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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

The national anthem before movies would be outrageous. I think even in high schools it's old fashioned and out dated. It's borderline propaganda in my opinion.
Pyromechanica said:
I also hear a lot more CF radio commercials, like the one where the female goes "So do you want an adventure?" or something along the lines of that.

I heard a commercial on the radio the other day.  I listen to the radio quite a bit and this was the first one I had heard in more then a year :eek:.

BKells - The national anthem in schools is borderline propaganda???  Please explain how.
BKells said:
The national anthem before movies would be outrageous. I think even in high schools it's old fashioned and out dated. It's borderline propaganda in my opinion.

Isn't that nice......
BKells said:
The national anthem before movies would be outrageous. I think even in high schools it's old fashioned and out dated. It's borderline propaganda in my opinion.

Is he on our side?
There was a time were that the anthem was play before every movie and the were no ads at all.
I thing the younger generation have lost there sense of patroitism b/c of little things like this.
BKells said:
The national anthem before movies would be outrageous. I think even in high schools it's old fashioned and out dated. It's borderline propaganda in my opinion.

hooh boy...some how I have a feeling that a can of slimy creatures has been opened...

You might want to take a good look at that red and white scrap of material on your left arm there, buddy, and remind yourself why you go to the armoury to play soldier every week.  :cdn:
BKells said:
The national anthem before movies would be outrageous. I think even in high schools it's old fashioned and out dated. It's borderline propaganda in my opinion.

Two questions

1) How is it propaganda?

2) Last time i looked they still taught history in highschool with a Canadian focus, and get this even religion in some schools.

Wow some burn a barn this could be a long night,  Your kidding me right a problem with the national athem, bet he has no problem cashing his comfy federal check or using the federal health care system or any of the other lovely things that we as a nation pay for.  (like using a DIN system to post on)

Goodness people like that really get my goat. sorry sorry

camo chick i thought you were in BC and now your are in Edmonton?
To call the playing of the National Anthem propaganda is disloyal.

The Armouries (Cartier Drill Square) where young BKells parades is in front of the War Memorial and behind is the heart of Canada and our society. The Parliament Buildings!

If I am missing the point, I still do not apologise. I may have some pointed opinions in the Forums but calling the playing of our National Anthem propaganda is not one of them.

I remember some of friends that passed, MCpl John Ternapolski (Bosnia), MS Billy Hynes(NATO) and the service persons, i did not know. I remember what it means to be Canadian.

When I was at Rideau Hall recently to receive my OP ATHENA medal and saw a young widow standing by her father receiving a medal post-humously on her husbands behalf. It brings me back to that cold January Day in Kabul.

BKells, you have a long way to go. When you walk by the War Memorial in your Balmoral and Cadpat, just remember to salute.

Its the least you could do!!

Boy oh Boy, you think its propaganda to have the National Anthem played, I suggest you rethink your commitment and obligation to our country lad.
"Strange it is that men should admit the validity of the arguments for free discussion, but object to their being "pushed to an extreme," not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case, they are not good for any case.  Strange that they should imagine that they are not assuming infallibility when they acknowledge that there should be free discussion on all subjects, which can possibly be doubtful, but think that some particular principle or doctrine  should be forbidden to be questioned because it is so certain, that is, because they are certain that it is certain.  To call any proposition certain, while there is anyone who would deny its certainty if permitted, but who is not permitted, is to assume that we ourselves, and those who agree with us, are the judges of certainty, and judges without hearing the other side."
From J.S. Mill, "On Liberty." 

I used to sing the national anthem louder than anyone when I was in school.  However, my reason for being in the army is to protect people's rights and, more and more, to protect the idea of democracy.  I thought that this forum is about the exchanging of ideas.  I understand that not all people share the same perspectives however I'm sure more constructive criticism can be conjured than calling into question the loyalty of fellow soldiers.  Many of us are in our combats to confront the 'tyrannies of the majority' from all corners of the globe and yet we condone such behaviour among ourselves.
I don't think anybody questioned his right to have an opinion.  We all get to have one of those whether we like it or not.

I just question his loyalty to the forces if he considers our national anthem to be "propaganda"  tough to serve a flag you don't respect.

:cdn: :salute:
Yeah, it's really propaganda to play the anthem honouring the country that you reside in. I know that everytime I hear the anthem, my eyes gloss over and I begin to mumble "the Liberals can do no wrong ... Martin is God .. gun control empowers the gun owners"

You really need your definition of what is propaganda cleared up for you. It's unfortunate you couldn't live in a sattelite country of the USSR - then you'd learn what propaganda really is.
BKells said:
The national anthem before movies would be outrageous. I think even in high schools it's old fashioned and out dated. It's borderline propaganda in my opinion.

Yeah, god forbid you show a bit of loyalty to the entity that's supporting your ass through schoold, prioviding you with health care, providing your roads, and in your case, giving you a pay check. Patriotism isn't propaganda.
BKells said:
The national anthem before movies would be outrageous. I think even in high schools it's old fashioned and out dated. It's borderline propaganda in my opinion.
WOAH THERE...did YOU just say "old fashioned and out dated" and in high schools?? I certainly hope your not from BC or anywhere in Canada for that matter!
I go to Tamanawis Secondary school where the kids say "Canada what!" and repsect our flag and nationalism. Since when is being patriotic propaganda!?
I know for a fact that I would never, ever, want to be singing the star spangled banner, and neither would anyone at my school, we love Canada and the Maple Leaf that flies proudly over our school! :cdn:

Dan :salute:
BKells since when is the National Anthem propaganda?  I bet your the kinda of guy that doesn't take his hat off when they play it at sporting events.
I've been thinking... in an age where we desperately grasp at ways to recruit and retain new troops, perhaps it's time to search for an alternative, or at least parallel to recruiting ads...

And it struck me... television... television presents us with a variety of free alternatives... all sorts of reality televisions... all looking for participants...

Imagine, entering an MLVW on MTV's "Pimp my ride", or perhaps while the PPCLI were on exercise, the RCR could contact TLC's "While you were out" about redecorating the barracks...

Ah well, I suppose it will never happen... and I was so looking foreward to gangster rims on my rad van.