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Purple Trades: Definition & Trg Discussion

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You sure it was Reg Force?  Cant see why the Navy would have a separate crse for Sup Techs - the trg should not be different at that level and the element should not make a difference.  When they go to ships - they learn to do it the "ships" way same as the AF or Army.
Look as far as the uniform goes - I think of us purple trades as the prostitutes of the CF - Make it easy give us all pinstripe suites with a feather coming out of a hat - call us pimps! 
Or here is a thought - give us our OWN Command - Give us one uniform - Send us wherever the hell you want too - but we stay within SUPPORT Command and are "on loan" to an element.  :threat:
Had a blue uniform most of my career and have served with all - so why not give us one common uniform and fall under one New Command and begin empire building like the rest of Ottawa!
Chief Clerk said:
Look as far as the uniform goes - I think of us purple trades as the prostitutes of the CF - Make it easy give us all pinstripe suites with a feather coming out of a hat - call us pimps!  
Or here is a thought - give us our OWN Command - Give us one uniform - Send us wherever the heck you want too - but we stay within SUPPORT Command and are "on loan" to an element.    :threat:
form and fall under one New Command and begin empire buildall - so why not give us one common uniform and fall under one New Command and begin empire building like the rest of Ottawa!

Great idea Chief Clerk, you lead I follow!  ;D
Chief Clerk said:
You sure it was Reg Force?  Cant see why the Navy would have a separate crse for Sup Techs - the trg should not be different at that level and the element should not make a difference.  When they go to ships - they learn to do it the "ships" way same as the AF or Army.

I think there was some Naval specific training. Don't know what it was, but it was a Reg force Navy serial.
Vigilant said:
When I was at Borden last year there was a separate QL5 class for Navy Supply Techs.

This would be reserve training.  There is no reg force-element specific NCM training at CFSAL.  For reservist courses that run during the summer it can get separated depending on the trade.
I just looked at the course list and you are right. It was listed as a Naval serial, but it was listed under a reserve heading which I did not notice at the time. Sorry, my mistake.
E.R. Campbell said:
Gen. Natynczyk, having been VCDS, will be acutely aware of the problems facing all three services and the purple parts, too, and he is equally aware of the resources needed to address those problems and fight a war a the same time.

Hopefully then, he can fix this:


Para 4B, just look at all those (L)s for (Land uniform only):














(M) COOK (L)





(R) MSE OP (L)



Apparently we purple folks ain't so purple anymore ... unless you wear a green uniform of course ... then you can still do ALL of the trades job requirements and be posted to field Units unlike those blue & black folks who apparently are of the same trade as I, but can no longer be posted to some 1st line field Units due to the "SQ Course" pre-requisite that they now can not be placed onto.  ::)

I guess the next step -- is to give us purple Army folks ... our own merit list too.
Jammer said:
So Vern are you looking fwd to your SQ???? >:D

I've got all 3 environmental qualifications my dear -- and have served with all 3 of those environments. They each have their own way, their own good points & their own bad points.

I'll tell you this much, when this little CANFORGEN got passed on to the troops during yesterday's O Group -- there were a whole lot of great big grins and "yippee" coming from the mouths of those blue & black uniform wearers here who understand that this means they will no longer have to go to some of those hard green units and can now safely ride their damn desk in a "base" position.

Meanwhile, I watched the young troops who wear green also realize it's implication with a "WTF!!?? - They are the same trade as me and we're getting paid the same - why the hell are they so special?"

Moral here, with the CANFORGEN is, to say the MOST, absolutely 160% dismal.
Vern: I'm not so sure the young 'uns wearing other than green are out of the woods yet. I think it's going to go a ways to impliment and no doubt there will be amendments to this plan.
So for the time being if I were one of the purple folks, I wouldn't be dancing in the streets yet.
Everyone who joins the CF SHOULD undergo SQ.
Why? Because as a soldier, sailor or airperson, you should at least know the basics of handling drills and firing the C7, C9 and C6. Every member of the CF should also know how to throw grenades.
You never know when that might come in handy...or where.

So does this mean those not qualified SQ are not eligble for operational deployments in the land environment ie Afghanistan? Or will there be a waiver ie "not deployable outside the wire". I can't see legions of pers not qualified SQ giving up the allowances and benefits that come with an Afghanistan tour.

Or am I just being a crusty old Army type?
TCBF said:
- Undoing Unification - one CANFORGEN at a time.

Ergo my comment that the next step is bringing back the Army Supply tech merit list.  ;)
Jammer said:
Vern: I'm not so sure the young 'uns wearing other than green are out of the woods yet. I think it's going to go a ways to impliment and no doubt there will be amendments to this plan.
So for the time being if I were one of the purple folks, I wouldn't be dancing in the streets yet.

Sorry. They are dancing, and it's already confirmed.

Actually nominated two of my blue pers for SQ this week. The were rejected due to their uniform colour.

The SQ course is now loaded/managed by the Army G1 -- and if they are not green, they aren't loading them: "CANFORGEN 101/08 refers".

Ohhh the headaches this is going to cause Bde units....
The other question is, how for example a air force comm rsch cpl who spent 6 years in ottawa be able to pass PLQ-L?
If every CF member was required to know a skill (C6, C9 or grenades), I would think it would be included in the BMQ training vice the SQ course. Just my thoughts on it.
It doesn't matter on what course you get your training. As far as I'm concerned, if a blue clerk or cook or whatever wants to go to Afghanistan, then they should be SQ qualified, or equivalent. SO lets roll BMQ and SQ together.
That means learning how to operate the C9 and C6, throw grenades and all that comes with being SQ qualified.
Each individual is responsible for their own defence, and that means knowing how to operate certain small arms.

kratz said:
If every CF member was required to know a skill (C6, C9 or grenades), I would think it would be included in the BMQ training vice the SQ course. Just my thoughts on it.

Well of course you think so.

Fact is purple trades end up on the ground in war zones!! Regardless of uniform colour. Why on earth would uniform colour dictate that you and I don't need that same qualification?

Would this go over well? "Don't expect my Army purple butt to come over to protect or cover yours if the bullets start flying because it's been decided that you, as a Naval purple trade, do not need to be ground qualified? Defend yourself - good luck with that."

You think if I get posted back to ship I'd get away with screaming "but I DO NOT need a Sea Enviornmental course to know what to do if the ship starts sinking - you should have taught me that on BMQ?"

Yeah ri-ight. Dreams.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that the MP Branch actually came out on the right side of this one.  It should be noted though that it was NOT the MP Branch who decided all MP would do this, it was directed from higher.

What is going to end up happening is non-qual pers who are tasked for tour are going to have to get "supplemental training" or something to get them up to speed when tasked.  I don't believe any of the purple Branches are big enough to absorb the demand for deployable personnel with just their "green folk" so just because you're nice and cushy in a base posting while wearing a non-green uniform...

Edit:  fixed pesky typo
ArmyVern said:
Well of course you think so.

Fact is purple trades end up on the ground in war zones!! Regardless of uniform colour. Why on earth would uniform colour dictate that you and I don't need that same qualification?

Would this go over well? "Don't expect my Army purple butt to come over to protect or cover yours if the bullets start flying because it's been decided that you, as a Naval purple trade, do not need to be ground qualified? Defend yourself - good luck with that."

You think if I get posted back to ship I'd get away with screaming "but I DO NOT need a Sea Enviornmental course to know what to do if the ship starts sinking - you should have taught me that on BMQ?"

Yeah ri-ight. Dreams.

That's why there's a swimm test...just throwing out there..... ;)