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Really Confused.


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Good day,

So I was merit listed on July 16th for the reserves and was accepted. My enrollment papers were signed July 25th and I was told by my MCC that my file was sent to my unit and that I should be contacted shortly. I waited the month out and called my unit recruiter Tuesday in which I found out he didn't receive my file yet. I called the CFRC a month after I was told "it had been sent" and they told me my file is still at the CFRC waiting to be mailed. The September BMQ course is coming real soon and I feel real shitty right now. My file has been at the CFRC for 1 month just sitting there. Can I personally go pickup my file and hand deliver it to the recruiter, The CFRC and the unit are 20 minutes away. I would pay $500 to just go get the file sent, I would do anything.
It would be better if your Unit Recruiter dealt with this lapse of administration on the part of the CFRC.
Yup, very well done indeed.  I have been following your posts and after they told you it was sent and the unit recruiter said they never received it, my first thoughts were that the file was still sitting at the CFRC and hadn't been sent out.    :facepalm:

If the unit wants to be proactive, they can just go to the CFRC and pick it up themselves.  The CFRC will not transfer the file to you personally and it is either mailed or couriered over or picked up by hand.

Good luck!
I would recommend against duplicate posts http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/111665.0.html

However, going to your issue, as George Wallace stated, Unit Recruiter would be best. We're in vacation season and administrative 'accidents' can and will occur. Contact your unit. I have sent out/recieved files from Trenton to Halifax with 2-days travel time, and they are using the same mail method your pers file would be contained in.
Thanks to Army.ca, this has all been solved.  The Brigade Recruiter from my area contacted me today, as he either read my post here or someone sent it to him but he is going to look after it right away.  I really owe that MCpl a huge thanks for doing this!
Good to hear! Congrats! One of the most famous phrases in the CAF is 'Hurry up and wait'. You got to experience it, welcome to the club  :nod: