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Question about age & joining

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At my swearing in ceremony we had people ranging from 18 to people in their early 40's.
I am 18 and i am waiting to start BMQ but i have a lot of friends who joined the army at the age of 22 to 25 so well .... to me even, if i am not in the position to say it, i think 27 is really good for the army. Like dearryan said more "life experience". And for the army it sure helps.....

Welcome to the forums LAD.

Wolf  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
I know dakota and myself are old timers, we are both in our mid to late 30's, and he is going to bmq soon and I hope to be going in oct or jan( hope, hope, hope).  As was stated earlier on this forum you are only as old as you feel, so the body says 34, mind says 19.  Be in shape, have a good attitude and kick ***.

There is a wide range of different ages that are coming into the CF, My course had  recruits from 17 to 41 i believe, and the 41 one year old was one of our best athletes, I asked him how he continues to keep up With all the younger recruits and he told me its not how old you are, its how old you feel.

good luck!
I remember my dad telling me when he joined up back in the 70's he felt old at 20...

He was the second oldest on his course, but back then you had to be under 25 to join.
I'm joining up and I'm 16. I'd say that at 27 you'll have some definate advantages. You'll probably be stronger both mentally and physically than most of the younger recruits.
As Fitsumo said we will be some of the 30 something recruits and as stated this topic has been touched on before, so I don't won't to drag it on too much. One, you are definitely not too old. It is different now then it was before, as you can see the age ranges greatly. I am 39 and I feel I am in the best shape of my life. Time is on your side when you are younger and it gives you more options, but it is just a number. Just go into it with the right attitude physically and mentally and you will be fine. Remember once you get to BMQ none of that matters, age, where we came from, etc. Once you enter those doors we are all equal. We all start at the same level and it is up to you to figure out what you will get out of it.

Whoa, sorry for getting a little too philosophical there. lol

I was 31 when I joined full time and I had no problems.  We had a "50 something" in my reg force recruit course that had no problems keeping up with the rest.  I joined the CF because previously I worked in a bank for 13 years and had enough of it.  It was fun keeping up and passing the 18 year olds at St. Jean during basic training.  Just recently, I got advanced promoted to corporal by a year and was told that my maturity was one of the major contributing factors.

Think of it from this perspective, you are mature with life experience that you gained up to now.  You know your limits (hopefully) when it comes to alcohol compared to the younger ones who will eagerly test theirs.  In my trade (RMS Clerk) I see many of "after results" when it comes to alcohol ( especially in Borden) like sexual assault, fighting, and just plain stupidity.,

You are probably more stable when it comes to "stressfull situations" when on course.  You know how to take hold of the stress to work it to your advantage compared to the younger ones.  You probably have "working experience" that you can use in your next career in the CF.  You know the value of having an "almost guaranteed" job until you retire from the forces and will work hard knowing what else is out there in civilian life. 

Quite frankly, age of enrollment in the CF is getting older and mid twenties is not really that old.  CF values older age recruits for some of the reasons I indicated already.

Age maturity = mental maturity = less "administrative problems". 

(most of the time)
Hey Icer, excellent advice in your reply. It is very encouraging to hear that if you apply yourself, you have the ability to fastrack in advancement. That is how I looked at it also. You are bringing maturity to the CF already.
HEllo im a 27 single male in canada.

Well..... I am not sure the relevance of your marital status.. If your looking to score.. might be the wrong occupation ;):D ;D :blotto: :dontpanic:  but if it's any conselation... My DH is 31 and just waiting on merit now!! You'll be fine!!! 
That's great news for me. I'm 36, going to be 37 this month, and am in good shape. I wouldn't mind joining the reserves in a year after I get settled in to the new house I just built. I was thinking that I would be too old, but from what you ppl are saying here, I would be able to keep up with the rest of the pack.
I've wanted to join the reserves since I was 17, but have always put it off.  ::)
I'm instructing on a Reg Force SQ and the youngest is 18 and the oldest 32.  Out of 42 candidates, 26 are 19 years old.

I'm 17...just graduated from high school and joining Reg Infantry....fitness test tommorrow.
I'm 25..... waiting for my first selection opportunity. Good Luck everyone..

I'm 36 y/o, and never felt better in my life.  Since 2002, I lost over 100 lbs, and really got in shape.  I am very proud to say that physical fitness is part of my lifestyle now, and I am not fearful or ashame of joining at 36.  I would probably not have been ready before (and I'm not just talking physically)
I am truly looking forward to the best years of my life within the CF.
17, I turn 18 on September 30th and leave for boot camp on Oct 2nd :D
doucelotus said:
I'm 36 y/o, and never felt better in my life.   Since 2002, I lost over 100 lbs, and really got in shape.   I am very proud to say that physical fitness is part of my lifestyle now, and I am not fearful or ashame of joining at 36.   I would probably not have been ready before (and I'm not just talking physically)
I am truly looking forward to the best years of my life within the CF.

That's absolutely amazing Janick!  :salute: Did you lose your weight through just exercise, or did you diet it off too? Which branch of CF are you going to join?
Hi everyone. I did a search (as requested) and found this...        Pages: [1] 
No results found
Pages: [1] 

so, with that, does anyone have official info or link for the age cap for regular full time enlistment?