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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I am pleased to announce that my younger son has been advised that he has been accepted to RMC Kingston - Civil Engineering.... Trade - Construction Engineer.    He is thrilled to say the least and looking forward to joining his brother there next year.   

Received via e-mail to him this afternoon.  He was dealing with the Toronto Recruiting Office.

Best of luck to those still waiting to hear.  I am sure that offers will continue over the next couple of months and many will receive the good news.

Good for him! Hopefully some of us also hear that kind of news! Offers coming out now folks! Get ready to hear at anytime (hopefully)!!
dcs said:
I am pleased to announce that my younger son has been advised that he has been accepted to RMC Kingston - Civil Engineering.... Trade - Construction Engineer.    He is thrilled to say the least and looking forward to joining his brother there next year.   

Received via e-mail to him this afternoon.  He was dealing with the Toronto Recruiting Office.

Best of luck to those still waiting to hear.  I am sure that offers will continue over the next couple of months and many will receive the good news.
Nice, glad to hear!
dcs said:
I am pleased to announce that my younger son has been advised that he has been accepted to RMC Kingston - Civil Engineering.... Trade - Construction Engineer.    He is thrilled to say the least and looking forward to joining his brother there next year.   

Received via e-mail to him this afternoon.  He was dealing with the Toronto Recruiting Office.

Best of luck to those still waiting to hear.  I am sure that offers will continue over the next couple of months and many will receive the good news.

That's great news! You must be thrilled!
dcs said:
I am pleased to announce that my younger son has been advised that he has been accepted to RMC Kingston - Civil Engineering.... Trade - Construction Engineer.    He is thrilled to say the least and looking forward to joining his brother there next year.   

Received via e-mail to him this afternoon.  He was dealing with the Toronto Recruiting Office.

Best of luck to those still waiting to hear.  I am sure that offers will continue over the next couple of months and many will receive the good news.

That's awesome news! Didn't know that CFRC Toronto is that fast :D
Thank you for your reply. However, doing so did take its toll. I don't appreciate you placing assumptions about people based on such little foundation. One would anticipate none of this kind of judgmental behaviour on a legitimate communication platform like this. I was just clarifying, because some recruitment officers gave me misleading information, or perhaps their message was misconstrued. In regards to reading previous posts, I would have done so if it weren't for my finals this week. I was simply trying to get away with someone summarizing it for me in a few words, and that is all.

Azaryev_SN said:
Thank you for your reply. However, doing so did take its toll. I don't appreciate you placing assumptions about people based on such little foundation. One would anticipate none of this kind of judgmental behaviour on a legitimate communication platform like this. I was just clarifying, because some recruitment officers gave me misleading information, or perhaps their message was misconstrued. In regards to reading previous posts, I would have done so if it weren't for my finals this week. I was simply trying to get away with someone summarizing it for me in a few words, and that is all.

Don't normally say this kind of thing, but Dude.... It's a forum. On the internet. Post at your own peril (as I am now).

Good luck with your finals!  ;D
Azaryev_SN said:
Thank you for your reply. However, doing so did take its toll. I don't appreciate you placing assumptions about people based on such little foundation. One would anticipate none of this kind of judgmental behaviour on a legitimate communication platform like this. I was just clarifying, because some recruitment officers gave me misleading information, or perhaps their message was misconstrued. In regards to reading previous posts, I would have done so if it weren't for my finals this week. I was simply trying to get away with someone summarizing it for me in a few words, and that is all.

Paraphrased as "I am shocked that someone asked me to do my own homework and due diligence on something as important as my future career.  So shocked, that I must use big words to downplay that shock and try to shame others for debasing me by the use of big words that have little meaning to mock their attempts to gently steer me on the right path" or words to that effect.

Dude we place a high value on folks doing a bit of reading before they ask a question here.  These folks were nice, outside of this thread and maybe even in the real world people might not be so nice.    :nod: 
Azaryev_SN said:
Thank you for your reply. However, doing so did take its toll. I don't appreciate you placing assumptions about people based on such little foundation. One would anticipate none of this kind of judgmental behaviour on a legitimate communication platform like this. I was just clarifying, because some recruitment officers gave me misleading information, or perhaps their message was misconstrued. In regards to reading previous posts, I would have done so if it weren't for my finals this week. I was simply trying to get away with someone summarizing it for me in a few words, and that is all.

Who exactly are you directing this to?
MJP said:
Paraphrased as "I am shocked that someone asked me to do my own homework and due diligence on something as important as my future career.  So shocked, that I must use big words to downplay that shock and try to shame others for debasing me by the use of big words that have little meaning to mock their attempts to gently steer me on the right path" or words to that effect.

Dude we place a high value on folks doing a bit of reading before they ask a question here.  These folks were nice, outside of this thread and maybe even in the real world people might not be so nice.    :nod:

Fair enough. Thank you.
Just got the call !
Il be attending RMC Kingston as an infantry officer cadet for military and strategic studies woohoo !
Goodluck to everyone else !!!!!
Chalupas said:
Just got the call !
Il be attending RMC Kingston as an infantry officer cadet for military and strategic studies woohoo !
Goodluck to everyone else !!!!!

Congrat Chalupas! What RC are you out of?
Just want to remind people of a few things now that offers are being given out:
1) If Bloggins receives his offer today, that doesn't mean you didn't receive one. Take a breath, do 20 pushuups and be patient
2) Don't flood the CFRC's asking if your offer is in, each phone call of that type is one less offer (yours maybe) that is delayed in being delivered. Instead, everytime you want to call in, do 20 pushups.
3) People are going to post their good news, and you are going to wonder why you haven't heard. You'll log out, check facebook then come back and see what is new in this thread 5 minutes later. Every time you check this thread, do 20 pushups!

Heff18 said:
Just want to remind people of a few things now that offers are being given out:
1) If Bloggins receives his offer today, that doesn't mean you didn't receive one. Take a breath, do 20 pushuups and be patient
2) Don't flood the CFRC's asking if your offer is in, each phone call of that type is one less offer (yours maybe) that is delayed in being delivered. Instead, everytime you want to call in, do 20 pushups.
3) People are going to post their good news, and you are going to wonder why you haven't heard. You'll log out, check facebook then come back and see what is new in this thread 5 minutes later. Every time you check this thread, do 20 pushups!

This is great! I am hitting the road, heading out for a girl's getaway, so I won't be checking the thread obsessively. Not as many push-ups for me.... But I will still be doing my "clear my head" jog!

Good luck to everyone with offers coming in and I hope everyone who has Final Exams does well  ;D
Heff18 said:
Just want to remind people of a few things now that offers are being given out:
1) If Bloggins receives his offer today, that doesn't mean you didn't receive one. Take a breath, do 20 pushuups and be patient
2) Don't flood the CFRC's asking if your offer is in, each phone call of that type is one less offer (yours maybe) that is delayed in being delivered. Instead, everytime you want to call in, do 20 pushups.
3) People are going to post their good news, and you are going to wonder why you haven't heard. You'll log out, check facebook then come back and see what is new in this thread 5 minutes later. Every time you check this thread, do 20 pushups!

I come back and check just for the pleasure of doing pushups!
Chalupas said:
Just got the call !
Il be attending RMC Kingston as an infantry officer cadet for military and strategic studies woohoo !
Goodluck to everyone else !!!!!

Good job and Congrats!
Chalupas said:
Just got the call !
Il be attending RMC Kingston as an infantry officer cadet for military and strategic studies woohoo !
Goodluck to everyone else !!!!!

Congrats! That's awesome to hear!

Good luck with the rest of your career!  :salute:
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