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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Travis Silcox
  • Start date
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Well, I sign my papers tommorow.  I guess we'll probably see each other during the ceremony, although we may not know who is who.  How many guests do you have, and does anyone know on average how many people a recruit being enrolled brings?
Because I accepted my offer a little bit late (I was waiting to see for 2 other programs, engineer officer and armour officer) so when I inally went in, it turned out my spot at RMC had been given away.  I will be getting my mechanical engineering degree here at the University of Ottawa. 
Also, the slots were full for BOTC this summer, I was told I will be doing that next summer. (Does anyone know what will be happening with my second language course. Am I exempt of it if I'm already bilingual?  I speak both french and english fluently.  I have been going to a french school since I started school and have been getting grades above 80 all my life in both english and french classes.)
Everything pretty much fell into place like I wanted it to, I had some doubts about not being able to afford getting my private pilot's license, but living at home I don't have to pay rent or food, so I will be able to afford that.  Plus I will be able to keep my car and I can visit my hometown this summer, which I wasn't sure if I would have been able to or not.
Kid_X said:
Well, I sign my papers tommorow.  I guess we'll probably see each other during the ceremony, although we may not know who is who.  How many guests do you have, and does anyone know on average how many people a recruit being enrolled brings?

I'm not sure of the maximum, but when I went to my swearing in, most other people had two people with them, though some had three. I'd suggest only taking your parents and maybe your siblings. It's not like it's a particularly interesting ceremony, anyways.

Because I accepted my offer a little bit late (I was waiting to see for 2 other programs, engineer officer and armour officer) so when I inally went in, it turned out my spot at RMC had been given away.  I will be getting my mechanical engineering degree here at the University of Ottawa. 
Also, the slots were full for BOTC this summer, I was told I will be doing that next summer. (Does anyone know what will be happening with my second language course. Am I exempt of it if I'm already bilingual?  I speak both french and english fluently.  I have been going to a french school since I started school and have been getting grades above 80 all my life in both english and french classes.)

I'm not sure how it works for Civvie U, but at RMC you take a second language test in the beginning of your first year and if you score BBB (functional knowledge) or better, you are exempt from second language training during the summer. Your grades in language classes have absolutely NO bearing on your second language training.
Ok, thank you.  For guests, I have a bunch, my parents, sister, and my mom's uncle and his wife who helped me with my application (advice and such, he's retired military).  I'll probably be informed what tests I have to do and when tommorow when I sign my papers, but thank you for the information.
I signed my papers yesterday, took a while.  It was very informative though.  My IAP has been deferred to 2007 like most of the people that were in the room (about 10 out of 21), my file manager was the one in charge of getting the document signing done (pure coincidence) for everyone there and mentioned something about it being the year that caused it.  Does anyone know why this would be happening a lot this year specifically?
Kid_X said:
.... mentioned something about it being the year that caused it. Does anyone know why this would be happening a lot this year specifically?

There are recruiting snags and bottlenecks in any year featuring four numbers, such as 2006........or 1998, 1985, 1967.... ;D

(and it's going to get worse now that Kincanucks is posted out of Recruiting)
Journeyman said:
There are recruiting snags and bottlenecks in any year featuring four numbers, such as 2006........or 1998, 1985, 1967.... ;D

(and it's going to get worse now that Kincanucks is posted out of Recruiting)

Damn right.
Journeyman said:
There are recruiting snags and bottlenecks in any year featuring four numbers, such as 2006........or 1998, 1985, 1967.... ;D

(and it's going to get worse now that Kincanucks is posted out of Recruiting)

