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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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KY-Ottawa said:
I think you may have misread the the post. The poster is asking if accepting an offer from a civy u before hearing from ROTP is a good idea or not; my personal answer is yes.

You are putting 100% of yourself into ROTP (if you aren't then halt the process now) but sometimes that isn't enough and you will need to try again next year like myself and many others. One thing you do not want to do is put your life on hold while waiting for ROTP as it will not come to those who are not constantly working and developing. You can always withdraw from a university offer once RMC comes through.

The ROTP application is like the little kid riding his bike with no hands and trying to get his parent's attention. It is a balance of paying attention to what you are doing while keeping the attention of the forces on you and positive. If stop your bike to wait for them to look at you there will be nothing of interest to look at.

I totally agree with your post on how people should not put their life on hold waiting for the ROTP offer to come through and should continue with university education and apply next year. However the poster in question has actually already received an offer and been accepted to RMC. The poster asking if he should accept an offer from civil university in case he is unable to attend RMC because of a possible chance of injury or other situations that would prevent him from going to RMC. Just my perception of the post.
127phoenix said:
I totally agree with your post on how people should not put their life on hold waiting for the ROTP offer to come through and should continue with university education and apply next year. However the poster in question has actually already received an offer and been accepted to RMC. The poster asking if he should accept an offer from civil university in case he is unable to attend RMC because of a possible chance of injury or other situations that would prevent him from going to RMC. Just my perception of the post.

Ahhh, I see. My apologies. I read the "god knows what" part as not getting accepted to RMC.

I would still accept a civy u offer up to the point where my ROTP documents are signed; nothing is set in stone until signatures are on paper (sometime not even then). After signing, I wouldn't accept any further offers.
Gentlemen. I really appreciate the discussion on the matter.

As is now I accepted a Queen's offer that was tendered to me.

However, I have already been accepted to ROTP as of a few weeks ago for Engineering at RMC Kingston for 4 years.

I plan on letting the Queen's offer go in July when I am enrolled.
Alex.Landry said:
Gentlemen. I really appreciate the discussion on the matter.

As is now I accepted a Queen's offer that was tendered to me.

However, I have already been accepted to ROTP as of a few weeks ago for Engineering at RMC Kingston for 4 years.

I plan on letting the Queen's offer go in July when I am enrolled.

Well no matter which way you go Alex, congrats on the acceptances! What form of Engineering? I am currently doing Aerospace at Carleton in Ottawa.
I'm finishing up my 12th grade in a Kingston French school and I'll be headed into Chemical Engineering at RMC Kingston to become an Engineering Officer.

I look forward to seeing everyone there!

I feel like many great friendships might stem out of this forum!
Hi guys,

I just received today a call from a Captain from RMCSJ. He send me by email joining instruction

You should receive this call soon !

nic32 said:
Hi guys,

I just received today a call from a Captain from RMCSJ. He send me by email joining instruction

You should receive this call soon !


Which recruiting centre did you apply out of? Most people receive their offer from a recruiting officer at their local recruiting centre. Receiving an offer straight from the school sounds rare.

Any ways, congratulations! I hope to meet you and every one else at the orientation camp!

-Phobos  :cdn:
Phobos said:
Which recruiting centre did you apply out of? Most people receive their offer from a recruiting officer at their local recruiting centre. Receiving an offer straight from the school sounds rare.

Any ways, congratulations! I hope to meet you and every one else at the orientation camp!

-Phobos  :cdn:
He said he received joining instructions, not an offer.
Joining instructions are a set of instructions regarding what to do prior to and upon arrival at wherever you're arriving, and either accompany or follow an offer.

I assume this poster already had an enough, and just received their instructions.  I also posted a link somewhere in this thread to the RMC Kingston joining instructions for this year.  I'm sure google could find them for you.
jwtg said:
He said he received joining instructions, not an offer.

My apologies, I misinterpreted 'call' for 'offer'. I really need to watch what I read after 10 pm. But further, don't those who receive offers just receive these details from their recruiting centre? I'm not worried about the kit list but I'm more interested in the dates in which officer cadet recruits will have to report to the orientation camp. I was told that I must arrive at CFB Kingston on August 7th but the R.M.C. website states officer cadet recruits must arrive on the 8th.

2012 Joining Instructions
Arrival and In-clearance (8 – 10 August)

1.It is your responsibility to present yourself at CFB Kingston, Thompson Drill Hall (TDH) between 1330 and 1600 hours (1:30 pm and 4 pm) on Wednesday, 8 August 2012.  You are to report to the reception centre which will be located inside the Drill Hall.  At that point, you will be met by RMCC and Canadian Forces Language and Recruit School (CFLRS) staff and your movements will be coordinated by them from thereon.

Here is the link I pulled this information from; http://www.rmc.ca/ji-ir/ji-ir-eng.asp

Is it possible my recruiter may have the date wrong? Maybe the dates on the website are not set in stone? If any one else have received their joining instructions, please share your details.

Thank you.

-Phobos  :cdn:
This past year's orientation course had OCdts arriving over a period of 3 days prior to the actual start of the mini-course.  It's possible that, depending on your location, your local CFRC has determined you will arrive on the 7th, with the orientation beginning on the 8th.  It's also possible I'm wrong because I'm just guessing based on what seems to make sense.

