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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I wanted to mention briefly again since everyone has posted about different dates and waiting etc. I was offered a contract last year which I turned down, since then I have been in contact with the person responsible for sending out the bulk of acceptances and contracts. I was informed earlier that selection results will not be known until Apr 12.

I am going to work off of that date, based on who it came from. Also it might be nice to plan for a little later date then be sitting my the phone/computer/mailbox waiting for the next few days. Relax until the 12th is what I am TRYING to do.

Good luck all
I just would like to know the results soon since I still need to make housing arrangements for the fall. If I get rejected from ROTP or if I get selected to stay at Waterloo for civilian ROTP, I still need to find a place to stay at. I just don't want to sign a lease, get called for RMC, and lose my deposit.
I was in the same boat last year at my civi U. I will tell you what I did, and then tell you what I suggest. 1) I applied to work for residence life staff - to become and RA (or Don as it is known at other universities). It might be a bad way to think but I figured if I got an offer for RMC and had to quit, I wouldn't see any of the managers/staff again so it didn't really matter - I'd be at RMC living my life..done. So if that is an option I suggest you look into it, as I said before I did in fact turn down my offer and since then have been working the job here. 2) At the end of the day losing a housing deposit if you got offered an ROTP contract to RMC...wouldn't be a big deal to me, and at the end of the day, even at the end of your career, a few hundred dollars lost would be meaningless. So, if you are worried, hold off as long as possible, but then just commit.

Also, as it worked for me last year..I was informed I was accepted into ROTP in late April but the actual terms of service (contract) wasn't in my hands until July. At that point I had gone forward with re-registering for Civi U, selecting courses, and accepting that Res Life job. When the terms of service came I initially accepted but after going through in finer detail I ended up turning it down. So even though you want to know now, and you might even know by the end of the day (who knows right?) you STILL might end up turning it down based on the terms of service.

RMCMum said:
My son was not initially accepted and completed a full year of university before being accepted for last year.  His first choice was to continue at civvy u, but he was selected for RMC.  He started over as a first year, with a couple of his courses from civvy u being accepted (I think he could have had more, but he just chose to repeat them.)  Perhaps the decision on where they are sent is based on program.  However he was more than happy to go to Kingston and is having the time of his life!

Like I said exceptions happen, they are not the norm.
recruiters are not part of the selection board, like us, they don't know when exactly those things will come out either. Their job is just to notify us as the offers roll out. So just be patient, and hopefully something good will come out of it.
Cui said:
I just would like to know the results soon since I still need to make housing arrangements for the fall. If I get rejected from ROTP or if I get selected to stay at Waterloo for civilian ROTP, I still need to find a place to stay at. I just don't want to sign a lease, get called for RMC, and lose my deposit.
Yeah I'm in the same boat.
I was speaking with a coach at RMC today and he said offers should be out in the next couple weeks. So it looks like first wave should hear back mid to late April.
Cui said:
I just would like to know the results soon since I still need to make housing arrangements for the fall. If I get rejected from ROTP or if I get selected to stay at Waterloo for civilian ROTP, I still need to find a place to stay at. I just don't want to sign a lease, get called for RMC, and lose my deposit.

The recuiters in Barrie gave excellent advice when I asked them a question like this. I had asked the Captain after my interview about timelines and such, because I am currently attending York U and was considering taking courses this summer term. His response was "Do not put your life on hold. Nothing is permanent, and you can get your money back for the tuition." Relax, go look at places, and enjoy the fact that you will be attending University no matter what this fall!

There are always a lot of students who don't obtain housing until right before school starts.

And if you're really anxious, go for a jog 8)
I think im gonna apply this year. Haven't decided whether i should apply for science or arts.....
And wanted to ask if i would get in.

-part time job at canada post
-In jazz band and senior band at school
- Have been in cadets for 3 years
- Also in drill team and band for 2 years
- Doing military coop next year
-I have over 400 volunteer hours
- avg in between 75%- 95%
- I do archery have some medals
- Also to taek won do and kendo also have some medals
- Im fluent in both english and korean also learning french now
- Applied for staff position for cadet camp

Do u think i would be considered as a competitive candidate?
Would really want to be a military police or intelligence officer.

Any advices?
Hatchet Man said:
Just FYI but if you are already in a civillian university, and you are accepted for ROTP, then that is where you will stay.  There are exceptions but they are very few and far between.

I don't want to directly challenge you, but I am not sure that this is accurate in recent history. There are more people here at RMC than I can count who were at a civi university before coming to RMC, and they were offered a position at RMC only.

I am sure it changes from year to year, but it just seems like there are a lot of people in first year right now who came from a civilian university and didn't put RMC anywhere on their application.

I just don't want anybody who is at a civilian university right now to have a false hope, because I know that a lot of the cadets who are at RMC right now had the hope that they could continue at their universities under ROTP.
I just try to keep my mind on other things. But then I end up writing about RMC for every English assignment.

