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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hi all,

Back on here just as I was briefly last year. I went through the process last year and was offered a contract which I turned down for a number of reasons. I am in my second year at the University of Guelph, going into my 3rd year as a MARS officer with the reserves. I have applied for a CT to the reg force under the terms of the ROTP program and have applied only for MARS. I finished my interview last week and it went great. Hope everyone is doing good and best of luck with this years selection process.
oaktown said:
Hi all,

Back on here just as I was briefly last year. I went through the process last year and was offered a contract which I turned down for a number of reasons. I am in my second year at the University of Guelph, going into my 3rd year as a MARS officer with the reserves. I have applied for a CT to the reg force under the terms of the ROTP program and have applied only for MARS. I finished my interview last week and it went great. Hope everyone is doing good and best of luck with this years selection process.

I apologize in advance if I miss/missed something, but I am not too sure why you are CT'ing under ROTP? If you are already a MARS Officer, don't you already hold a University degree? And if you are already a MARS Officer within the reserves, why didn't you just apply to switch to Reg Force? What's the significance of applying under ROTP?

(Just trying to understand your motives here)

As always, good luck.
scriptox said:
I apologize in advance if I miss/missed something, but I am not too sure why you are CT'ing under ROTP? If you are already a MARS Officer, don't you already hold a University degree? And if you are already a MARS Officer within the reserves, why didn't you just apply to switch to Reg Force? What's the significance of applying under ROTP?

(Just trying to understand your motives here)

As always, good luck.

I think that you can be commissioned in the reserves while working towards your degree, correct me if I'm wrong. So if he wants to finish his degree while being part of the reg force, has to transfer to ROTP.
Hi all,
To clarify - When you join the reserves you are not commissioned. You get your commission upon completion of your basic training, IF you have a degree, if you do not, you will go through your second and third phase of training (for MARS thats NETPO - Naval Environmental Training Program:Officer and MARS 3) and be commissioned after MARS 3. I took my first year between highschool and university off and joined then, so I am not a fully trade qualified MARS officer, but still considered a MARS officer in terms of the trade. It was stated earlier and correct that in order for me to switch to the reg force while still in uni I need to transfer under ROTP because I do not have a degree to transfer as a DEO (Direct Entry Officer) Also to note is that CT's (component transfer - reserve to reg) when not in university is a very long process. There are fully trade qualified MARS officers trying and waiting for up to 3 years last I heard so the opportunity to transfer over in school is invaluable in terms of getting in and efficiently.
Hey all, got some good news today and thought I'd share. I missed a call from my RC when I was in class today, so I called them back after to find out whats up. I was told that my application is almost complete, all that is left for me to do is write the ACSO aptitude test. After that I am home free and waiting to see if I get an offer. I was also told that I would be able to write the test around the end of February, which is great since that means it won't interfere with my midterm exams.
Hope your applications are all going well!
jparkin said:
Hey all, got some good news today and thought I'd share. I missed a call from my RC when I was in class today, so I called them back after to find out whats up. I was told that my application is almost complete, all that is left for me to do is write the ACSO aptitude test. After that I am home free and waiting to see if I get an offer. I was also told that I would be able to write the test around the end of February, which is great since that means it won't interfere with my midterm exams.
Hope your applications are all going well!

What are your other choices of trade? I looked through your posts but couldn't find it.
I'm adding ACSO to my application hopefully so possibly will be writing the aptitude test in the future as well.
Also just found out that I was found unsuitable for RMC because I'm in second year at SFU, not sure what the cut off is until they won't transfer you, but your MCC will be able to see it if a decision has been made.
LOLslamball said:
What are your other choices of trade? I looked through your posts but couldn't find it.
I'm adding ACSO to my application hopefully so possibly will be writing the aptitude test in the future as well.
Also just found out that I was found unsuitable for RMC because I'm in second year at SFU, not sure what the cut off is until they won't transfer you, but your MCC will be able to see it if a decision has been made.

My trade preferences are: 1) Engineering Officer 2) ACSO 3) Infantry Officer
I'm not really sure what the cutoff is, but I was told by the recruiter at CFRC Van. that the further you are into your studies, the more likely they will offer you to stay in civi. I'm first year UBC, they told me I there's a good chance I will get a civi offer. I'm sure that transferring credits between civi U and RMC is tough after first year, where everywhere pretty much teaches the same foundation courses.
Good to see more BC applicants on here!
I've heard that you cant transfer to RMC at all because of the indoc period during first semester, but I haven't looked it up.  I wanted to add RMC to my application but I wasn't even allowed to because I was told that I wouldn't be transferred anyways.

oddly enough 3 of 7 people that were at my aircrew selection were from BC

LOLslamball said:
What are your other choices of trade? I looked through your posts but couldn't find it.
I'm adding ACSO to my application hopefully so possibly will be writing the aptitude test in the future as well.
Also just found out that I was found unsuitable for RMC because I'm in second year at SFU, not sure what the cut off is until they won't transfer you, but your MCC will be able to see it if a decision has been made.

