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Regent Park Murder, Army Reservists convicted in homeless man's death

Wesley  Down Under said:
11 yrs eh, and that will be watered down with time served and if they are good boys.

So thats all one gets for what I consider MURDER, not manslaughter.

Our justice system needs some balls.

The sentance is a joke for all three.

Lets hope its gang-bang central three times a day for them.

Wouldn't they get sent to DB first? They won't have to worry about the other inmates there for the first two years.
I knew these guys, one of them was the former RSM of my cadet corps. It just blows me away that they did this. Makes me sick to my stomach that i looked up to these guys. I guess it goes to show you how easily and quickly you can screw your life over.
rmc_wannabe said:
I knew these guys, one of them was the former RSM of my cadet corps. It just blows me away that they did this. Makes me sick to my stomach that i looked up to these guys. I guess it goes to show you how easily and quickly you can screw your life over.

What dod they do in civy work?
Piper said:
No, they are reservists and it happened off CF time. Civvie jail for them.

This is old new anyways, isn't there already a thread on this?

Yes, but it did not deal with their conviction.
chris the merc said:
What dod they do in civy work?

I kinda lost contact with them after i left for the Regs, I think Hall was still in school last i heard from him . Guess he's going to another institution.
They got what they deserved, if this was not Canada they would have gotten it even worse.  Don't bend down for the soap.
Um.... reference the title of the thread. Regent Park and Moss Park are very different places, corrections maybe?
MedTechStudent said:
They got what they deserved, if this was not Canada they would have gotten it even worse.  Don't bend down for the soap.

They should have been tried and convicted for MURDER in the 2nd degree, not plea barganed down to manslaughter.
Wesley  Down Under said:
They should have been tried and convicted for MURDER in the 2nd degree, not plea barganed down to manslaughter.

As I read it, that was the Crown's opening gambit, but here was not enough evidence to sustain it. Like it or not, intent is required for a murder charge, and drunkenness can deprive one of the wherewithall to form legal intent.
Well if they had lived in El Salvador they would have gotten executed :mg:

Oh wait, actually you have to be caught Drinking & Driving...twice, to be executed over there never mind. :p  
E.R. Campbell said:
As I read it, that was the Crown's opening gambit, but here was not enough evidence to sustain it. Like it or not, intent is required for a murder charge, and drunkenness can deprive one of the wherewithall to form legal intent.

All this legal crap, and terms. As far as I am concerend, the use of booze or drugs is no excuse for what they had done. To repeatedly KICK some one in the head and upper body as they are on the ground is trying to kill them, not rough them up.

These two maggots are lucky. In a few years they will be out, and meanwhile an innocent homeless man is dead. There is no justice.
Wesley  Down Under said:
All this legal crap, and terms. As far as I am concerend, the use of booze or drugs is no excuse for what they had done. To repeatedly KICK some one in the head and upper body as they are on the ground is trying to kill them, not rough them up.

These two maggots are lucky. In a few years they will be out, and meanwhile an innocent homeless man is dead. There is no justice.

Exactly, as I said they got off easy they won't serve all that time.  Half of it maybe, hopefully.  I don't care how drunk you are, what could the guy have done to prompt that.  Mouthed you off?  Walk the hell away.  You don't have to prove how physically superior you are to someone which alcohol seams to bring out in people.  Especially someone in that poor guys situation.  Sickening, as I said I hope they rot.
Best justice for these punks would be to end up on the streets, homeless, after they are released.  Karma has a way of punishing some people.  One can hope...
chris the merc said:
What would their release series be? a 1 or a 2?

Is dishonerable Discharge still a 5F?  if so, then im guessing thats what they will see..
Tommy said:
Is dishonerable Discharge still a 5F?  if so, then im guessing thats what they will see..

Well, we here in Canada do not have a "Dishonourable Discharge", but a 5F equates "Unsuitable for further Service" -- for what's it's worth.
IIRC that also means they can't get a job with the Federal Government.
chris the merc said:
What would their release series be? a 1 or a 2?

Either way CTM, they're gone-con, for a term which will be too short. I think a mans life is worth more than a few years.

Our legal system needs a dirty great big hi chloronic enema 10 times day for the next unknown years or decades, and that includes getting rid of the limp wristed paedophile supporting judges and bleeding heart do-gooders out of the system.

Perhaps one day we will have a real fair and honest justice system again. One day, but not in our lifetime.

Imagine doing 5 yrs or so, and having a lifetime ban on LEGALLY owning firearms. WHAT A JOKE and insult to the rest of us. Seems you can get a longer term in prison for drug trafficking, fraud or some other corporate crime than you can for KILLING a man. I find that disgusting to say the least.

On a happier note, I am sure the inhabitants of their new home are drooling over the fresh tight new meat about to enter their house of pleasure. Nights of shameless cornholing, and three square meals a day with TV. You can't beat that.
QR&O 15.01
Release category 2
Unsatisfactory service

Sub category (a) unsatisfactory conduct,
in that,  by reason of unsatisfactory civil conduct, or conviction of an offence by a civil court, of a serious nature not related to the performance of his duties but reflecting discredit on the Service;
... at least, that's what would be my best guess