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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I am currently applying for ROTP to hopefully get accepted into RMC and if not hopefully Ryerson U. I want to get my BA there and hopefully move up from there, Either Infantry Officer or Intelligence Officer. My local Recruiter said those two would probably be best.
Now for the question, my average in Highschool for grade 12 is a mediocre 76% and that is because I failed a course because of a withdraw but the school systems didn't exactly register that. 3 of my 7 academic course were over a 90% and the rest 65%-79%. But I did not take math for grade 12 but did take it in Grade 11, and passed with about 70%. I am not the strongest in math. But I am taking an extra year of highschool to step my act up and I know its abit late for that, but I still want to try, because becoming an officer in the military has been my dream since I was 5 (Im being serious).
I willl most likely get an 85%-95% Average next year, but will that matter if my marks last year in grade 12 was an under 80% average. I have over 200 volunteer hours, and I got accepted into a leadership camp in grade 9 which was a span of 4 years. And I have been employed at 3 jobs all for more than 2 years, and end up in a Senior or management position (Such as Senior Staff Manager). I havent been on any sports teams in Highschool, but was on football and rugby team outside of school.
Sorry if this post is confusing, I am tired but I just wanted to know what are my chances of being accepted into ROTP. And will I most likely get accepted into a Civy Uni, with those marks. :S

Thanks for all the input :)
I can't apply for another week.. I need my transcript and so on. However I had been  keeping my eye on the Recruiting site looking at what trades were receiving applications, Inf O, Arm O and Arty O are what I had in mind however all have appeared to have been "closed" to applications.  :-\

On Monday I'll take an early trip to the CFRC to see what my options are..

I guess this could be an "update".
As far as I know they don't post why they are taking applications for. The ones they show online are not for ROTP because they're really hiring the ROTP applicants 4 years in advance.
LOLslamball said:
As far as I know they don't post why they are taking applications for. The ones they show online are not for ROTP because they're really hiring the ROTP applicants 4 years in advance.

Really? If this is true.. this is very relieving. Thank you!
Yeah, when I went down they initially said, "we're not taking applications for pilot" and then he saw my ROTP form and took my application.  :)

LOLslamball said:
Yeah, when I went down they initially said, "we're not taking applications for pilot" and then he saw my ROTP form and took my application.  :)

That's awesome! I can't wait for school to start so I can start my application (weird? excited for school haha).  Thank you, and goodluck with your application! Keep everyone up to date with your progress!
I plan to get the paperwork started in early September. I will be applying for Military Studies & Strategy, with a minor in psychology or business administration (if they will allow me to minor in a subject). Leading up to it, I will be aiming for a 92% average, be a part of 3 school sports, the debate team, the student council, and own and operate my 4 businesses (car cleaning, selling graffiti art, lawn care, and housekeeping). I'm going into grade 12, and so I will be applying with first semester mid-term marks and my grade 11 marks (87% average).
  I am bilingual, so I was told that I might be sent to St. Jean in Quebec to get me fully immersed in a French culture.
  If I don't get accepted the first time, I am staying for grade 13 and re-applying!
Just got a call today to come in for my CFAT on September 13th at 8am.  They may be able to squeeze me in for part of my medical is what I was told.

Wasn't expecting the call to come so soon, but I'm pumped.
It's nice to start hearing from more people!

I called my local CFRC the other day and they told me to do the online application and sent it the National Recruiting Center in North Bay. I thought it would just be processed through the applicants preferred RC. I guess not.
So now I'm doing that application now and hoping to send it in soon although I have a question for anyone else who is in high school and has done or is doing the online application:
On the education section what did you guys put? In the drop down list there's only universities and I was unsure how to indicate that i had completed 3 years of highschool but hadn't graduated yet. Any help would be appreciated.
amayzer said:
It's nice to start hearing from more people!