Where to?  When is your posting?  Most of all CONGRADULATIONS!!!!
I didn't get my ROTP acceptance until early may. I was originaly place on the July 3rd IAP but got moved to June 26th. BUT I havn't even been sworn in yet, won't be until the 17th. Anyone have any idea why I'm getting sworn in so late? You all see to have been sworn in on like, the 3rd or 4th?
Kid_X said:
Ok, thank you.  For guests, I have a bunch, my parents, sister, and my mom's uncle and his wife who helped me with my application (advice and such, he's retired military).  I'll probably be informed what tests I have to do and when tommorow when I sign my papers, but thank you for the information.
Ya I'm in the same boat. My Parents, My sis and my girl friend all want to come. My Dad's friend who was one of my references and his wife want to come. AND my Dad's sister and her husband want to come. So thats whats now, 8 guests? It's going to look like a party?
The Sergeant at the recruiting centre said it was all just a 'bull shit' ceremony anyways. Is that because he loathes officers or is it realy a load of nothing and I just tell half my 'guests' not to bother?
Do a quick search on Leave Without Pay or LWOP and see what the ramifications to you may be.
The Sergeant at the recruiting centre said it was all just a 'bull shit' ceremony anyways. Is that because he loathes officers or is it realy a load of nothing and I just tell half my 'guests' not to bother?

If he actually said that then he is an idiot who should be working elsewhere. Invite as many people as you want and enjoy the day.

I didn't get my ROTP acceptance until early may. I was originaly place on the July 3rd IAP but got moved to June 26th. BUT I havn't even been sworn in yet, won't be until the 17th. Anyone have any idea why I'm getting sworn in so late? You all see to have been sworn in on like, the 3rd or 4th?

Well if you were going on the 3rd of July as planned then the 17th of Jun wouldn't be so late would it?
Apparently, the swearing in ceremony here in Ottawa on June 3rd was somewhat of a one time thing (who knows, it may happen again) because of the prime minister's involvement in the military (or other political stuff, I was standing about 5 feet away from him that day and he didn't seem "ecstatic" about being there).  That's why they did so many people at a time (224?), but it was mainly people from Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and surrounding area.  You can find the PM's speech online if you wanted to read through it, it was nice.  They had decided on having me sworn in that day earlier in the year, but I still hadn't confirmed my offer when they did.  So your enrolment date and training start aren't really connected (assumption).  They had me doing my enrolment on the 3rd, but my training (IAP and BOTC) has been deferred to summer 2007 (that was decided a bit later, a few days before signing my papers).  For more of a global outlook on what I'm saying (I tend to bounce around), I'll say that mid May is when I was told I'd be signing papers May 29th and my enrolment would be the 3rd of June.  They ended up telling me I hadn't "confirmed" my offer yet around May 23rd, so I went in on the 24th and gave my file manager all the info he needed.  That's when I was told my IAP slot had been given away and that I wouldn't be doing training until 2007 (and that my spot at RMC had been given away, because I hadn't accepted the offer right away) but that nothing else had changed, the enrolment was still the 3rd of June.  At the enrolment, they had a show of hands on who was doing training when.  Some were doing June 26th, others July 3rd, some weren't starting until sometime in August and others were even doing it starting September.  Also, some of the people I was sworn in with on the 3rd had been called and told they were being sworn in a week earlier, but had been called back and told to come on the 3rd. Others weren't supposed to be sworn in until a week or so later but were called and told to be there on the 3rd as a last minute thing.  All this to say something totally irrelevant to the rest, invite as many people as you like, you're only sworn in once, and I'm sure you can say it's a critical point in your life.  I would have loved to have more people come but we were limited because the ceremony ended up being indoors (and for the amount of recruits we were... that's a lot of guests).  Just remember, more people means more champagne later.
Kid_X said:
Apparently, the swearing in ceremony here in Ottawa on June 3rd was somewhat of a one time thing (who knows, it may happen again) because of the prime minister's involvement in the military (or other political stuff, I was standing about 5 feet away from him that day and he didn't seem "ecstatic" about being there).  That's why they did so many people at a time (224?), but it was mainly people from Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and surrounding area.  You can find the PM's speech online if you wanted to read through it, it was nice.  They had decided on having me sworn in that day earlier in the year, but I still hadn't confirmed my offer when they did.  So your enrolment date and training start aren't really connected (assumption).  They had me doing my enrolment on the 3rd, but my training (IAP and BOTC) has been deferred to summer 2007 (that was decided a bit later, a few days before signing my papers).   For more of a global outlook on what I'm saying (I tend to bounce around), I'll say that mid May is when I was told I'd be signing papers May 29th and my enrolment would be the 3rd of June.  They ended up telling me I hadn't "confirmed" my offer yet around May 23rd, so I went in on the 24th and gave my file manager all the info he needed.   That's when I was told my IAP slot had been given away and that I wouldn't be doing training until 2007 (and that my spot at RMC had been given away, because I hadn't accepted the offer right away) but that nothing else had changed, the enrolment was still the 3rd of June.  At the enrolment, they had a show of hands on who was doing training when.  Some were doing June 26th, others July 3rd, some weren't starting until sometime in August and others were even doing it starting September.  Also, some of the people I was sworn in with on the 3rd had been called and told they were being sworn in a week earlier, but had been called back and told to come on the 3rd. Others weren't supposed to be sworn in until a week or so later but were called and told to be there on the 3rd as a last minute thing.  All this to say something totally irrelevant to the rest, invite as many people as you like, you're only sworn in once, and I'm sure you can say it's a critical point in your life.  I would have loved to have more people come but we were limited because the ceremony ended up being indoors (and for the amount of recruits we were... that's a lot of guests).  Just remember, more people means more champagne later.

