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Rarest piece of kit I've ever seen


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
Shopping today (place I'll leave out so I won't be accused of advertising)


TAN -old style combat coat with the corduroy collar
(the one tess loves cause he says its the only time you can
wear corduroy in the army and get away with it)

Just like the OD green combat coat.. but totally in tan...

I was dumbfounded.  Never seen them in 13 years.  Just
cleared out of a depot and onto surplus. 

Any other rare kit sightings?
Tan?.... must have been some user trial kit that never made it out.
Not sure if you would call it rare but I was in a Surplus store here in North Bay today and came across a bunch of US "cammies" with name tapes still attached along with unit patches of some sort.

No I didn't buy them ....they wanted way too much.

I was also surprised too see our current issue Goretex boots (the ones that double as hockey skates in the winter) they had quite a few pairs of them in decent shape and were asking $80 per pair. I was told by a bin rat that we paid upwards of $300 per pair for those boots. Can anyone confirm?
Last year I took a recruit to get kitted out at NDHQ and he was issued a brand new old school coat with the corduroy collar.  I think it must have been just out of the wrapper, it had no name in it and it looked like it had never been issued to anyone.
US cam shirts are not that rare with name tapes on but they are good if they have good unit patches which I have in stock. No I am not advertising just mentioning it. Gortex boots are around too all you usually have to do is ask. $80 is a pretty good price :cdn:
Trinity said:
Shopping today (place I'll leave out so I won't be accused of advertising)


TAN -old style combat coat with the corduroy collar
(the one tess loves cause he says its the only time you can
wear corduroy in the army and get away with it)

Just like the OD green combat coat.. but totally in tan...

I was dumbfounded.  Never seen them in 13 years.  Just
cleared out of a depot and onto surplus. 

Any other rare kit sightings?

Sweet heart of Mary, You remember that!!!

Hahaha I loved that green coat, still have it!  The best peice of kit the Queens agents ever gave me..

I think I may have to saunter down to said store and pick that bad boy up!!

Man oh man I can believe you remembered me saying that....


the 48th regulator said:
Sweet heart of Mary, You remember that!!!

Man oh man I can believe you remembered me saying that....




there are many things I remember you saying....

Like during the Toronto City parade I think the Royals had a dog with a sash with
all their battle honours... and you wanted to put our flag on CJ Mason as our little dog.

The time you told me, from now on, helium ballons and pillows in my rucksack.

The time you wanted to single handedly take on a group of protesters outside the US
embassy for laughing at us in kilts coming back from the Church parade but the CO
wouldn't let you.

Most of the things I remember I can't really post though...  ;)

I picked up a WW II vintage sleeping bag... Completely made of wool (shiver). The zipper was new technology back then so the sewn on label describing (in detail) how to use it referrs to it as a "slide fastener." The best part, I got it for $2.

P.S. I remember my corduroy collared combat jacket fondly. It was all I ever wore!
Sgt Bilko Surplus said:
US cam shirts are not that rare with name tapes on but they are good if they have good unit patches which I have in stock. No I am not advertising just mentioning it. Gortex boots are around too all you usually have to do is ask. $80 is a pretty good price :cdn:

Not Advertising ::)
Lets see, first post, username is your business name, empty profile except links to your business "e mail". ???
I've seen whole racks of the matching tan combats... all brand new or almost brand new... $40 for shirts, $40 for pants, I'm sure the guy still has them in stock.
X Royal said:
Not Advertising ::)
Lets see, first post, username is your business name, empty profile except links to your business "e mail". ???

He also pays to advertise here. ;)
X Royal said:
Not Advertising ::)
Lets see, first post, username is your business name, empty profile except links to your business "e mail". ???
Mike Bobbitt said:
He also pays to advertise here. ;)


insert foot... open mouth
my personal favorite is an old 1954 vintage parka.
Borg lining (anyone remember those) & heavy nylon shell
Real fur ruff on the hood.
Until I got transfered to the Puzzle palace, continued to wear it in the field...
everyone knew "the old fart" was on the prowl & were on their best manners :)
Trinity said:

there are many things I remember you saying....

Like during the Toronto City parade I think the Royals had a dog with a sash with
all their battle honours... and you wanted to put our flag on CJ Mason as our little dog.

The time you told me, from now on, helium ballons and pillows in my rucksack.

The time you wanted to single handedly take on a group of protesters outside the US
embassy for laughing at us in kilts coming back from the Church parade but the CO
wouldn't let you.

Most of the things I remember I can't really post though...  ;)

48th quick.. before it's too late..  www.antistalking.com/  Good luck!
X Royal said:
Not Advertising ::)
Lets see, first post, username is your business name, empty profile except links to your business "e mail". ???

His name is Dave Hiorth if you really must know. :)
Michael Dorosh said:
His name is Dave Hiorth if you really must know. :)

oh oh Michael...  NOW you have done it.

I mean.. all thats left is to say his website is www.sgtbilkos.ca
and he would be officially exposed.  And we can't have that. :(

edited: because I need to learn to cut and paste apparently
Guess I should figure out how to update my profile but I guess I will get that done in the next few days. Not hiding just haven't had time to do it yet ;D
The rarest piece of kit I'd like to see (in that it shouldn't exist) is 'maternity combats'. For the love of god and everything that is holy, maternity and combat should NOT exist in the same sentence. But we've already gone down this road (I just had to get it out of my system, again  :rage:).

Another thing that shouldn't be seen: "American gloves" (hands in ones pockets while in uniform).

Maternity combats?.... yup - seen "em"
just bigger than you need em combats - base tailor mucked around with the waist cinch cord............ not a pretty sight.... almost an oxymoron.
Allan Luomala said:
Another thing that shouldn't be seen: "American gloves" (hands in ones pockets while in uniform).

Can't say I've seen many of those.  Do they resemble Strathcona Gloves?..........but come issued to Americans?