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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

I think that that is along the lines of what we need.

Not people standing there saluting...
If we are looking at making ads for a specific trade then this is not bad. But my thing is what about the other trades? That's not so intense but very essential. What kind of ad would there's be? I say we make a general ad with a little of everything in it, therefore making the military appealing and not just one specific trade.
Like said above, you need to showcase some of the trades. Show people doing high precision work on airplanes, show people blowing S* up with a M777, show officers planning an operation and even clerks doing whatever it is that they do in the puzzle pallace.
Is it just me or have recruiting adds started to pop all the time on the T.V. and Radio? Until recently I have never seen a recruiting add on T.V or heard one on the radio. Now I see or hear one at least three times a day. Do you think this is because the Conservatives are now in power and are trying kick start the recruiting process? Maybe with this new approach we will be able to target a new audience who could fill the gaps in the CF.
Well.....actually they came out before the Conservatives actually took over the Government after the Election.  They had started before PM Harper met with the GG, formed his Cabinet, and had the first sitting of Parliament.
Yes they did come out prior to the election you are right. I believe they are the same ones that used to play at the movies. It just seems they play much more frequently now.
I have noticed this to.... It seems alot more frequent on TV.

Just my own thoughts;

-They should update the commercial and get rid of the soldiers in the old green fatigues
-They should add more excitement into the commercials (much like the US "Army of One" commercials)

(I might have opened a can of worms on these comments  ;D)
i agree they should update the ads and make them more appealing to people
They arent bad ads but they don't really say anything... just displays a bunch of various troops running around doing various non specific things.

That video that a poster made a little while back, while only being 28 seconds or something, was better than any government ad ive seen yet. It took a much more aggressive approach and left a stronger feeling towards it than the gov't ones.

http://media.putfile.com/An-un-finished-video-I-put-together-of-the-Canadian-Military (link to video)

To me, our current ads really don't say anything, at least to me. It just seems like a mish mash of various images with no real message other than " join the CF please, youll like it ".
man, I LOVE that clip!  THAT'S the kind of clip to get young folks to join the army. 
The clips we have seen now on TV are really for the "Canadian Forces".  Perhaps it should be augmented with one for the Navy, one for the Army and one for the Air Force (nb: See how I went from the senior service to the junior service?  ;D)
The only thing about that song is the Iron Maiden: I would perhaps play "the Trooper", but perhaps just instrumental (who needs to hear "You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too! You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through!  So when you're waiting for the next attack, you better stand, there's no turning back!"  etc and so on and so forth


I thought that about the different ads per service too, but that would undermine the militaries whole tri-service thing now and how we're all one team and so on and so forth  :P

But yeah, I think a more aggressive tone in the ads would generate alot more interest in young people especially.

I don't mean clips of taliban being blown away or CF-18s dropping bombs on houses or anything, but more like that video that other poster created.... its more exciting and aggressive than our current advertising platforms and people respond to it alot more.
vonGarvin said:
The only thing about that song is the Iron Maiden:

Isn't that Sum 41?  Doing a metal takeoff.
Grab the devil by the horns and (explitive) him up the.. .. yeah.
The new recruitment campaign has boosted the number of commercials on TV for sure, as well those commercials now have more images, some more action, and sounds to go along with the images.  I haven't heard any on the radio, but have seen them in newspapers and on billboards.

Is it just me or have recruiting adds started to pop all the time on the T.V. and Radio? Until recently I have never seen a recruiting add on T.V or heard one on the radio. Now I see or hear one at least three times a day. Do you think this is because the Conservatives are now in power and are trying kick start the recruiting process? Maybe with this new approach we will be able to target a new audience who could fill the gaps in the CF.

Before the CF hires loads of people, change the way people go through the training system. After my BMQ I was excited about my career in the CF, then after a few months of waiting and dealing with the BS that goes along with the CF, less excited. Their are people of PRETC who after their BMQ's are ready for their training and end up sitting around for months on end with maybe a week long drivers course to do until their QL3's. Fix the system, make it more efficient, then hire more members.
Mack674 said:
I don't mean clips of taliban being blown away or CF-18s dropping bombs on houses or anything,


Yes, absolutely, we could have vids with soldiers handing out soccer balls in Bosnia - but aggressively!