I called my local CFRC the other day and they told me to do the online application and sent it the National Recruiting Center in North Bay. I thought it would just be processed through the applicants preferred RC. I guess not.
So now I'm doing that application now and hoping to send it in soon although I have a question for anyone else who is in high school and has done or is doing the online application:
On the education section what did you guys put? In the drop down list there's only universities and I was unsure how to indicate that i had completed 3 years of highschool but hadn't graduated yet. Any help would be appreciated.

Me and you are on the same boat! However, I plan on taking it in person regardless so the stuff I don't "understand" I will have a recruiter help me fill out. September 7th first day of school I will be handing my application in. Sounds so corny, but I am so dam excited! I hope I get'a call nice'n quick to 8)

PS: Another question.. do I simply keep "updating" my transcript every time my marks change? Or does my first initial transcript get sent in and determine if I am accepted or not?

canada94 said:
Me and you are on the same boat! However, I plan on taking it in person regardless so the stuff I don't "understand" I will have a recruiter help me fill out. September 7th first day of school I will be handing my application in. Sounds so corny, but I am so dam excited! I hope I get'a call nice'n quick to 8)

PS: Another question.. do I simply keep "updating" my transcript every time my marks change? Or does my first initial transcript get sent in and determine if I am accepted or not?

That might be a good call because there have been a few things that on the application that could use clarification aha.

Um as far as i know you can bring in your updated transcript after midterms for first semester of Gr. 12 and have those considered as well.
amayzer said:
That might be a good call because there have been a few things that on the application that could use clarification aha.

Um as far as i know you can bring in your updated transcript after midterms for first semester of Gr. 12 and have those considered as well.

That is good to know! I was a little freaked out!
Hey guys,

So I havent been on the forum much since last year... I had no idea that there would be a 2012- 3013 forum started already! that's really awesome to see though. I haven't made many posts, but last year I found this site to be very helpful throughout my application... So I'm looking forward to once again hearing what everybody else is up to throughout their applications!

I applied to pilot last year, made it through the CFAT, passed the interview and also completed Aircrew Selection in Trenton.... Everything went well, and so I was placed on the final merit board for RMC, unfortunately I never got an acceptance call... It was kind of disappointing, but it's given me another year to reconsider and to become 100% sure that this is what I want to do!

Luckily I already had my acceptance at Civi U, I'll be studying Civil engineering at Carleton come next week...

I continued to build my application and finally dropped it off this afternoon, so now I just wait for the call for the medical and interview!

Looking forward to going through the process all over again! :P

Anyways, good luck to everybody this year!  :salute:
I need to know if I can get into ROTP for an arts degree with a grade 11 math mark of 68%.

I just graduated highschool in BC and I'm taking a year off before ROTP to do Math 12 and Physics 12 online. I was getting ready to apply, but the recruiter said that with any mark below 70%, they won't even bother to LOOK at my application. My math 11 mark was 68% - and that was the second time I'd done Math 11, I'd been unsatisfied with my mark and knowledge retention after grade 11 and redid the course in grade 12; I would have been more successful but it's awfully difficult to keep your grades up while you're watching your father die of cancer.

Appart from that math mark, I believe I'm a very good candidate. I'm confident I can do well in math 12 this year, but I won't have that transcript for a long time and I need my app in ASAP. Should I bother applying for ROTP, or should I put it off yet another year and join after 1st year civie uni?
I have actually been in the ROTP program before, and I completed our orientation training, but in all honesty I got a little homesick and made a ridiculous choice over a woman (I left the forces). I know everyone will laugh and everything, but I can tell you younger folks it's a tough choice you're making, especially if you've never been away from home. With that being said, stick to your guns. This program (ROTP) is the best thing that could ever happen to you if you choose to get in. Since I left I have regretted the decision everyday and am just now fighting to get back in. I have filled out the paperwork and plan to take it to my recruiter this coming week. You may feel lonely there, but trust in the people around you, because they will become the best friends you've ever had. I only spent just over a month and a half with those people and I still talk to them. I would have reapplied sooner but my parents were extremely against it, they frowned anytime I mentioned it. Now I don't care, and I want to go back. The three occupations I am applying for are:

MARS Officer
Infantry Officer
Engineering Officer

I have a few questions for any people currently serving that hang around the forum:

I currently have a house and a vehicle which I am paying for. I know the ROTP pay isn't enough to sustain them. Are there programs in place to help people who need a little more financial assistance while studying? Selling these are not an option as I have a fiancee and child whom need them while I'm away.

