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Recruiting Nightmare


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Recruiting Nightmare

About 31/2 years ago after I completed BMQ and SQ in the reserves, which I loved, my wife and I decided that Reg Force was for us.  So I put in my Component Transfer. It took a very long time for recruiting to do anything with my application, so long in fact that they told me to redo my CT.  So I did to the inconvenience of my unit and me.  This time I took more initiative to gather information on my file and phoned once a week, however, this second attempt resulted in recruiting losing my file. For the third time I re-applied.  My CO at the time convinced me to go DEO, however still being in my last year of University, and not having a degree yet, recruiting told me that my file would be open for too long waiting for my degree.  However, I completed my degree within a couple of months but they closed my file with out my knowledge or consent.  Finally I got fed up with the recruiting process and quit the reserves because of it. 

  A few months later, my wife and I moved from Victoria to Calgary (a nightmare in itself). Having a few career paths that I could take, none really got me as excited as serving my country. My wife being behind me 100% and I desired to give it a shot as a civilian. Hoping it would be faster and easier, I applied again for the fourth time. On 05 March 06 I applied for amour. 23 May 06 I had my CFAT test, and passed with no problem. 04 June 06 I had my interview and it went very well, so well that the interviewer told me that the army needs more people like me. In addition, on that day I had medical pass, but they could not clear me because they needed my precise service medical records. At one point no one knew where they where. Recruiting finally attained them. 21 July 06, after getting the runaround and being flat out lied to by my file manger, I was given a form for my doctor to fill out regarding my previous medical issues which my service medical records had already cleared me of. 18 Sept 06 I had a meeting with Med Tech just to tell me that she could not clear me based on her rank and that she was sending my medical records to Ottawa and it will be a minimum of three weeks before hearing the results.  That is where my file stands now. 

I have provided documentation of my cleared medical condition from the doctor who treated me when.  I have been vigilant when asked to complete a task and have put my life on hold for the past 3 years waiting for an answer from recruiting.

The purpose of this post is two fold. First, get my situation know. Secondly, get any help or suggestions. I think my wife and I are going to send a copy of this letter to our Parliament member (we live SW area of Calgary), and as well go to recruiting and talk to the CO. Any suggestion or comments are greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Well it seems like you REALLY want to do this, and that you have stuck out this long.  Might as well finish the ride!

(Sorry, I am not a recruiting type and only know my own experience with CFRG, which hasn't been perfect but what is. So, here is some encouragement to gut it out in lieu of some advice or suggestions).

Well, there are some parts of your story that are not clear.

What exactly did your file manager lie about?
Where were your med records finally? (med records are not kept by recruiting.  They could have been at area, your old unit etc etc.  Tracking them is not always an easy task.)
Not sure about the answer you received about your CT application for DEO.  What trade and when exactly did you apply?  There was a time when units initiated CTs and THEY took forever to get the info off to a CFRC.
Medicals are touchy issues and Recruiters don't deal with them.  If you had a past medical condition, the CF will investigate.  For your sake and theirs.  The Med Tech was right.  They don't clear anyone.  A Recruiting Medical Officer does that.  Due to shortages of doctors in the CF they are few and far between.  Yes they send them off for approval.

If you are going to file a complaint with your member of parliament keep the following things in mind.

1.  Ensure you have your dates and who you may of spoken to about it.
2.  Make sure you have all your facts straight.  Saying that the FM lied without having any proof of this isn't going to get you anywhere.
3. Recruiting centres keep logs of every action they take with a file.  (which is why your info had better be accurate)

My suggestion to you would be to request to speak to the CO or at the very least the production officer.  They will normally look into the problem for you.  If you are not satisfied at that point then go to your MP.
all I can say is .....get your papers they wont move anything with out the paper work, its a beaucray ...did no one watch hitch hikers guide to the galaxy? its explains goverment argh!!!!...

