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Question for you guys! - "Why did you choose Armour?"

I walked into the Armoury one night and saw a Bison parked there. I said, I wanna drive that. Less than a year later I was. Got qualified driver / gunner on the Cougar...then they took it away from me and gave me an Iltis. Now, they are taking that away from me and who knows what we will end up with...I'm still here for the faith I have in my Regiment I guess and the thought that Recce is such an important task on the battlefield.

Im not in the CF yet ( summer 2006 hopefully) but I want to join the Armour core because well actually what originally got me hooked on the armoured was the Tanks and I badly wanted to get myself into the gunners seat of one of those beasts but obviously that wont be happening for me  :crybaby: anyway I still want to go armour because I love vehicles and driving etc. and now I will get to learn about how all these amazing machines work and operate them. sure beats walking 40km in 100 degree weather or blowing your ear drums out shooting the big guns.
I was reserve infantry for 5 years and I'm not ashamed to admit that I got tired of walking everywhere.  There's nothing light about the light infantry.  I figured that I had logged enough kms on the black cadillacs and decided to trade up for the coyotes.  I don't know about the regs, but the reserve infantry exercizes I did involved me doing a lot of walking and not enough shooting.
midgetcop said:
I'm very seriously thinking about armoured recce. At first I thought medic because of my buddy, but then I thought that I'd rather be in on the action that just patching things up afterwards.



Now if ONLY you and I could get ahold of someone in recruiting!  :crybaby:
If you want to know my honest answer to why I chose the Armoured Corps. It was the first thing that the requiting office offered me that wasn't infantry or navy (I get sea sick) Then he gave me a line of crap about once you get in the doors or wide open. 12 years later still armoured. If you are going to join up makes sure you get the trade you want from the start. Thats my only advise to you. Armoured is a good trade don't get me wrong. But if you have any doubts do some research on the other trades out there. Then if Armoured is really what you want go for it. It takes 3 years before  you can transfer out.The corps is changing allot now. There is movements in the ranks so now really is the time to get in. But you can do your whole career as a tanker and never serve on a tank. Thats what I find funny with the army today. Oh well maybe change is good. Either way we will all have adjust and accept it.

GOODLUCK on your decision
Just another point I would like to add. I find it funny why all these reservist replly to these type of post. They fail to add the fact that the reason why they chose to pick armoured was that , that was the only armories in there home town. If they really wanted to pick armoured they would sign the dotted lign and join up 24 and 7 instead of wasting there time doing the weekend warrior stuff. Because the forces are undermaned as it is so if you like it so much join,if not get out and stop wasting the taxpayers money.
Aslt Tpr,

Welcome to army.ca. Please go back and read the guidelines. We look forward to your participation and experience. What we don't look forward to, and won't abide, is Reserve bashing. All kinds of people serve in all kinds of capacities. Blaming Reserves for breaking anything they're given and initmating they're not doing their part because they don't go Reg, is not on here. Your statement that the only reason they go armoured, is because it's the only game in town is also, in the most part, false. Another breech of the guidelines. Final warning. Filling in your Profile also adds to your credibility. Right now you have none.

ASLT TPR said:
Just another point I would like to add. I find it funny why all these reservist replly to these type of post. They fail to add the fact that the reason why they chose to pick armoured was that , that was the only armories in there home town. If they really wanted to pick armoured they would sign the dotted lign and join up 24 and 7 instead of wasting there time doing the weekend warrior stuff. Because the forces are undermaned as it is so if you like it so much join,if not get out and stop wasting the taxpayers money.

So I guess we can't join up as reserves and make sure we like it?
Scarlet thats not the point that I was trying to get across. By all means joining the reserves is a great idea to try it out and to see if you like it. The point I was trying to put across was that I don't understand why people choose to make a career out of the reserves. I have had good people over the years work with me and work for me who just keep going from callout to callout with no real guarantee of employment. And the sad thing is when the callout is over and the work is over they have nothing. Thats the point that I am trying to put across. Before in my post I didn't mean to come across as a reserve basher. I was just writing about some of my personnel experiences. Some of my good friends are reservist and I tell them the same. If I offended anyone I am sorry. But back to you Scarlet by all means I would join the reserves see if you like it. If its for you then join if not well nothing lost, because 3 years can be a long time.
No offense taken, ASLT!

However, and I only speak for myself, the idea of going reg force right off the bat, and being stationed in the middle of Nowhere, Canada isn't very appealing for me, at least not yet.

Besides, what's wrong with doing a little army stuff on the side, part-time? I'm sure there's plenty of people who enjoy what they do with the reserves, but don't want to make the full-time commitment.

Just my two cents.
No I understand completely were you are coming from Scarlet. I agree with you. But if its going to be your hobby make it your hobby. If its going to be your job make it your job. Then when someone comes up to you on the street and says to you, " so what do you do for a living?" Don't say your in the army. Because technically its your hobby or part-time job. Thats just the point I am trying to put across. We need all the numbers we can get in the forces right now. The difference between myself and a reservist is that if I am told that I am going to war or leaving in the morning to deploy on a mission I can't say no.
    The other difference between the reserves and the regular force is rank. For example, It take a reservist 2 years to become a Cpl. It takes a Reg force soldier 4 years to reach the same rank. A reservist trains Thursday nights at least one weekend a month and he or she can go away in the summer on taskings if he or she chooses to do so. So if you think about it and add up all them days thats not many days.And there spread out. This is all if they choose to train. Now you have a reg force soldier trains 5 days a week. Sometime 7 depending on the traing schedule and if he or she is on operations. Now it takes the reg force soldier 4 years to get the rank that a reservist can get in 2 years. Now who has more experience.Its the same with all ranks. So everytime we work with them theres always bickering going on.So when they say we are all equal I have to disagree because if we were, it would take us twice as long or longer to reach our rank.

this is my 2 cents worth!
ASLT TPR said:
The point I was trying to put across was that I don't understand why people choose to make a career out of the reserves.
A career is full time employment.  What is wrong with people doing a part-time job they love as well as the career they have chosen?

ASLT TPR said:
If its going to be your job make it your job. Then when someone comes up to you on the street and says to you, " so what do you do for a living?" Don't say your in the army. Because technically its your hobby or part-time job.

Technically your in the same uniform.  Most Reservists will say both their full time occupation and that they are proud to also be in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve.

ASLT TPR said:
For example, It take a reservist 2 years to become a Cpl. It takes a Reg force soldier 4 years to reach the same rank. A reservist trains Thursday nights at least one weekend a month and he or she can go away in the summer on taskings if he or she chooses to do so.

And those that go in twice a week, two to three weekends a month, B Class postings, take every course they can get?  I can understand where your coming from but use caution putting all Reservists into one category.


Because they offered me RAD tech and Armoured at the time. I liked the recruting film they showed (the rad tech one had MLVW's in the snow)
I went to Germany  which was a riot and then to Gagetown...

So why did you take your re-muster to traffic tech then?
I hated Petersville......and the working conditions at the time and some of the people were A55hol3s! THey could have told me I got my remuster to sh1t shoveler and I would have taken it at the time
