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Question about age & joining

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27 year old from Vancouver with thoughts of joining. Is there an age limit ?

since when Seb. I went through BMQ with some gents much older than 35. Id like a source.
If you are talking regular force, you have to be able to serve a minimum of three years for NCM and nine years for officer.   So 52 for NCM and 46 for officer.   You are good to go.  Not sure where SEB got his info but it is incorrect.


Would anyone have a contact number or address for Vancouver?


Call that number tommorow. Its the general recruiting line. They'll give you all the info you need. :D
Im so new at this and i have been thinkin about joining After i graduate im 18 is that to young to Join ?  ::)
People have joined up at 16. 18 is fine, lots of 18 years olds in the army, I was 17 when I got sworn in.
I'm 31 years old, I have been working then later running the family business since I was 16.
We are now selling this business and am looking to do something else. I have 3 children a house
and financially secure. It's been a dream of mine to join up since I was a child. I was for a short time
in the navy cadets and liked it very much.

I would like to know if at my age I have a chance of being recruited or will I just look like an old fool.
Also If age is not a problem how does experience in the civilian job market affect the recruiting process
if my education only meets basic criteria. And is being bilingual help in any way.


Sorry if this seems rude, but next time, please use a search, questions like these have been asked and answered many times before.

No, 31 is not to old, I know people who were in the mid '40s who joined up, an in the infantry too. Also, I don't think that your experiance in civilian jobs will have any bearing on the recruiting process, if anything, your just have experiance doing different jobs. And bilingal can help, it looks good to have a second language(for any job really) plus you can be posted to both english and french speaking units.
I did read some earlier posts but it was not clear. some said 35 others 46...

Thanks for clearing it up...

You'll be fine, they won't look at you as though you have 3 heads or anything
In fact 31 is still pretty young I think, it's when you hit 35 that you start downhill  ;)

So get your application going and find out!
The language thing will be of great help, as well you may find having owned your own business is a great help to you when it comes time to organise and such, but mightn't make a huge difference on paper.
While its not very common, in 1RCR we have a 40 year old Private. Most old guys arn't as hardcore as he is (and I remind him regularly ;D), but if you're in good shape there's no reason why you can't give the infantry a try.
HEllo im a 27 single male in canada.
I am thinking of joining the army on a full time service.

WHat is the average age range of people joining up for army.

Am i considered too old to join? or am i still a decent age to go into.
Many topics on this. 27 is still young compared to others who join up, I did basic with a guy who was 46.
I was around that age when I joined.....years ago.  So long I've forgotten.  Anyway, how old do you feel?  You will be joining with 18 through 40+ year olds, and you will all be expected to meet the physical and mental challenges.  As already mentioned, there are a few threads on this site that discuss this.  Just use the Search function at the top of the page.
During my Basic and SQ, I was with recruits between the ages of 16 to 39.  I was 22 when I joined.
I kinda felt the same way at the age of 25. But no your not too old. You may even have an edge with a little more life experience. I was told by a MWO not even to apply to the trade I want until I had some "life experience". Good luck to you, and welcome to the forums.
