardest engineering courses in my opinion) which I was graded an A. Please do let me know what you find. Thanks.

Underway said:
How do I say this.  In no way in hell should you accept that offer.  The reason you are going to have to do all 4years is because you have to go through all the  military stuff at RMC.  They don't give a crap about your credits.  Finish your last two years and then enter the military DEO.  For gods sake engineering is hard enough, don't make it harder by doing an extra 2years at mil col.

Fair enough Underway, however in this state in Ontario the jobs are quickly being wiped for Chemical Engineering. I have heard DEO only accepts specific trades if they're in demand and/or you're lucky, so the chance of me returning in 2 years and getting EME again is unlikely. In addition, I'm eager to experience the life of the military and their strict yet rewarding circumstances, as this compliments my personality and learning style. But I agree, they may not give me a lot of or any credits, and 2 extra years is another obstacle.
rhutc060 said:
Will do. As a student having finished 2 years however, it would be quite the challenge to repeat courses like Heat Transfer (one of the hardest engineering courses in my opinion) which I was graded an A. Please do let me know what you find. Thanks.

Fair enough Underway, however in this state in Ontario the jobs are quickly being wiped for Chemical Engineering. I have heard DEO only accepts specific trades if they're in demand and/or you're lucky, so the chance of me returning in 2 years and getting EME again is unlikely. In addition, I'm eager to experience the life of the military and their strict yet rewarding circumstances, as this compliments my personality and learning style. But I agree, they may not give me a lot of or any credits, and 2 extra years is another obstacle.

I contacted my file manager at my local CFRC and from my understanding, we will be receiving 'joining instructions' for RMC and in there, there will be instructions to bring current transcripts as well as course descriptions of any and all courses you wish to consider for transfer (all the documents they list on the link I posted earlier). Apparently we would discuss credit transfer intentions with the College staff when registering for courses.

Personally, I don't mind having to repeat the courses I have taken this past year, I know most of them won't transfer anyway. Heck it would be my third time taking first year calculus, physics, and chemistry (having taken in High School). In a way it may make the integration into the 'RMC lifestyle' and FYOP a little easier if some courses you're taking are review ( you would be surprised how much easier it is taking a course for the 2nd time). But as I say, I only completed first year and would personally it would be a huge setback having to retake as many courses as you have already taken, especially ALL engineering math courses and courses like Heat Transfer.

Anyway, hope this helps!
To all,

One of the recruiters has talked to many officials at RMC and as well at Borden about my question. In my circumstance they mentioned my course-load will be decreased significantly and I may graduate in 3 years instead of 4 (by policy, the minimum years to graduate at RMC is 3), due to my case of finishing 1st and 2nd year of engineering. This is in the case if I fill out a PLAR form and make sure I have my transcript is with me AND my grades are in good academic standing.

Hope this helps anyone else who is in a similar situation as I am.

All the best to all, glad to be a part of the Canadian Forces.

(As for AirPeaches, hope to see you at RMC, glad to be joining the same trade, thanks)
rhutc060 said:
Fair enough Underway, however in this state in Ontario the jobs are quickly being wiped for Chemical Engineering..

It's not that they're being wiped. It's just that you can't expect and engineering job that requires hands on work(most of the time) with a degree, so it's either you choose to get your masters and/or Ph.D for some weird reason and try that way, or you go to college and take the practical portion of what your degree does.

Sorry if this is not the appropriate place to be posting this, but I do have a question about rules in regards to transferring between RMC and civilian university.

My long-time boyfriend recently got accepted into the CAF and we are both very excited as this is something he has wanted for a long time.

He was hoping to go to a civilian university since he is a bit older than probably most who attend and live at RMC and also we were hoping to stay together as we both live in western Canada.

However, they declined his application for civilian university so RMC is now his only choice. I'm just wondering if that's it... Or if there is some sort of appeal he can make (maybe after his first year?) to come back to the west and finish schooling at the university he wanted to go to?

It is perhaps selfish of me to ask this question, but it is very hard to accept the fact that we will likely be apart for a long time. It is especially hard since we have been together for over five years. I just want to know if there is any options available to him.

Thank you in advance for your help or any guidance on this issue.
I can't really answer your question. What I do want to ask is what happens if he is posted to the Eastern part of Canada? Would you move with him? What if farther down his career he gets an out of Canada posting? You should know that he can be bounced around all over the country. RMC would just be the beginning of it. So are you willing to follow him or have a long distance relationship for periods of time? There are many things you and your boy friend should discuss and try to plan out. I don't intend to sound mean but there's many more questions you two should discuess.

Hope it all works out.
Agree with everything Teager said, plus a few more points for consideration:

1.  Besides the time away for school and postings, he will be attach posted (ie. he may be forced to live in single quarters) for at least some of the trade-specific courses he'll need to take after RMC.  It varies, but generally if a course is less than a year long, it isn't a posting and you probably won't be able to go along.

2.  Even if you two do live together, he may be away for a significant portion of that time on exercises/taskings/deployments.  Again, this varies by trade.

Echoing Teager's advice, I'd also suggest having a good sit-down conversation about how much of an issue distance will become.  This isn't something that will end once he finishes RMC. 
Thank you so much for the replies!

The constant moving around thing is something I never really thought too hard about when this whole process started. To be honest, I have never been sure what to expect since a lot of responses from recruiters and such have been very vague in terms of what he will actually be doing/going in the future (which is why I came here haha). I guess it makes sense since he's just beginning and they don't know where they need him yet, but I always imagined he would have some sort of consistency/stability in location once he was done all the schooling/ flight training... He knows what he would like to fly, but he made me very aware of the fact that none of it is a guarantee and that at the end of the day the military will assign him to where and whatever aircraft they need him most...

I'd move to Kingston with him, if I hadn't of just finished university and got a very promising job in the west. I have not been able to find anything in the east for my career choice unless I know French (time to study up ha..) and have a few years of work experience already (very competitive in the east comparatively). I am willing to move around in the future, but at this time I am just too new in my career to make the choice to live wherever I want and find meaningful employment in my field. I honestly wonder how other significant others of military personnel do it. I guess I will just have to suck it up for a few years. :(

But again, thank you for your help in all this.
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