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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Domo777 said:
Just received an email from my file manager out of CFRC London and said the results are in.  Those of you who are a CT like myself will find out really soon through D Mil C7. 

Do you know if CTs are lumped in competition with ROTP candidates of Civvie street?  Or are you guys competing for a separate number of allocated spots, specifically for CTs?  Mostly, is there any reason to believe that CTs might know earlier than civilian applicants?

Just curious.
jwtg said:
Do you know if CT's are lumped in competition with ROTP candidates of Civvie street?  Or are you guys competing for a separate number of allocated spots, specifically for CTs?  Mostly, is there any reason to believe that CTs might know earlier than civilian applicants?

Just curious.

When I was talking to a recruitment buddy of mine in Mississauga he told me that there are different numbers for CT's, and he wouldn't be surprised if the CT spots fill up that we get thrown in with the rest of the Civ candidates. I would have expected us to receive notice much much later than civilians but who knows.

I don't have much faith in my D mil C 7 file manager, I'm not sure what I can do about that but (insert name here) has seemed to know less about this process than myself, so ill be checking the boards daily (more like hourly) to hear about any CT notifications. Please CT's update as soon as you know to help the rest of us, I will do the same.
Domo777 said:
Got good news today everyone!  ROTP next year for me!!! 3rd times a charm!!!


Good to hear that at least some of us are moving forward  ;D

I am also a CT out of London, however I have was told by the RC that they now have nothing to do with my file and it was all through D MIL C 7 .. and based on my experience last year when I was offered my CT any and all news came from DMIL. I wish the RC in London would have e-mailed me to tell me that results were in for CT's so thanks for the post letting us know, and again Congrats!
Phobos said:
I just called CFRC Hamilton. The recruiter responsible for processing the ROTP applicants had said that no offers have been sent out but should be later on in the week.

My bet on Friday is looking really good right now. :D

-Phoebe  :cdn:

Phoebe I am also applying through CFRC Hamilton hopefully we could get ours on the same day  ;D
I received an email today from my CFRC London file manager and was told to call D MIL C7 in Ottawa. I was also told to prepare for good news!  It took forever to get a hold of Ottawa but when I did, I was told I was accepted and I'll get more official details in the coming days or weeks.  My CT was from 4RCR to Air Combat Systems Officer. 
This is my 3rd time I've applied and I finally got it right this time around!

Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for the congrats!
Domo777 said:
I received an email today from my CFRC London file manager and was told to call D MIL C7 in Ottawa. I was also told to prepare for good news!  It took forever to get a hold of Ottawa but when I did, I was told I was accepted and I'll get more official details in the coming days or weeks.  My CT was from 4RCR to Air Combat Systems Officer. 
This is my 3rd time I've applied and I finally got it right this time around!

Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for the congrats!

Congrats DOMO!
Domo777 said:
I received an email today from my CFRC London file manager and was told to call D MIL C7 in Ottawa. I was also told to prepare for good news!  It took forever to get a hold of Ottawa but when I did, I was told I was accepted and I'll get more official details in the coming days or weeks.  My CT was from 4RCR to Air Combat Systems Officer. 
This is my 3rd time I've applied and I finally got it right this time around!

Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for the congrats!

Good job! Proof that perseverance really does pay off!  :)
Domo777 said:
I received an email today from my CFRC London file manager and was told to call D MIL C7 in Ottawa. I was also told to prepare for good news!  It took forever to get a hold of Ottawa but when I did, I was told I was accepted and I'll get more official details in the coming days or weeks.  My CT was from 4RCR to Air Combat Systems Officer. 
This is my 3rd time I've applied and I finally got it right this time around!

Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for the congrats!

That's fantastic news! Way to keep positive, and congrats on finally making it!
Hello fellow applicants! I've applied for the second time and anxiously waiting for the results.
Hypothetically speaking, If I do get accepted, when will the BMQ commence? Would it be during the following summer or next year?
I am going to call CFRC Toronto and ask when are the first offers being initiated but I've just been wondering if anyone else already got accepted and when can I anticipate a call from them? Thanks in advance, and good luck to y'all.
Azaryev_SN said:
Hypothetically speaking, If I do get accepted, when will the BMQ commence?

Seeing as this is your second time applying and all, shouldn't you know it's a BMOQ? BMQ is for those training for a position as an NCM, while BMOQ is for those training to be an officer.

Azaryev_SN said:
Would it be during the following summer or next year?

It would be the summer after your first year of ROTP.

Azaryev_SN said:
I've just been wondering if anyone else already got accepted

If you do a quick read of the past few pages of this thread, you'll be able to see who has been accepted and under what circumstances.

Azaryev_SN said:
when can I anticipate a call from them?

Again, if you do a quick read of the last few pages of this thread, you will notice that there has lots of discussion over when the calls are likely to come. It seems to me like lots of this stuff is pretty basic and some of it should have been researched by you in preparation for your interview. Possible troll?
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