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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hello! Just recieved my offer for Nursing Officer CT to civi uni for ROTP CFRC Toronto. Very excited to be full time Canadian forces come September!
Second selection : May 6

My ''new'' file manager told me today that I was not on the first selection : My medical file was not updated... Now it's ok but I'm a littre angry about my ''old'' file manager that had said to me 2-3 day before the selection that my file was COMPLETED and ready to go.... I cannot do  anything so I just keep the head up
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. I dodged almost the same bullet when 2 days before the selection the officer who did my interview called me in a panic and asked me what program I had applied for Civvy-U and that it was the only thing left to merit list me. You really need to watch your file like a hawk in some cases :/

Good luck to you!
From experience with two sons currently at RMC........ Again, apply early (now if you can or in early summer if for next year) so that any concerns such as medical can be looked after and cleared well in advance of first selection. (Allergies, eye sight concerns, previous fractures etc.)  Also follow up file to make sure it and items are moving forward. 

Spend some time preparing for the CFAT and the interview.  Think of what they are looking for and what questions you would ask of a candidate and have responses ready to go.

If easily done, go in a couple of times to ask about the file progress and that being handled effectively.

Sorry to hear that your medical items had not been cleared, and wish you luck going forward.
Sorry to hear that buddy. All I can tell you is to keep your head up and keep moving forward. Stay positive and a good outcome may come your way.
nic32 said:
Second selection : May 6

My ''new'' file manager told me today that I was not on the first selection : My medical file was not updated... Now it's ok but I'm a littre angry about my ''old'' file manager that had said to me 2-3 day before the selection that my file was COMPLETED and ready to go.... I cannot do  anything so I just keep the head up

Complain, that's what I would do!!
DAA said:
Complain, that's what I would do!!

At first, I thought I was doing it but after thinking about it I will take the path like BlcBandit said. Just keep my head up, moving forward and do all I can do to be better next year (If I don't get anything at the second round) and do my best at the university to try out DEO if Rotp doesn't work. After all, yes I can complain but does it will give me an offer ? No, everybody can do error and I will move forward it. At least, I pray for the second round :p

For all who gets an offer at the first round good job and have good time in your hometown before the trip !!

If it was happening today, those selected wouldn't hear for at least a week or two.
Has anyone besides the previous nursing posts received offers for ROTP civi U for this fall?
flatlander13 said:
Has anyone besides the previous nursing posts received offers for ROTP civi U for this fall?

Haven't seen anyone posting about them on this board yet.  Doesn't mean there haven't been any though.
Had a similar setback to the one above. Submitted my supplemental medical file on March 20, heard nothing back. Called almost every day but never got through, finally went in about a week ago to see what happened and my file has been put on hold, as of April 2. Why I was never notified and never even got a call or email to tell me is beyond me but hey, mistakes happen and got to move forward. Now I just missed the second selection yesterday as well because my file is in transit.

Just praying for a third top-up selection and will do whatever I can to get there. Anyone have any advice?
mcglone63 said:
Anyone have any advice?

Reapply. That's about all you can do.

As for a third selection, I've never heard of anyone getting in after the second one. However, anything is possible.
Well I'll definitely be reapplying, thanks for the reply!

Congratulations to everyone who's received offers thus far
flatlander13 said:
Has anyone besides the previous nursing posts received offers for ROTP civi U for this fall?

I have a CT application in for ROTP Nursing (Civi U) that was complete and on the merit list in January, and haven't heard anything yet.  I used to work in CFRG and so have a number of people who are aware of and tracking my application (NOT because I've asked them to, but because I suspect it's too hard for them not to spy on my progress!) and although I'd never ask them for "insider info", I suspect they'd have said something if I'd been up for selection and passed over.

I've been careful not to press them for details, but the way I read things (both from my CT manager and from this board) is that applicants who are ONLY eligible for Civi U (because RMC doesn't offer their program) weren't considered on the first run, and are only just being selected now.  But that's just my suspicion.  However, I'm also not sure how being a CT applicant plays into it...we're selected against slightly different numbers than civilian ROTP applicants.

Hope this helps!
MNC said:
I have a CT application in for ROTP Nursing (Civi U) that was complete and on the merit list in January, and haven't heard anything yet.  I used to work in CFRG and so have a number of people who are aware of and tracking my application (NOT because I've asked them to, but because I suspect it's too hard for them not to spy on my progress!) and although I'd never ask them for "insider info", I suspect they'd have said something if I'd been up for selection and passed over.

I've been careful not to press them for details, but the way I read things (both from my CT manager and from this board) is that applicants who are ONLY eligible for Civi U (because RMC doesn't offer their program) weren't considered on the first run, and are only just being selected now.  But that's just my suspicion.  However, I'm also not sure how being a CT applicant plays into it...we're selected against slightly different numbers than civilian ROTP applicants.

Hope this helps!
  I don't think so as several nursing applicants have responded that they've been selected on the first run for Civi U.  Good guess though :)
Hello Folks,

I am an Ontario high school student, and I will be starting Grade 12 in Sept. 2013, and I am in the process of finding out where my post-secondary education is going to take place. I have always had interest in joining the military, and when I finally decided to pay my recruitment centre a visit, I found out it got closed down... BUMMER. So I would really appreciate some valuable advice. I am aware that there is a search function on this website, but I would be more than thankful for the people who comment. You can also PM me if that's how you like to communicate.

I would like to know what are my chances in getting accepted into the ROTP program either at RMC or a civi university (Western U, Waterloo, Ryserson, MacMaster). I'm planning to study either civil engineering or computer engineering. My marks are not the greatest, High 80's in 11 and 12 english, 80's in 11 and 12 french, low 60's in 11 chemistry, and low 70's in 11 physics, and mid 70's in 11 math university (functions). I plan on getting 80's in 12 Chemistry, 12 Physics, 12 Advanced Functions, 12 Calculus and Vectors. I have tons of community volunteering experiences (over 200 hours), I have been a part of many clubs and sports teams in my school, and I also have held part time jobs with great references. I could justify getting low marks in some courses because I've had to cope with 2 deaths in my family within a short period. The positions I would be applying for are Pilot, CELE(AIR), and Airtraffic control Officer. I was also wondering if being fully bilingual (English and French) would give me a better chance in getting in? As I am fully bilingual.

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