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Question Regarding OJT For Over 1-2 years


Jr. Member
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Hello Guys.

Just wanted to ask a question so I can find out what my options are.  I was AVN for 2 years and Vtech Res for 1 year and now I'm am back in the airforce. I was brought as this trade to start my course, But it has been canceled 7 times and now is being canceled again. I have been on OJT for 1 year and a bit now. I thought i read somewere that a CFAO stated any member being on OJT longer then one year could be posted to the unit ???

Reason I'm asking is this is stressing me out big time. My GF of 5 years has left me cause she can not put up with this circus anymore and frankly I just want a normal life.

What are my options.

EDIT: fixed glaring spelling mistake in title
Are you QL3 in the trade already?

If not, usually you are Personnel Awaiting Training and on "contact training".

OJT is formal training that is require before proceeding on to the next level of qualification training. For example in my trade(WFE) you must complete 8 weeks of OJT after QL 3 and other specified criteria before moving on to QL5.

The training that I did on BTL (1 years worth) while I was awaiting my 3's was classified as Contact Training.
There's also two other terms tossed around - OJE (On-Job Experience) and EWAT (Employment While Awaiting Training).  Likely you're on EWAT, but everyone calls it OJT.  I know of no such regulation - and that's my area of business.

Grunt_031 is right - OJT is a form of training attached to an actual qual.  You have a set of POs that must be acheived, on the job, and signed off by a supervisor.  If there is no qual at the end (such as QL3) it's not OJT.

You ask about your options - is the GF willing to come back if you're posted somewhere?  Are you common-law (ie lived together for a year prior to the "circus")?  Your options are somewhat dependant on the CL situation.  What is done very frequently is posting of the family to Borden (sounds like you're talking about CFSATE), while awaiting the trg.  If you have been a PAT for over a year, you must have asked at work by now?  What have they told you?
The GF is gone thats done with nothing i can do about that she wanted to move with me but not from place to place every 2 months. I am 3's qualified in avn and 5's qly as a reg force vtech. Im waiting on my QL3 in this trade. The course has now been cancelled 8 times now. So i guess pretty much just bend over and take some more up the arse is what your pretty much saying. Sorry im pretty sour as I have been getting jerked around the millitary for the last 5 years and for some astranged reason Im still here ???
The only thing I ever remeber seeing was an emailing where it stated that for those who would await trining for 1 year, they would endeavour to provide OJE rather then simply EWAT. In short that knowing they would have to wait for so long would look to them prohibited so to gain OJE until their QL3.

JDMCRX, posted prohibited means you are not allowed to move any DHG&E and also does not mean you get posted back to that unit afterwards. Also note that this was but an email at a possible initiative, which according to exgunnertdo never came to be. Either way, it would not of helped your situation.
Sorry - my bad, I just checked your profile.  I had assumed you were talking about CFSATE, but that's your previous trade. 

The generic answer to your question - The TP for your course will state how the qual is granted.  I'm not familiar with every trade, but most quals are granted after a formal course.  Some are formal course plus an OJT portion, some are strictly OJT (and if managed correctly, will have a list of tasks that need to be completed, and signed off prior to granting the qual - I do realize that not everyone manages this correctly, hence lots of OJT packages get signed off without the proper formal evaluation), among other methods of training.

As each school would manage how their quals are granted, the school for your trade (CFSME, right?) would be the authority for granting the qual.  There is definitely no blanket CF policy that grants a qual after a certain amount of time on OJE/EWAT or any other waiting period. 

http://armyonline.kingston.mil.ca/LFDTS/143000440029887/FY_CURRENT1.XLS  This link shows a course running starting in January - maybe that's the one you have said is cancelled, and the site is not updated.  I can't say.  (sorry, DWAN only)

CFSME has just been transferred from CFSTG to the Army, so I imagine some of the problem has been related to that change.  Change always results in some chaos in the organization, it's inevitable.  Frustrating, I know. 

The only other thing I can give you - sometimes career managers "pre-position" members in training.  Pre-positioning involves the CM committing to posting you to a particular place upon completion of your training.  That lets you move to that location ahead of the training and get established.  Unfortunately, most times CMs don't want to do that (lots of risk), and if the CM won't commit to posting you somewhere, then whoever is managing your PAT status can't post you.
I understand sorry I'm just a bit pissed off that the course is being juggled around. I was just told today to make a claim and drive down to gagetown to see if the course is 100%. I dunno what to say cause ive been waiting on my CPL and they will not give it to me tell im done this course. So i hope at the least i will get a years back pay or what ever.

Thanks for the help Ill see what happens Jan.15th in gagetown.
exgunnertdo said:
CFSME has just been transferred from CFSTG to the Army, so I imagine some of the problem has been related to that change.  Change always results in some chaos in the organization, it's inevitable.  Frustrating, I know. 

That should have no bearing on the courses. CFSME is always in a habit of cancelling courses at the last minute. I had a number of friends that where course loaded and confirmed for their 6A's only to go in an get their travel claim to find out that the course has been cancelled 3 days before the start.
JDMCRX said:
I understand sorry I'm just a bit pissed off that the course is being juggled around. I was just told today to make a claim and drive down to gagetown to see if the course is 100%. I dunno what to say cause ive been waiting on my CPL and they will not give it to me tell im done this course. So i hope at the least i will get a years back pay or what ever.

Thanks for the help Ill see what happens Jan.15th in gagetown.

I'll see what I can shake out of the CFSME tree today. Might not get an answer till after block leave though.
Just checked the CFSME Course list and the next PH Tech Course starts in Jan but doesn't seem to be fully loaded but then again I don't have access to the CFSME drives at Gagetown so, the course could infact be fully loaded.


Found out why the course has been cancelled in the past, Lack of instructors but so far the one in Jan seems to be a go.
Hey guys just a follow up I received my course message 0029 is starting Jan.15Th.

Thanks for the help fellows Im suprised GW did not put his .02cents in my post too. Seems that all he does as a INT is type on here all day :P

JDMCRX said:
Thanks for the help fellows Im suprised GW did not put his .02cents in my post too. Seems that all he does as a INT is type on here all day :P

Was that called for? George spends a great deal of his time here helping folks like you get the information they need, I don't think it's appropriate to toss insults at him as a result. If it happens again you'll be on the warning system.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Was that called for? George spends a great deal of his time here helping folks like you get the information they need, I don't think it's appropriate to toss insults at him as a result. If it happens again you'll be on the warning system.

Mike ...

He's already been given Fair Warning tonight ... before he edited the post below to add that little tidbit into it.

PM inbound.


As per my fair warning to you earlier ... welcome to the warning system.

The Milnet.ca Staff

Ya got something to say about Int Guys now, JDMCRX?

You'd do well to lay off the grand generalizations about other trades, my friend.

Edited for content.