And dodoo! That looks like a good start! Get the application status started as early as you can and keep that average closer to the 95 than the 75. That's my best advice for you my friend!  :salute:
pudd13 said:
I don't want to directly challenge you, but I am not sure that this is accurate in recent history. There are more people here at RMC than I can count who were at a civi university before coming to RMC, and they were offered a position at RMC only.

I am sure it changes from year to year, but it just seems like there are a lot of people in first year right now who came from a civilian university and didn't put RMC anywhere on their application.

I just don't want anybody who is at a civilian university right now to have a false hope, because I know that a lot of the cadets who are at RMC right now had the hope that they could continue at their universities under ROTP.

Thats what the official policies are.  Your perceptions are just that.  10, 20, 30 (or what ever number of people you have met), may seem like alot of "exceptions" and appear to be a norm, but when compared to the actual number of people accepted to ROTP for both RMC/Civi U it is actually pretty small. 

dodoo76 said:
I think im gonna apply this year. Haven't decided whether i should apply for science or arts.....
And wanted to ask if i would get in.

-part time job at canada post
-In jazz band and senior band at school
- Have been in cadets for 3 years
- Also in drill team and band for 2 years
- Doing military coop next year
-I have over 400 volunteer hours
- avg in between 75%- 95%
- I do archery have some medals
- Also to taek won do and kendo also have some medals
- Im fluent in both english and korean also learning french now
- Applied for staff position for cadet camp

Do u think i would be considered as a competitive candidate?
Would really want to be a military police or intelligence officer.

Any advices?

Your fluency in English needs work.  If you are accepted into the co-op program, your application to RMC will be via CT, which is a different process.  MPO and IntO are EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get into via ROTP or otherwise (IntO last I checked was overmanned as well). 
Hatchet Man said:
Thats what the official policies are.  Your perceptions are just that.  10, 20, 30 (or what ever number of people you have met), may seem like alot of "exceptions" and appear to be a norm, but when compared to the actual number of people accepted to ROTP for both RMC/Civi U it is actually pretty small.
Hatchet Man,

Do you have hard numbers, reasons for exceptions, or something concrete to refer to regarding offers going out for Civ U vice RMC?  My knowledge is limited to my own experience, and that is that more than a few people wanted to continue their studies at their Civ U, but received offers exclusively for RMC with no room for negotiation.  The recruiters told me that they had very few Civ U spots available and they were mostly going to people who needed to study programs that RMC didn't offer (nursing, for example).  In fact, my entire application essay explained why I wanted to study at the civilian university I had previously studied at (granted, in my case my studies were not continuous so I don't really fit into the sample we're looking at) and why it would be better for me than RMC.  Now I study at RMC.

Basically, my own (limited) experience says that attending Civ U does not guarantee that you will receive a Civ U offer, even for those who did not indicate any interest in attending RMC.  I'm just wondering where your information comes from and how you've come by it.

jwtg said:
Hatchet Man,

Do you have hard numbers, reasons for exceptions, or something concrete to refer to regarding offers going out for Civ U vice RMC?  My knowledge is limited to my own experience, and that is that more than a few people wanted to continue their studies at their Civ U, but received offers exclusively for RMC with no room for negotiation.  The recruiters told me that they had very few Civ U spots available and they were mostly going to people who needed to study programs that RMC didn't offer (nursing, for example).  In fact, my entire application essay explained why I wanted to study at the civilian university I had previously studied at (granted, in my case my studies were not continuous so I don't really fit into the sample we're looking at) and why it would be better for me than RMC.  Now I study at RMC.

Basically, my own (limited) experience says that attending Civ U does not guarantee that you will receive a Civ U offer, even for those who did not indicate any interest in attending RMC.  I'm just wondering where your information comes from and how you've come by it.


I don't have hard info on how or why exceptions are made, I am just relaying what the official direction is WRT to ROTP applicants already in Civi U.  RMC is the CF's own University though so it stands to reason they would like to utilize it as best they can, hence the exceptions.  ROTP selection decisions are handled by RMC and CFRG HQ.  How and why they come up with their decisions is something only they are privy too (beyond the obvious things like RMC doesn't offer Nursing), and I don't forsee that changing, since I doubt the upper brass want that info getting out there to candidates and thereby giving some candidates an unfair advantage over others.  What I know is when people apply for ROTP their information is forwarded to RMC, and they send a response back saying the applicant is suitable/unsuitable RMC-suitable/unsuitable Civi U Arts/Science/Engineering.  Some "possible" reasons for how decisions are rendered:  Budget, SIP #s (Strategic Intake Plan, ie how people we are planning to hire/open spots), AOR allocations/quotas, congruence of chosen degree and occupation and whether or not the same or similiar program is offered at RMC (ie your civi program may be "acceptable" for your occupation but an position in an "ideal" program just opened up).  Again these "may" be factors based on what I have seen on my end, I can't say 100% that they are even considered at all or, if they are what "weighting" they are given.  And in any case many of those items are beyond an applicants ability to change or effect.
Long story short, they'll put you where they need you. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. If you don't like your offer, decline it.
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