All papers are traced all file clerks keep files for 90 years...dig it up if its true. If your sick , your sick you cant do it. c'est la vie. Its the army !

besides VR'ed is not smiled upon, we all know it! your at the bottom of the pile for a reason. They invested in you the first time around. Take a breath and wait for the call like the rest of us.
The mad and wacky world of Pers Med files........
- In LFQA, med files were all centralized in St Jean garrison...
- When you release, reserve files are sealed and sent to SQFT HQ where they are retained with your unit copy of your file for some 3 years... then they are sent to the National Archives in Ottawa.

Each area is different - not surprising that AB recruiter did not know where to look for BC reserve files....

..... unfortunately, get used to the bureaucracy.
Brixxie said:
all I can say is .....get your papers they wont move anything with out the paper work, its a beaucray ...did no one watch hitch hikers guide to the galaxy? its explains goverment argh!!!!...

All papers are traced all file clerks keep files for 90 years...dig it up if its true. If your sick , your sick you cant do it. c'est la vie. Its the army !

besides VR'ed is not smiled upon, we all know it! your at the bottom of the pile for a reason. They invested in you the first time around. Take a breath and wait for the call like the rest of us.

Please go and practice your pushups and keep your administrative logic to yourself.

I'm in no way a SME on this subject, just wanted to offer some experience.  I went through a similar issue when I re-enrolled with the reserves in 2000.  All I can say is, if they are sending your file to Ottawa, Borden, wherever, it will come back.  It may take longer than 3 weeks to get the rubber stamp of approval, but after that you're good to go.

As for sending a letter to your MP, its your call.. but if you're this far into it, I'd give it a second thought.

The end result will be worth the wait.  Best of luck! 

Hang in there, it looks like you really want this. I understand what it feels like to have to wait, I also had to wait almost 3 years until i was enrolled to the PRes, so just hang tough and wait it out.

- Good Luck
Thank you for your suggestions and comments. Next week I will go and talk to the CO, if nothing else  to let him or her what is been going on. Form other post and have head of other peoples problems, I know I am not the only one predicament. I even respected and support the process. Depending on out come with meeting with the CO and the outcome my medical file, then I will go the PM route. only as a last resort.

As for the file manager lying. I phone her on 20 July to ask what was going on with my medical file. She told me recruiting had not received the file yet and will phone me when she received it. By the tone of her voice i did not believe her. The next day, my wife and I went to go see the unit production manager. It turn out that my file manager had my medical file on 7 July. Anyways, with in 20 min. had what I needed to proseed with  the necessary action.

Once again thank you for suggestion and comments

The CF needs to realy correct all there recruiting and ferther more probs with recruiting. I waited 4 years to get in then stayied in 2 years got out went res now going back in regs and my file has gotten lost 4 times.

CFRC is out to lunch.
well, for one thing, you always have the ombudsman.

I, however, am always a fan of giving a chance to the folks who may have made a mistake (or two or three) to fix it the first time. If you can be firm BUT diplomatic, Id suggest going through the CFRC way of things, speak to the file manager if you can; get their version ("Hi, Im just curious what happend here, I know you guys are really busy, but could you clarify timelines for me?" or something like that, and go up the chain....  tact goes a long way.)

Im sure Kincanucks can assist you via PM for any particulars on the best method for getting a file back on track.
JDMCRX said:
The CF needs to realy correct all there recruiting and ferther more probs with recruiting. I waited 4 years to get in then stayied in 2 years got out went res now going back in regs and my file has gotten lost 4 times.

CFRC is out to lunch.

Nice blanket statement.  Let's see, you waited 4 years to get in then quit before completing your 1st BE then went reserve now you want back in to the regs.  Sounds like you don't know what you want and that you might be out for a club sandwich yourself.

Check please.
JDMCRX said:
The CF needs to realy correct all there recruiting and ferther more probs with recruiting. I waited 4 years to get in then stayied in 2 years got out went res now going back in regs and my file has gotten lost 4 times.

CFRC is out to lunch.

Yeah, you are exactly what we need in the CF, PRes or Reg!
JDMCRX said:
The CF needs to realy correct all there recruiting and ferther more probs with recruiting. I waited 4 years to get in then stayied in 2 years got out went res now going back in regs and my file has gotten lost 4 times.

CFRC is out to lunch.

And you're a cpl?  :o