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PTSD caused by internet surfing


Army.ca Legend
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Apparently you cannot even keep safe by hiding in your underwear in the basement.
More seriously, this study reinforces the idea that different experiences will cause different reactions across people.

Too funny.....

As part of my 'treatment', I was told to undertake 'Exposure Therapy' at home.  My Social Worker told me to spend an hour a day on the internet watching the most graphic and violent videos of people being injured and killed that I could find.  The site I visited had a porn advertisement window open on the side all the time.  After a couple of weeks I had a followup appointment.  When she asked me how it went, I told her I had developed a strange and troubling association between porn and death....

I can't say that it helped me at all.....
Perhaps I have PTSD from army.ca  :-\

One key risk factor which might trigger PTSD symptoms is repeated viewing.....

Shell shock from all the repetitive questions that have been answered dozens, no, hundreds of times in the threads already........  >:D
George Wallace said:
Shell shock from all the repetitive questions that have been answered dozens, no, hundreds of times in the threads already........  >:D

Cumulative stress aka "Burnout"?  :)

Staff Weenie said:
My Social Worker told me to spend an hour a day on the internet watching the most graphic and violent videos of people being injured and killed that I could find. 

That's interesting. When I started my career training, long before the internet, on the classroom projector they showed us the old Ohio Highway Safety films with titles like, "Mechanised Death", "Red Asphalt" and "Highways of Agony" etc.
Then there is child birth, as a cause of PTSD....it's not all about war