Ever hear of paragraphs?
Yeah... I'm sorry about that, I was tired while writting it and didn't want to lose my train of thought... it won't let me edit it either!
Kid_X said:
Apparently, the swearing in ceremony here in Ottawa on June 3rd was somewhat of a one time thing (who knows, it may happen again) because of the prime minister's involvement in the military (or other political stuff, I was standing about 5 feet away from him that day and he didn't seem "ecstatic" about being there).  That's why they did so many people at a time (224?), but it was mainly people from Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and surrounding area.  You can find the PM's speech online if you wanted to read through it, it was nice.  They had decided on having me sworn in that day earlier in the year, but I still hadn't confirmed my offer when they did.  So your enrolment date and training start aren't really connected (assumption).  They had me doing my enrolment on the 3rd, but my training (IAP and BOTC) has been deferred to summer 2007 (that was decided a bit later, a few days before signing my papers).   For more of a global outlook on what I'm saying (I tend to bounce around), I'll say that mid May is when I was told I'd be signing papers May 29th and my enrolment would be the 3rd of June.  They ended up telling me I hadn't "confirmed" my offer yet around May 23rd, so I went in on the 24th and gave my file manager all the info he needed.   That's when I was told my IAP slot had been given away and that I wouldn't be doing training until 2007 (and that my spot at RMC had been given away, because I hadn't accepted the offer right away) but that nothing else had changed, the enrolment was still the 3rd of June.  At the enrolment, they had a show of hands on who was doing training when.  Some were doing June 26th, others July 3rd, some weren't starting until sometime in August and others were even doing it starting September.  Also, some of the people I was sworn in with on the 3rd had been called and told they were being sworn in a week earlier, but had been called back and told to come on the 3rd. Others weren't supposed to be sworn in until a week or so later but were called and told to be there on the 3rd as a last minute thing.  All this to say something totally irrelevant to the rest, invite as many people as you like, you're only sworn in once, and I'm sure you can say it's a critical point in your life.  I would have loved to have more people come but we were limited because the ceremony ended up being indoors (and for the amount of recruits we were... that's a lot of guests).  Just remember, more people means more champagne later.

Wow it sounds like a lot of people have been told one thing (ie. IAP July 3rd, RMC next year) but have discovered at the enrolment that they are getting something completly different. (IAP in 2007, Civi U next year). <-- Well this case seems to be the extreme, I havn't signed ANY papers yet, everything has been over the phone (except the procuring of records) and I really hope I don't show up at the enrolment and discover that my hole year has been switched around! :S My version of 'confirming' my offer was quite literally telling the recruiting officer over the phone "yes, i accept this offer." And that was that. No official documents signed. Are all those done at the enrolment, or should I be a little worried?

kincanucks said:
The Sergeant at the recruiting centre said it was all just a 'bull crap' ceremony anyways. Is that because he loathes officers or is it realy a load of nothing and I just tell half my 'guests' not to bother?

