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Questions about joining the Reserves

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ARcan said:
I read that due to recent changes in the recruiting process, it takes as little as 2 to 6 weeks to get in.

Expedited Reserve Enrollment (ERE) process [Merged]


You can see how long it took others,

Application Process Samples 
250 pages.

You will have to decide if you want to apply for a full-time career, or a part-time job.

ARcan said:
I read that due to recent changes in the recruiting process, it takes as little as 2 to 6 weeks to get in.
It can be quick.  It can be longer.  Point is, I wouldn't commit to unemployment while waiting for an offer.

Also, upon joining the reserves, OP wouldn't be getting immediate full time employment.
Hey everyone, I'm turning 18 soon and im planning on joining the reserves as soon as I get home from my vacation in the US, but I'm wondering if there are any other teens on this website or people I could contact who applied/are applying for the reserves (preferably artillery), and if any of you can help me out? I just had some questions relating personal experiences applying for the the reserves at a young age, and if you could preferably be mature in your answers? Thanks!  :cdnsalute:
Use the search feature on the site to find the answers youre looking for..the questions you are asking have veen answered multiple times...others will tell you the same. Good luck.
the average wait is 6 months to 12 months for full or part time . it's very rare you'll get in less then 6 months of waiting
briant99 said:
Hey everyone, I'm turning 18 soon and im planning on joining the reserves as soon as I get home from my vacation in the US, but I'm wondering if there are any other teens on this website or people I could contact who applied/are applying for the reserves (preferably artillery), and if any of you can help me out? I just had some questions relating personal experiences applying for the the reserves at a young age, and if you could preferably be mature in your answers? Thanks!  :cdnsalute:

You won't be the first or the last person to join the reserves at 18. I did and many joined at 17. Your best source of information will be the unit recruiter or new gunners (trained privates). Without asking the questions directly I can't answer them. That being said, I imagine that your questions have been answered  before.

I have a kind of weird question too, did anyone who applied at a young age ever face any sort of discrimination (strong word I know but can't think I'm another) ranging from like weird stares to just comments about your age? I also was particularly wondering if there were any people who are teenagers right now who are applying or applied to the reserves.
When I joined the reserves the majority of the people that joined around the same time as me were between the ages of 17-19, there was one or two above 20 but they were the exception. As long as you are legal age nobody pays that much attention to your age.
briant99 said:
I have a kind of weird question too, did anyone who applied at a young age ever face any sort of discrimination (strong word I know but can't think I'm another) ranging from like weird stares to just comments about your age? I also was particularly wondering if there were any people who are teenagers right now who are applying or applied to the reserves.

I’m presently a section commander in a reserve infantry unit. I’ve been in for 14 years. The typical mix ofnreceuirs is late high school/early college or university. 17, 18, 21... all totally normal and unremarkable. I got in at 17 myself. You’ll get a few ‘older’ recruits, but late teens is very much the most common that I have personally seen. Most stick with it for a couple years and then get out, often around the time they finish post secondary school or trades training.
briant99 said:
I just had some questions relating personal experiences applying for the the reserves at a young age, and if you could preferably be mature in your answers?

I did my reserve BMQ ( militia General Military Training - GMT - as it was known then ) when I was 16 ( with my parents consent ).

I don't know what your future plans are.  I started with my full-time employer when I was 18. It was shift-work, including weekends,
with mandated overtime.

Because I was in a union, vacations were bid by seniority. It was years before I stood for a summer vacation. Although I did receive a guaranteed two weeks Leave With Pay ( LWP ) each and every summer for military training - which I took advantage of every summer.

Thankfully, because I joined the PRes while a full-time student with evenings, weekends and summers off, I was able to complete BMQ and trade training while still in high school.

Good luck.

Binks said:
I'm a 22y/o interested in joining the reserves.

Binks said:
- please direct me to the relevant threads if that's the case :)

Binks said:
I really want to go for an intelligence position.

You may find these discussions of interest,

"I want to be Int" Mega-thread 
16 pages.

Binks said:
Also, if given the choice, should I go for an NCM position or an officer position- Would I be qualified for an officer position? Regardless, seeing as i have no prior military experience (though I did do a 5 month term with the CBSA) i'm thinking it'd be better to go the NCM route, so i can gain a bit of experience and confidence in the field. Thoughts?

