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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Thanks for your input time management is a must I agree with that. Especially considering I would like to go into the aerospace engineering.
jwtg said:
I have no idea how this was a response to my post, but what do I know?

Trust me when I say that your high school time management skills will need an upgrade (which you'll get during FYOP  >:D ) in order to balance varsity commitments, academics, physical fitness (no, not necessarily synonymous with varsity commitments..), bilingualism, and duties/leadership positions; that being said, many have done it before you, and many will do it after, so it is certainly achievable.

Good luck with the recruiting process.

Preparing for the room inspection would also require chunk of late evenings on the weekends. Like others said, it is doable and many have done in the past and you can do it also.
I have been researching constantly and can not find a simple answer.  I am very interested a career in the Canadian Forces, and want to start it by attending RMC, but the problem is i am not interested in becoming an officer.  So, what I am wondering is if I can attend RMC, but instead of graduating as an officer, I want to graduate as an NCM.

Is this possible?  Thanks.
Allan14 said:
Would you be able to explain to me what the UTPNCM program is?

In short, UTPNCM is a program for some NCMs to commission as officers while getting their degree.  It's not the only way (Commission From the Ranks is another way) but the end result is that if you attend RMC, the expectation is that you will become an officer.
I don't know.  I think that RMC, in fact all universities, would expect future applicants to have some sort of initiative and a basic ability to do research.  Here is your one freebie from me:



I shop at Staples.

That was EASY!
Thanks a ton for the help.  I'm just worried that if i attend RMC and graduate as a CO I will be stuck behind a desk doing paperwork, and not experience what I am expecting in the military. Do you think that may happen?  Please remember that I know very little about the responsibilities of an officer so i will come off as naive
when I try to apply for the RMC, it brings me to the same page as the rest of the forces with jobs like Infantry and Artillery open. How do I apply for a certain program?
Saberi said:
when I try to apply for the RMC, it brings me to the same page as the rest of the forces with jobs like Infantry and Artillery open. How do I apply for a certain program?

First, you MUST submit an application to the CAF and they in turn will refer you to RMC.  If you are trying to apply to RMC as a non-military "civilian" student, you must deal with them directly on that matter as those positions are VERY limited, if available at all.
I am currently in grade 11 and plan on going to an RMC arts program to be an Infantry Officer. My grade average is 91% however, I feel like I'm in the wrong courses. I'm taking Spanish because I did horribly in grade 9 French and I've read that RMC arts students have to do university level chemistry and physics, I'm in neither high school equivalent.

Outside of school I do cadets, track and work allot on my fitness which has got me to be the fittest person in my grade based on a combined strength and cardio fitness test. I also plan on getting a job this summer to make myself more competitive.

So back to my poor choice of courses, what are my chances of getting into RMC and how will they affect me if I do attend?
RMC Prerequisites for Ontario for an Arts degree.

English ENG4U
Functions MCF3M, or Functions and Relations MCR3U, or Advanced Functions MHF4U

Students must offer a minimum course mark of 75% for each of the required courses and have an overall average of 75% on the best 6 courses completed in grade 12 including the required courses.

Do some research on the RMC website.
Hello again. I am concerned about my academic assessment. I have called my recruiting office, they've said that I was assessed and approved by the forces but not yet assessed by RMC. The transcript that I applied with did not have one of the core courses needed to be accepted (English). However, English 10 is now updated to my transcript and as soon as this semester is over many other essential courses will be on the transcript. Is it possible for me to update my transcript to RMC before or while they're assessing it? Would it be best to wait until they disapprove it to update it? Is it possible for them to place me in the continuing education program even though I would later technically be legible for ROTP? Thank you for your understanding as this might seem dull or easy to figure out on my own, I've called the recruiting office in Edmonton and they do not know, I've tried calling RMC but it is always busy since it is recruiting season. Thank you again for taking the time to read this.
I am extremely regretful having posted this unknowingly a few hours before being contacted by RMC. I was deemed unqualified since as assumed due to my English 10-1. They said however, to email them a transcript with the updated course marks however this semester is almost over, and if I were to wait until the end of the month, I could send them a transcript with much more courses to asses, English 20, Math and Chem 30, Phys 20, and so should I wait? Should I just send whatever I have? I'd assume two disapprovals would discontinue me from their available candidate listings, I'd be grateful for some advice from a recruiting officer or anyone with the knowledge, thank you.
Let me give you a bit of background information - I had a great high school career and graduated with a 90% average. I am now approaching the end of my second year, in April, at a Civilian University. My academic performance suffered enormously between high school and university. I went from a 90% average in high school to a low 60% average in University. I am just wondering how greatly this is going to impact my application. If I had applied directly to the ROTP after high school, my marks would of been extremely impressive. But I am worried since I now also have to submit my University marks which do not reflect the hard worker that I am. I can only blame myself for not submitting my best work during University. I am set to write my CFAT next week and I am studying really hard for it because I want to do extremely well on it. I've also got a lot of extracurriculars. Do I have any hope?

I have sent an updated transcript and have been emailed to continue the process at my local recruiting office. For anyone that comes across an issue like this in the future, it is not as difficult as you may think to update the forces or RMC of your current marks in order for you to gain a higher chance of approval or a second chance if you have been declined the first time. Thanks for reading.
Update: Missed the cut off line for officers on the aptitude test by one or two marks, seeing as how I'm already in my second year of university, I cannot re write it. Going to go for NCM in the reserves while I complete my university degree and hopefully transfer to regular force after i complete my education.
So the other day I emailed the Liasons office and I was told that if my english mark was higher in grade 10 then in grade 11 then my grade 10 mark would be used for my application

however, when I emailed the registrar office just to be sure they said that only grade 11 and 12 marks are looked at does anyone know which one is true?
Okay so I'm in a dilemma, in a year I will be applying for RMC but I do not know which degree progam I want here are my two options

1- Get a degree in  Military and Strategic studies with a minor in BA and become an infantry officer ( I dont know if this leaves me with alot of opportunity if i decide to leave the military )

2- Get a degree in engineering ( this leaves me with more breathing room, or atleast from what I am told it does)

now I plan on being an infantry officer and am leaning more towards staying until retirement so which is the smarter way to go?

My marks are generally in the mid 80s however my english is bringing me down atm and I have a healthy amount of extra curricular
So...you have 1 answer from the RMC Liaison office....and 1 from the RMC Office of the Registrar.....and in order to get clarification, you're asking a bunch of people that you don't know on the internet?

If I were trying to figure out which mark they would look at, I would probably rely on the info I got from the registrar.  That's an educated guess, based on my knowledge of the business of the liaison office and that of the registrar.

To confirm, why not contact the registrar? .....oh, wait...
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