So to help you guys out. I was in my first year last year when I applied. I was a desirable candidate because I have prior MARS training and at the time over a year and a half in the reserves. When my offer came out, it was clear my only option would be for RMC. They can absolutely transfer credits. It is difficult because RMC doesn't offer a lot of programs that other universities do; for example I am in some geography classes and environmental science classes, they had a very hard time coming up with a course code for their school which would be acceptable to transfer my credits under. I went back and forth negotiating my contract so I could remain at Civi U and they said plain and simple, I was going to RMC. The only way you will never not go to RMC is if you are commissioned. Other then that, RMC is the military's school, it is obviously their top choice for you to attend if you want to have your schooling paid for; and that makes sense, because its their institute so they can monitor you, and develop you as they wish. Its my understanding there are less ROTP spots this year then last, and less Civi U spots then prior years as well. Do not get comfortable in first or even second year (although second year is much more secure) that you will not be told your offer is for RMC. I suggest preparing for the worst, and be aware it is fully possible that just because you are in civi u now, doesn't mean too much to them because RMC is their school, and obviously where they want to fill first. 
Thanks oaktown, it's always good to hear from someone who is talking from a position of knowledge. Just to clarify, I put staying at UBC as my first choice and going to RMC for my second, but I explicitly stated in my short essay that I would be happy to go to RMC as well. So for me it's all about getting an offer; what I'm offered is of less importance to me. Thanks for the advice  :salute:
Ya I didn't even put RMC as a choice for me last year and thats where the offer was for. Goodluck on the offer if you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask I went through the whole process last year including getting and offer and turning it down, and I've been a reservist for over 2 years so I have some training under my belt.
Recruiting Center: CFRC Kingston
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 2:Aerospace Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 3:Communications and Electronics Engineering Officer
Application Date:
First Contact: September 2011
Aptitude:  November 10th, 2011
Medical:  November 24th, 2011
Interview completed: November 24th, 2011
Merit Listed: December 11th, 2011
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

I've been lurking this site for a long time and finally got myself registered to share with everyone. I must first off thank everyone for keeping me sane over the past 4 years. RMC has been my dream since my childhood and now that it's so close, I'm more excited than ever. I scored in the top 80th percentile or something of that sort in the Aptitude test. In fact, a buddy and I both did, the first 2 of the year in Kingston according to the recruiter.

My medical went perfectly and I was deemed fit for service. Then my interview lasted 2 hours and the recruiter and I had a merry time discussing my selected trades as I'd memorized the online sheets and then some as I've researched these trades for the past 4 years. She then told me I had a very competitive application and I departed.

I returned in December with my excellent midterms (I've only scored 90's in all of High School with the odd high 80) and the recruiter told me I had been merit listed. Since then I've been back once or twice to drop off national awards certificates I've received and my conditional early acceptances to all my university applications (Ottawa and Carleton with Coop options and 10K plus in scholarships).

In short, I think I have a pretty competitive application and would love for nothing more for an acceptance of any kind into the institution of my dreams. It would be nice to get it sometime in late March as my dad will be on leave from his Tour of Duty at that point. All I can do is hope for the best!

Good luck to everyone out there!  :yellow:
Alex.Landry said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Kingston
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 2:Aerospace Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 3:Communications and Electronics Engineering Officer
Application Date:
First Contact: September 2011
Aptitude:  November 10th, 2011
Medical:  November 24th, 2011
Interview completed: November 24th, 2011
Merit Listed: December 11th, 2011
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

I've been lurking this site for a long time and finally got myself registered to share with everyone. I must first off thank everyone for keeping me sane over the past 4 years. RMC has been my dream since my childhood and now that it's so close, I'm more excited than ever. I scored in the top 80th percentile or something of that sort in the Aptitude test. In fact, a buddy and I both did, the first 2 of the year in Kingston according to the recruiter.

My medical went perfectly and I was deemed fit for service. Then my interview lasted 2 hours and the recruiter and I had a merry time discussing my selected trades as I'd memorized the online sheets and then some as I've researched these trades for the past 4 years. She then told me I had a very competitive application and I departed.

I returned in December with my excellent midterms (I've only scored 90's in all of High School with the odd high 80) and the recruiter told me I had been merit listed. Since then I've been back once or twice to drop off national awards certificates I've received and my conditional early acceptances to all my university applications (Ottawa and Carleton with Coop options and 10K plus in scholarships).

In short, I think I have a pretty competitive application and would love for nothing more for an acceptance of any kind into the institution of my dreams. It would be nice to get it sometime in late March as my dad will be on leave from his Tour of Duty at that point. All I can do is hope for the best!