Why would we show the public what they pay us to do?
2 cents,

they can put out all the adds they want, but when it takes them 3 months to a year to process a applicant and ship to basic thats no good. I hope with the extra advertising money being dolled out, the CF brass is expanding the recruiting resources/funding to keep up with the potential influx of eager recruits.

I definitely agree with what FutureTrooper says. I work at a Training Center where Army SQ and PLQ courses are run. Despite the fact courses are being run back to back we are still not able to run enough courses to keep up with demand. We need more instructors,more resources,more training centers you name it. I  guess the only way to get through this stage in CF history is keep running as many courses as we can.
  Something that has been mentioned before is to Have BMQ,SQ,as well as trade training be run at unit level. For example 1 RCR needs 50 men to bring the unit up to strength. Simply send 50 new recruits to 1RCR and let them train them. The problem with this as some see it is standards.
Rarely do recruits show up to their units at the desired standard anyways. So who better to train someone to unit standards than the unit themselves. I feel this would help free up the back log of recruits but who am I to say.
Patrolman said:
  Something that has been mentioned before is to Have BMQ,SQ,as well as trade training be run at unit level. For example 1 RCR needs 50 men to bring the unit up to strength. Simply send 50 new recruits to 1RCR and let them train them. The problem with this as some see it is standards.
Rarely do recruits show up to their units at the desired standard anyways. So who better to train someone to unit standards than the unit themselves. I feel this would help free up the back log of recruits but who am I to say.

This, in theory would be a great idea, but think of the drain on an individual unit's resources to train an entire double platoon. Think, 5-6 sections, requiring 12 instructors, 2-3 more NCOs for admin, and officer(s). In other words, nearly a whole company's worth of leadership - who as a result, is not trg with their company, or learning anything themselves. The time involved (about a year) to bring a civilian up to where they need to be in an infantry Bn needs to be considered also. The Bn could not be deployed in this time, and if they did have to, those 50 recruits would be left in limbo.

So, in exchange for nearly a company's worth of leadership being tied up for an entire year, you get 35 recruits delivered to the unit, of whom two thirds will quit after their first BE.

The schools are definitely the way to go, it is just a question of how to make them more efficient, how to get more recruits through without increasing the number of instructors or lowering standards.
As an aside, this is exactly how the Israelis train soldiers. Entire companies rotate through training and deployment cycles together, with the NCOs and officers training the troops they eventually lead at the front. Guys basically work with the same company from basic to leadership and all the way through their careers.

Of course Israel is one of those places where "civvies" are really just troops with 11 month of leave/year, so the culture's a little different.
I definitely agree with what FutureTrooper says. I work at a Training Center where Army SQ and PLQ courses are run. Despite the fact courses are being run back to back we are still not able to run enough courses to keep up with demand. We need more instructors,more resources,more training centers you name it. I  guess the only way to get through this stage in CF history is keep running as many courses as we can.
  Something that has been mentioned before is to Have BMQ,SQ,as well as trade training be run at unit level. For example 1 RCR needs 50 men to bring the unit up to strength. Simply send 50 new recruits to 1RCR and let them train them. The problem with this as some see it is standards.
Rarely do recruits show up to their units at the desired standard anyways. So who better to train someone to unit standards than the unit themselves. I feel this would help free up the back log of recruits but who am I to say.

That would be great, I always thought that drivers courses and SQ should be taught once posted to a unit. I love this idea as I would get the most out of what its like to be a signaller. It beats the hell out of waiting at PRETC, and simply becoming more bitter about it. As well I've been told that units will often teach soldiers different techniques then what is taught at the standard courses.

As well if 2/3 quit then the CF has to ask itself why so many are quitting despite the pay raises and other benefits and find ways to make it a better career for any member. At this stage of the game I don't see myself staying for more then a BE after seeing alot of the BS that goes along with it, but that could change in time.