Worth achieving higher NCM rank before going officer?
3 pages.

Transfer from NCM to Officer 

Comparing the job of Officer vs NCM [MERGED]
25 pages.


As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of official up to date information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

Hey Guys & Girls,

Just curious here who is from British Columbia and trying to join the reserves, put down what regiment and how long you've been waiting till you get sworn in. Or if you already got sworn in just put down how long the process took and any problems along the way.
send me a message and we can discuss and give each other some tips etc I would love to get to know everyone serving with the local units

Hi everyone,
I know this thread hasn't been responded to in over a year, but i didn't want to start a new one on a such a siimilar topic...hopeful i get a response...

Anyway, I am brand new to this forum, so i apologize in advance if I'm asking things that have already been answered- please direct me to the relevant threads if that's the case :)

I'm a 22y/o interested in joining the reserves. I'm currently in my last semester at UofT (criminology) and am hoping to do a masters in emergency management afterwards. I just emailed a recruiter near me. I really want to go for an intelligence position. So 2 questions:

1) The recruiter said that the intel positions wouldn't be open until Sept.2018 (they're trying to get ppl with military experience the first shot). So do you guys think it'd be prudent to wait until sept. to apply (i might not even get the position though) or just go ahead an apply to a different positino for now and try to get switched over later?

2)Also, if given the choice, should I go for an NCM position or an officer position- Would I be qualified for an officer position? Regardless, seeing as i have no prior military experience (though I did do a 5 month term with the CBSA) i'm thinking it'd be better to go the NCM route, so i can gain a bit of experience and confidence in the field. Thoughts?

Again sorry if this has been asked already.
Binks said:
Again sorry if this has been asked already.

See Reply #380.
Binks said:
Hi everyone,
I know this thread hasn't been responded to in over a year, but i didn't want to start a new one on a such a siimilar topic...hopeful i get a response...

Anyway, I am brand new to this forum, so i apologize in advance if I'm asking things that have already been answered- please direct me to the relevant threads if that's the case :)

I'm a 22y/o interested in joining the reserves. I'm currently in my last semester at UofT (criminology) and am hoping to do a masters in emergency management afterwards. I just emailed a recruiter near me. I really want to go for an intelligence position. So 2 questions:

1) The recruiter said that the intel positions wouldn't be open until Sept.2018 (they're trying to get ppl with military experience the first shot). So do you guys think it'd be prudent to wait until sept. to apply (i might not even get the position though) or just go ahead an apply to a different positino for now and try to get switched over later?

2)Also, if given the choice, should I go for an NCM position or an officer position- Would I be qualified for an officer position? Regardless, seeing as i have no prior military experience (though I did do a 5 month term with the CBSA) i'm thinking it'd be better to go the NCM route, so i can gain a bit of experience and confidence in the field. Thoughts?

Again sorry if this has been asked already.

Hello Binks, welcome. As someone new to the forum I encourage you to become familiar with the policies of the site.


Please do not post the same thing twice. Post, wait patiently for a response. If someone has info for you, they’ll respond when they can. I have deleted your duplicate post.

So I applied for Infantry in the Reserves. I have my All Day Testing on the 7th of this month (hopefully I pass the tests!). I was wondering the steps after that and how long it usually takes in between them.
If someone can answer this, that'll be great.

Thank You.
For me, after a full day of testing which consisted of; First an introduction where they talk about the reserves, the pay, what you do, and the training, they'll allow you to ask questions, then your CFAT will come with a break while the results arrive, then wait for your FORCE test if you passed the CFAT. After all of this, I got my medical around 2 weeks after my tests and my interview the next week as well, and so did most others who did their testing on the same day as I did. So around 2-3 weeks after you'll get your medical and interview optimistically, and then you just have to wait for you security clearance (which was really quick for me, the WO doing my interview finished it up the day after my interview) and then you'll have to wait for your medical results to arrive.
CAFBCR said:
Hey Guys & Girls,

Just curious here who is from British Columbia and trying to join the reserves, put down what regiment and how long you've been waiting till you get sworn in. Or if you already got sworn in just put down how long the process took and any problems along the way.
send me a message and we can discuss and give each other some tips etc I would love to get to know everyone serving with the local units


Check your messages.