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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Does anyone know what the process may be like to switch my application from ROTP to Reserve with  the GGHG 32nd Armor Crew/ Combat Engy after the medical clears? As well, I heard some rumor that you can join the reserves and state the intent of going to try and be an officer upon graduation of university and qualify for something similar to the basic salary from ROTP. Can anyone shed some light? I don't think I will make it in time for selections.
Firstly, you need to seriously dial down your caffeine - or whatever stimulant you're on - before you self-destruct.

You're going to be a real hoot in an actual stressful situation. I look forward to some entertaining Youtube posts someday.

Secondly, there is no such animal as a "GGHG 32nd Armor Crew/ Combat Engy".

The Governor-General's Horse Guards (GGHG) is an Armoured (not "Armor", as this is Canada) Regiment within 32 Canadian Brigade Group. 32 Combat Engineer Regiment (32 CER) is a completely different unit with a completely different role. The abbreviation for "Engineer" is "Engr", not "Engy".
milnews.ca said:
You're not the only one in the sausage machine.

Are you sure?

Judging by the way that his application is zorching through the system, he quite likely is.

If there was a second person in the system, it would really bog down - even to the point of taking a day or two longer.
Daishi said:
Ive been calling the recruitment center and medical office all day, nobody picks up the phones I guess.

They have call display.
Hi everyone!

I made my application for the ROTP in fall 2012 at the CFRC of Rimouski. I apply in an Civ U and for the RMC Kingston. I recently got accepted at Dalhousie University to do a bachelor of Arts in History. I'm doing my studies in the programme of social science at the Rimouski CEGEP in which I have 80% of average. I also have 2 years of services in naval reserve at the HMCS D'Iberville here in Rimouski and my CO wrote me a recommendation letter for my application as a MARS officer in the ROTP. My dream is to make my studies at RMC Kingston in military studies and strategic.

I'm still waiting for news who doesn't seem want to come but i'm patient like many of you!

Et je suis francophone!
Hello everyone,

I am currently an RMC/ROTP applicant awaiting to hear the results of the selection. At the moment, I have a handful of questions about fencing at RMC (Kingston) and I was hoping some current students or graduates would be able to help me out.

    - Is fencing a seasonal sport or is it all year round?
    - Do many first year students have any prior fencing experience before RMC?
    - Is equipment stored in your dorm or in a "sports locker?"
    - Is it a popular sport at RMC (do many people tryout)?
    - How often are the practices?
    - What would an average practice consist of?

A big thanks to everyone in advance!
Ouais vraiment moi qui me sentait si seul haha. J'ai vraiment l'impression qui à pas beaucoup de français qui applique. Je serais curieux de voir le nombre d'applicant anglo vs franco au RMC
nic32 said:
Je serais curieux de voir le nombre d'applicant anglo vs franco au RMC

I'm not sure about applicants, but at Kingston, roughly 20% of the Officer Cadets are Francophones (as of October 2011).
qwerty789 said:
Hello everyone,

I am currently an RMC/ROTP applicant awaiting to hear the results of the selection. At the moment, I have a handful of questions about fencing at RMC (Kingston) and I was hoping some current students or graduates would be able to help me out.

    - Is fencing a seasonal sport or is it all year round?
    - Do many first year students have any prior fencing experience before RMC?
    - Is equipment stored in your dorm or in a "sports locker?"
    - Is it a popular sport at RMC (do many people tryout)?
    - How often are the practices?
    - What would an average practice consist of?

A big thanks to everyone in advance!
Can't wait to see the answers to this one.... :pop:
jwtg said:
Can't wait to see the answers to this one.... :pop:

May I ask what your opinion would be?  ;D

Even if you haven't played, do you know many people who take part in it?
jwtg said:
Can't wait to see the answers to this one.... :pop:

"Popular" is very relative...I know quite a few people, some older, some newer UTPNCM folks, who got into fencing at RMC simply because it was something different.
Occam said:
"Popular" is very relative.

That's why I added the part asking if "many people tryout?" I just want to know how much interest there is out there for the sport.
Shamrock said:
Bladework is one of the pillars at RMC.

Now don't go jading them before they've even arrived...  :)

qwerty789 said:
That's why I added the part asking if "many people tryout?" I just want to know how much interest there is out there for the sport.

There might be someone along from RMC who may be able to offer recent insight on the subject.
qwerty789 said:
That's why I added the part asking if "many people tryout?" I just want to know how much interest there is out there for the sport.
I'm not on the team, so I don't have hard numbers and my info is only from what I hear from my peers.

Some people arrive having been 'recruited' to the team, which obviously reduces the available spaces for try-out walk-ons; that being said, I know a few people who simply showed up for try-outs and joined the team.

So it is certainly possible.  As far as popularity, well...fencers are a little like pilots ( ;) )...they certainly love what they do and think it's really popular....the rest of us think it's like any other job/sport. 

Facetiousness aside, fencers are like any other group at RMC (or almost anywhere, for that matter) in that some of them are good, some are bad, all are human.

I really can't speak to the 'popularity' of the sport other than to say that the people who do it seem to like it, and more people typically try out than there are spaces available, so if that qualifies as popular, then there you have it.

Good luck with your application.
I fence at a very competitive club in Quebec City (STH), amongst which are some people fencing for CISM (Which has a fencing team). Apparently the Kingston team has a good level, but it's certainly possible to join. Having talked to the Master at Arms of the Kingston club, they certainly take walk ons, after tryouts, but they also recruit athletes with prior experience. Another tidbit I've been told by my own Master at Arms is that they are looking more for the right attitude in tryouts than hard skill (Though hard skill certainly plays a role), since they will be training you and taking care of you for 3-4 years (The duration of your degree). So dedication, willingness to improve on your mistakes and general learning ability certainly do play a role.

However, not to discourage you, but I have been fencing for a year now and I am nowhere near the level of competing in official competitions. So if you want to get into fencing, expect to dedicate quite a bit of time to practice and improving your skills. A lot is also simply about moving and footwork, and it's quite different from what people imagine fencing is (From watching movies). Also do some research into the weapons of fencing, the three weapons are not similar at all. Personally, I fence Epee, and I think it's the most fun of the three, but no doubt some foil and saber fans will say the opposite.
SeR said:
I'm not sure about applicants, but at Kingston, roughly 20% of the Officer Cadets are Francophones (as of October 2011).

I thought it was a little more but still good if we compare how much we are in Canada, plus; RMC isn't well known in Quebec, when I hear people talking about army here, it's always about Combat Arms.

Just a couple of day ahead to heard if we got an offer or not, be patient ! My recruiter e-mailed me friday. They offer a presentation about RMC at my CRFC this tuesday. It seems strange because we got one at the end of the 2012 year.

Have a good week everyone !
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