Good luck to everyone out there!  :yellow:

Nice to see some more recruitee's hehe, good luck!

In my own lil story, I am just waiting for Wednesday to get my updated marks in all my classes on a transcript, as is I have spoken to my teacher and in all but one class I maintained my mark. I raised my mark slightly in "peace and politics".

So with that I have an 88% Academic average, and next semester have one Academic course.. so in short I am assuming that will be my average until University :).
canada94 said:
Nice to see some more recruitee's hehe, good luck!

In my own lil story, I am just waiting for Wednesday to get my updated marks in all my classes on a transcript, as is I have spoken to my teacher and in all but one class I maintained my mark. I raised my mark slightly in "peace and politics".

So with that I have an 88% Academic average, and next semester have one Academic course.. so in short I am assuming that will be my average until University :).

Nice! I just finished my last exam as well. I will be waiting to hand in my updated transcript as well. I only had three classes this semester and feel that I was trying considerably hard haha. Without the exams, these were my grades going into the exam (they've probably changed now after writing the tests... hopefully for the better) :

HRE4M (Religion): 91
MHF4U (Advanced Functions): 91
SBI4U (Biology): 93

However next semester I'll be worrying about Calculus and English haha... let's see if I can pull 90s in those courses as well... one more semester to go!! :D

As always, good luck to all.
scriptox said:
Nice! I just finished my last exam as well. I will be waiting to hand in my updated transcript as well. I only had three classes this semester and feel that I was trying considerably hard haha. Without the exams, these were my grades going into the exam (they've probably changed now after writing the tests... hopefully for the better) :

HRE4M (Religion): 91
MHF4U (Advanced Functions): 91
SBI4U (Biology): 93

However next semester I'll be worrying about Calculus and English haha... let's see if I can pull 90s in those courses as well... one more semester to go!! :D

As always, good luck to all.

Those marks are quite good :) I am terrible at sciences and math's...

My marks are;

Law: 91
English: 86
Ethics: 93
Economics: 92
Peace and politics: 81

which is an 88.6% :D

All I have next semester is.. Gym, peer tudor and world issues (the last academic credit). So I hope it is smooth sailing from here on out!

I would like to share my experience. I applied for Inf.O in November, RMC was my first choice. I passed the CAF test and I luckily had the chance to see my marks. I scored 11-15 vocabulary 11-15 spacial and 27-30 maths. They told me this grade is good enough for the trade I am applying. Currently I'm undergoing a long backup check because I have a dual citizenship. Next thing should be the medical test which I've been waiting since 10th of January (my CFAT test date). I am hoping to get my medical soon so I can move to the next step and we'll see what happens. I would really like to do this in my life and it motivates me just to think that it is possible. On another note, I would just like  to add that this is a very honourable profession in my mind. Wish you guys good luck too, I am from Montreal.
Just saw a comment that said: Write down only pilot. I wrote other choices as well and was offered 2nd choice when guys who only wrote pilot got conditional offers.

What do you guys make of this?
Should I only write pilot? What if I don't get a conditional offer?
Would I be able to attempt another profession or would it be safer just to pick 2nd and 3rd choices?
Globemaster77 said:
Just saw a comment that said: Write down only pilot. I wrote other choices as well and was offered 2nd choice when guys who only wrote pilot got conditional offers.

What do you guys make of this?
Should I only write pilot? What if I don't get a conditional offer?
Would I be able to attempt another profession or would it be safer just to pick 2nd and 3rd choices?

I am also in the process of adding trades to my application.  I only had AEC but after going to ASC and passing (and this being my last year to apply for ROTP) I was advised to add a second and third trade.

There was two MCC's in the office with me and they both made very clear that the only way you will be offered your second choice is if you are not high enough up the merit list to get your first.

say there were 5 spots for your trade, if you are 6th on the merit list and the 5 ahead of you have the same trade as choice 1, you get choice two.
same scenario, but you were 25th on the merit list, and only 3 other people ahead of you put down that trade, then you get your first choice.

Hey everyone,

I have been lurking the board for a while so I figure I will finally post in here.

I am a first year University of Guelph student and currently a member of the P Res. I applied for ROTP in November and have been playing the game since then.

I completed my interview today and was deemed eligible and competitive for my three choices - MPO, Armour, and Pilot.  Now I continue patiently waiting until I hear more news.

Good luck to every one applying.
HeavyD said:
Hey everyone,

I have been lurking the board for a while so I figure I will finally post in here.

I am a first year University of Guelph student and currently a member of the P Res. I applied for ROTP in November and have been playing the game since then.

I completed my interview today and was deemed eligible and competitive for my three choices - MPO, Armour, and Pilot.  Now I continue patiently waiting until I hear more news.

Good luck to every one applying.

When I applied I was told that MPO was no longer hiring and had to switch to armour. Glad to see that it opened by the time you applied  :)
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