If he actually said that then he is an idiot who should be working elsewhere. Invite as many people as you want and enjoy the day.

I didn't get my ROTP acceptance until early may. I was originaly place on the July 3rd IAP but got moved to June 26th. BUT I havn't even been sworn in yet, won't be until the 17th. Anyone have any idea why I'm getting sworn in so late? You all see to have been sworn in on like, the 3rd or 4th?

Well if you were going on the 3rd of July as planned then the 17th of Jun wouldn't be so late would it?

To the second part: You are correct, IAP on July 3rd means June 17th is too late obviously. But don't I go on salary once I'm enroled? That means all those guys getting enroled in Ottawa just got one more paycheck then I did! This is LUDACRIS! I want to renegotiate my so far not-eve-signed contract! Lol ok, just kidding around  :p
liebersbach said:
I really hope I don't show up at the enrolment and discover that my hole year has been switched around!
At least you have a realistic perspective  ;)
liebersbach said:
To the second part: You are correct, IAP on July 3rd means June 17th is too late obviously. But don't I go on salary once I'm enroled? That means all those guys getting enroled in Ottawa just got one more paycheck then I did! This is LUDACRIS! I want to renegotiate my so far not-eve-signed contract! Lol ok, just kidding around  :p

Actually, when I signed my papers, I signed that I was on LWOP until my COS date (August 25th), usually the day you start either your training (IAP) or your post secondary studies if your training has been deferred.
Kid_X said:
Actually, when I signed my papers, I signed that I was on LWOP until my COS date (August 25th), usually the day you start either your training (IAP) or your post secondary studies if your training has been deferred.
If I don't sign it does that mean I get paid? Lol. I know I know now im coming off as greedy. But seriously if the military WASN'T going to pay me while I'm at IAP and while I'm at RMC, heck if I had to pay to go to RMC I still would just for the opportunity!
liebersbach said:
If I don't sign it does that mean I get paid? Lol. I know I know now im coming off as greedy. But seriously if the military WASN'T going to pay me while I'm at IAP and while I'm at RMC, heck if I had to pay to go to RMC I still would just for the opportunity!

WTF are you babbling about?  You get paid when you report for IAP and every two weeks thereafter until they kick you out.  However, you may get enrolled well before IAP or before school starts and during that period you will be on Leave without Pay (LWOP).

Alright yes I know and understand about LWOP, no need to drop the hammer on me, my point was that I dont care about the money, but the opportunity to serve! Yeesh!
That's the spirit... but still, until I am up there flying airplanes, I do like the extra cash.
      Quick question(s), I've received 2 pay tables (when I signed my papers), one of them is Regular Force Officers "Monthly Pay Rate Tables" April 2005, the base salary for Officer Cadet in ROTP is 1328.
      On the other, Pay Rate "QR&O 204.211" (which has just the one rate given specifically to all of us there that day) for "Single" (as opposed to "Married"), it says 1255.63$ and has a list of deductions (627.43$ to be exact) and the net pay is 628.19$.  Those deductions include SDB (?), EI (?), Pension & CPP, SISIP-LTD (?), Income Tax, Sales Tax, Single Quarters and Rations.  I don't know what the ones with the "(?)" beside them are.  Also, would this one be for IAP (wondering about quarters and rations part) or for RMC, because I've been chosen for Civie U.
      You said we're paid every 2 weeks, is it half of what is posted here that you receive every 2 weeks, they didn't answer any of these questions for us during signing, they "didn't have time", these papers were for us to read in our own time.  I'm just wondering if I should start looking for a job at MacDonald's for next year while I'm doing my studies?
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