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Record numbers at Recruiting Centers?

  • Thread starter Thread starter mdh
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I just heard from Mike Duffy on CTV News that recruiting centers are seeing record numbers of applicants; anyone have any further info?

(Or is this just a bit of hyperbole before the throne speech comes down?)

cheers, mdh
I just recently got into the Black Watch, and this issue came up. Anecdotal evidence, but I hear that last year we had somewhere around 5-10 recruits, this year we have 30 sworn in, and another 20-30 going through the paperwork. Apparently, there has been an increase in highschool recruiting drives, and the likes...

My two cents.
I can also attest to that fact. There have been a few recruiting drives at my school already!!
Be it Reg or Res, it's hard to motivate people to come & join when all you hear is that all the equipment is clapped out, broken & not abailable in adequate quantities.

With CDS & LFCmdr talking the righteous talk and delivering on essential kit, clear ROEs and meaningful tasks, it's a lot more simple to motivate & inspire people to join. We also get a "spill over" from all that advertising the US is spending on their own recruiting campaigns....

Now we'll have to get the staff, train em and get em out to the field units that can best use em.

armyrules said:
There have been a few recruiting drives at my school already!!

My school too. I have also seen an increase in positive talk about the CF.
My school has also had a couple recent recruiting drives, however here there is still lots of negative talk about the CF. People think I'm crazy for wanting to join. I was actually told by one of my friends that I wasn't aloud at his house anymore because his parents don't want anything to do with the CF.
The recruiting drives from what i have seen are more effective and positive in the cities rather than towns For. Ex Mississauga vs. Oakville

Aside from the recruiting drives in schools, it seems the CF is trying to be more present in our communities. For example, at the last sens game I went to there was a booth set up with a TV and stuff. When I approached one of the soldiers he told me they weren't recruiting, but just trying to be present in the community. He told me it was something the CDS wanted (to be present in communities).

He also showed me clips of a new cool BMQ video that's supposed to replace the old one.  :D
In my opinion the biggest factor in recruiting increases is because of the media coverage in Afghanistan. It is sad to say but there is nothing like a bit of a war to stir up recruiting. Once an element of excitement is brought into the picture everyone wants to be involved. Joining to wear a Blue Beret  or to simply go on ex. in Canada does not have the same appeal as going to Afghanistan and doing the job you are trained to do.
Just today I was talking to a former recruiter who told me numbers of people going through the recruiting process is up 500% from previous years. Whether that is an accurate assessment I am not sure. Needless to say it is good for the CF.
When i swore in at the end of march the recruiter said they made their months quota before the midpoint of march. Supposobly its crazy in there. Id agree about the media coverage in afganistan being a large factor. And as cheesy as they are.... The radio commercials
yet because my reserve unit took over a month to transfer my pers file I didn't make it for the recruiting batch of march and my trade is now close for the fiscal year !!!
in edmonton when i was sworn in... they said that was the highest amount they have ever had sworn in since like 20 some ought years ago.... i wasnt compelled by a high school drive though... just my own merit..
Hopefully with all these new recruits, there will be more money within the units and the quality of training will be increased.
vita per veneratio said:
Hopefully with all these new recruits, there will be more money within the units and the quality of training will be increased.
while Reg units are not bound by payroll limitations...... reserve units are!!
if you recruit & bring em in on the same budget as you did last year..... then there is going to be a shortfall..... either the Gov't is willing to fill the Gap OR.... it isn't - in which case training is cut back.... and retention tanks :(