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Reg To Res Transfers?


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How hard is it to transfer from Reg force to a Reserve unit? Is it a long process? What are the steps taken during the process? Must I complete BMQ, SQ, and BIQ training before being granted oppertunity to transfer? The reason I ask is that because I am currently in week 8 of BMQ and I love the training but Im just not quite sure yet if its what I would like to do for 3 years (I'm going Infantry). I would like to finnish all of my training with the Reg force but most likely will transfer over to the Reserves ASAP after that. Is this possible to do?

Thanks in Advance,
I began the process in April of this year and swore in with my reserve unit in October......thats 6 months.
You'll most likely have to complete your contract if you want to transfer.
What about releasing from the military before my 3 years are up is that hard to do or near impossible?
I'm quite sure that the releasing process is a 9 month duration and that's if you were to start today. And since your on basic courses your instructors aren't going to give it to you easily. It would be faster and less hassle to complete your courses and your contract.
You can quit now...and forget about rejoining, Reserve or otherwise, or complete your initial contract and rejoin the Reserves later. That's your choices.
I served 9 yrs in the Res and switched over to the Regs. Now sadly I want out. Turns out I enjoyed the Res far more then I can ever enjoy the Regs. Now I just want to know if anyone can give me some pointers to the paperwork needed to get out and if anyone knows if they can transfer you back to the Res with out a problem.

Thx :salute:
Bobbyoreo said:
I served 9 yrs in the Res and switched over to the Regs. Now sadly I want out. Turns out I enjoyed the Res far more then I can ever enjoy the Regs. Now I just want to know if anyone can give me some pointers to the paperwork needed to get out and if anyone knows if they can transfer you back to the Res with out a problem.

Thx :salute:

Submit a memo up your chain of command stating that you want a voluntary release.  If they give it to you then you tell the release section that you want to to transfer to the reserves.  You will have to find a unit that will take you first.

I'm in my 2nd yr of my 1st contract. I spent 2 yrs with Reg force units before this. Just not liking it, and Im not finding the same type of people. Nothing against anyone. Just no liking it so I figure why take up a spot if I'm not happy. Dont wish to be one of the grumpy guys bringing everyone around me down..

Thx for the link!!!

Well, if you are in your second year of your first contract, you should be soon receiving the invitation to sign your second contract.  All you do then is tell them you don't want to reengage, and follow the above advice to look for a Reserve Unit that will take you in.  On Release, the Release Section can perform a Transfer to the Reserves and you should be all set.
I was a RMS Clerk and I also did the transfer from reg force to reserve.

Of course it would be much better if you did so once your first term is completed like I did, since you get a honorable discharge and get all applicable benefits, plus it look better on your file for the future.

However that being said you can transfer if you wish, actually transfer is not the good term cause there are no transfer between reg force to the reserve, they have to release you first and enlist you, but to you won't see the procedure and it will seem like a transfer to you. (transfers are only made from reserve to the reg force).

Since you haven'T completed your IE you won't get any benefits such as free move, compensation and so on, and it will be a stain on your file, not a major one since you are still willing to work for the CF.
I'm just wondering if a reg force member of the CF wants to do a two year police studies/foundations program, can't they do that within their contract and simply have to make up for time later or renew their contract upon finishing post secondary. The reason I ask is for one of the trades that I was interested in it requires current members to have a two year post secondary education which I do not have. I was hoping to apply to police studies and was told by an instructor that reg force members can do post secondary and reserves at the same time while under a contract.

yeah actually I have a question similar to that, I think you can request some leave without pay, but I think they will only allow one year max but then again I'm not 100% sure, I know I want to request a leave like that eventually for some course.