Would NCM be a better choice? I don't really want to hear it, but I do have journeyman trade certification as an automotive technician, and I am a 3rd Class Power Engineer. I don't want to go NCM, but financially I may be better off.

I really hope to get back into the program, and I already e-mailed the recruitment center and told them of my intentions to re-apply and that I am 100% committed, because hindsite is always 20/20 and I am still young enough to correct my mistake (26 yrs old).

I wish the best of luck to you all applying, and if you do get in, stick with it, and hopefully I'll be there with you all come next fall. Thanks for any responses.
742_guy said:
Hey guys,

So I havent been on the forum much since last year... I had no idea that there would be a 2012- 3013 forum started already! that's really awesome to see though. I haven't made many posts, but last year I found this site to be very helpful throughout my application... So I'm looking forward to once again hearing what everybody else is up to throughout their applications!

I applied to pilot last year, made it through the CFAT, passed the interview and also completed Aircrew Selection in Trenton.... Everything went well, and so I was placed on the final merit board for RMC, unfortunately I never got an acceptance call... It was kind of disappointing, but it's given me another year to reconsider and to become 100% sure that this is what I want to do!

Luckily I already had my acceptance at Civi U, I'll be studying Civil engineering at Carleton come next week...

I continued to build my application and finally dropped it off this afternoon, so now I just wait for the call for the medical and interview!

Looking forward to going through the process all over again! :P

Anyways, good luck to everybody this year!  :salute:

Hi! I am not in the Forces however read this thread through it is someone asking a question similar to your's.


PS: You won't be judged by me :D
Thanks for that m8, I can honestly say I'm not at pigheaded or naive as that fellow. I understand that what they pay is what they pay, it just can't hurt to ask. And if I cannot afford to attend ROTP training then I'm not adverse to NCM training with an Officer position application a few years down the road. I am just interested in serving the country. Thanks again.
cwright16 said:
Thanks for that m8, I can honestly say I'm not at pigheaded or naive as that fellow. I understand that what they pay is what they pay, it just can't hurt to ask. And if I cannot afford to attend ROTP training then I'm not adverse to NCM training with an Officer position application a few years down the road. I am just interested in serving the country. Thanks again.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions, just as the old saying does,

there is no stupid questions!

Good luck with whatever you choose, and I am sure everything turn out well if you put good effort!
Just picked up my transcript at school today. I've had my questionnaire ready since Monday and for some reason I just keep putting it off. Maybe it's just me worrying about the CFAT and feeling that I should keep preparing. This coming Monday will be the day to drop it off ;)

As always, good luck to those who are applying!
scriptox said:
Just picked up my transcript at school today. I've had my questionnaire ready since Monday and for some reason I just keep putting it off. Maybe it's just me worrying about the CFAT and feeling that I should keep preparing. This coming Monday will be the day to drop it off ;)

As always, good luck to those who are applying!

My recruiter (or soon to be one) is only available Tuesday and Friday, I did the same as you I have everything ready! I am simply just waiting for Tuesday!

I got my transcript to discover that what I thought (that my grade 9/10 mark were terrible) was actually wrong and I have an overall average throughout high school of 84 which I was not expecting.. I was expecting literally a 77 or something haha.

Everything is completed however, the security, application, ROTP questionnaire blah blah, just gott'a hand it in :D
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