Best bet is to point out this discrepancy to your point of contact at the CFRC, and then do what they tell you- this is standard procedure for conflicting orders/directions.
Ok, so I just got my letter from the CFRC. Accepted as pilot into the ROTP, to attend RMC Kingston. I was told that there was a three day "in waiting" time, and that everything would commence on the 11th.
Couple questions though. When is the swearing in ceremony typically held? Also, is it just two weeks of Basic Training and then the FYOP before school starts?
If anyone has information about the progression of events that will take place before school starts that would be fantastic. I've tried to look it up on the RMC website, as well as the forces.ca website. Any kind of information that will let me know what to expect would be awesome!
Thanks guys! And congrats to everyone else who got accepted!

FlyBoy1990 said:
Ok, so I just got my letter from the CFRC. Accepted as pilot into the ROTP, to attend RMC Kingston. I was told that there was a three day "in waiting" time, and that everything would commence on the 11th.
Couple questions though. When is the swearing in ceremony typically held? Also, is it just two weeks of Basic Training and then the FYOP before school starts?
If anyone has information about the progression of events that will take place before school starts that would be fantastic. I've tried to look it up on the RMC website, as well as the forces.ca website. Any kind of information that will let me know what to expect would be awesome!
Thanks guys! And congrats to everyone else who got accepted!

Try looking it up on this website.  This information has been posted multiple times in this thread already.  I provided a lengthy description of the 2-week orientation course (NOT to be confused with basic training) that you will be doing.  Your swearing in ceremony will be scheduled by your recruiting center and differs from CFRC to CFRC, so ask them and not us.

Do some reading here and you'll probably find most of your questions will be answered, except those that need to be asked at the CFRC level.
Hi, i applied for ROTP 2012-2013 and haven't heard anything from my recruiter or anything. I'm just wondering if i still have a chance to hear or not? I really want to find out soon! I applied for construction engineer.
bron_13 said:
Hi, i applied for ROTP 2012-2013 and haven't heard anything from my recruiter or anything. I'm just wondering if i still have a chance to hear or not? I really want to find out soon! I applied for construction engineer.

Hey.  I was informed that there are still offers going out (I was given the unoffial word as I know my file manager, but I haven't gotten my official offer yet).  If you haven't heard yet, this could be the reason.

As well, once the initial offers go out there are still positions to be filled because individual's 2nd and 3rd choices were saved for them until they responded to their 1st choice.  Once people have accepted their offers and they are removed from the merit lists of their 2nd and 3rd choices the file managers go further down the merit lists to fill out the available positions.

Don't push the panic button yet!

^ This.
I think I may have even broke it.

So, for a bit of a change of pace here. What's everyone's story?
How'd we end up wanting to get into this kind of business. I, myself, sort of fell into it face-first through cadets.
How'd we end up wanting to get into this kind of business. I, myself, sort of fell into it face-first through cadets.

Same, came from cadets, want to do something meaningful with my life, at the same time serve my fellow people.
I have always been a very physically active/able person with a strong interest in technical and scientific subjects. The CF has always been something interesting to me but I did not actually consider it a career choice; not sure why.

In early high school the technical side of me had thoughts of Engineering but in the later years I messed things up and didn't graduate with marks worth the paper they were printed on. I worked for a few years in retail and then decided to apply for the RCMP. At the last stage before heading to Depot in Regina I came to the realization of what I was getting myself into. The active hands on physical side of me was excited for the RCMP, however the Engineering side was screaming for attention. Would I really be satisfied with a career filling half of my ideal career picture?

My wife and I had a trip planned to Brazil at this same time so I placed my RCMP application on hold and off we went. While away from the day to day I had the chance to contemplate my RCMP choice and what my options were. I decided that it is easier for an Engineer to find an exciting hobby than it is for an RCMP officer to do Engineering. Upon returning from Brazil I registered for the first of 4 adult night classes I would need to qualify for an Engineering program.

I have a cousin a few years younger than me that has been in an Army reserve unit for a number of years and has always shared stories with me, peaking my interest more and more each time. It was almost 3 years ago now that I walked into a reserve unit and said "Sign me up". I was excited to have found the perfect way to compliment my future Engineering career.

The process progressed as usual up to the CFAT. After writing the test the career counselor sat me down with a concerned look on his face. He told me that I am welcome to join the CF in any way I please, however my score on the test opened every door the CF had to offer and given my plans to attend University for an Engineering degree, he recommended that I take some time and learn about what else the CF has to offer beyond my application for infantry reservist. I had seen the link on the forces.ca site for "Paid University" but did not think it would be possible for someone in my situation to qualify for such an opportunity, now my eyes finally began to open. After spending some hours with the forces.ca website and a lengthy discussion with my wife I changed my application from reserve to reg force and began the ROTP application journey.

Here I am, after three years of taking night classes and working full-time, 2500 km from home/family, one year of University, two years of CF application process; a successful entrant to the program and could not be more excited for more! 

I can't imagine any better career than being an Engineer with the CF and cannot believe that it took me so long to realize it. Sometimes I wish I had not wasted so many years, however I am proud of who I am today, therefore I accept the path I took and do not regret it.

Welp, no dice for me this year again. But who knows. Maybe third times a charm, am I right?
See some of you all in next years thread.
Savagale said:
Welp, no dice for me this year again. But who knows. Maybe third times a charm, am I right?
See some of you all in next years thread.

Don't worry, keep your head up. Who knows, maybe you will get some good news this year. After all, offers are coming in all the way until July, sometimes even later.
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