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Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

We haven't gotten to the point where the symbols of a group are enough to demonstrate membership to that group.  This concept came up before when we were talking about outlaw bikers and their colours.  It would be nice to be able to arrest them for just presenting the gang/terrorist affiliation, but as mentioned people have the right to look like arseholes.  We have to wait until they do something hateful and then we can act.  :p
zipperhead_cop said:
This concept came up before when we were talking about outlaw bikers and their colours. 
which is, ironically, where ol' Lady-dog got her bandanna from. (She was a bit of a hellion in her younger days. She's settled down quite a bit now, thankfully. No more waiting up late, wondering where she was, if she was getting in trouble. Having her stagger in at daybreak, reeking of motorcycle exhaust and alcohol, with scrapes on her knuckles and blood on her collar. Worrying that every time the phone would ring, it was the police saying "We have a Lady-dog here. She says she lives at your address. We arrested her in connection with a drug ring." I tell ya, it was nerve-racking.)

Okay, she got it when some Grim Reapers stopped at the corner store my then-girlfriend worked at, and the dog collected their money and delivered their change.
paracowboy said:
Okay, she got it when some Grim Reapers stopped at the corner store my then-girlfriend worked at, and the dog collected their money and delivered their change.

Bleh.  You really want to risk your dog getting a disease?  I hope you boiled the thing in vinegar for about an hour before you put it on her.  :p
zipperhead_cop said:
Bleh.  You really want to risk your dog getting a disease?  I hope you boiled the thing in vinegar for about an hour before you put it on her.   :p
I wasn't there. I was drunk in the bar next door.
paracowboy said:
he was trying to illustrate a point: that the Hezbollah flag has significant meaning to it's members, just as the Canadian flag does to you and I. (The point about thinking things through a bit, can also apply to you, my young friend.  ;) )

Of course, by phrasing it the way he did, he managed to insult every member of this board who has ever worn Canada's uniform.

Para...despite what he might've meant...I agree with you completel....every member.

It's interesting that everyone whose never served a day in their lives have something to say about us, and when the time comes around for us to rise up and defend ourselves, and our brethren, we are chastised and hidden from being able to make a direct comment back to them (believe me there are many ocassions I wish to stand up in my classes and school and yell 'YOU ARE FULL OF *&$T!' to many of my fellow students when they bring up the topic of our military.
MedTech said:
believe me there are many ocassions I wish to stand up in my classes and school and yell 'YOU ARE FULL OF *&$T!' .

I used to get those same feelings during certain O Groups.

I've discovered it's frowned upon to act on those feelings ...  :D
paracowboy said:
Now, sit down, take a breath and think about the point I raised. Anybody in Canada can express their opinions, and fly whatever damn flag they want. That's why guys like me do what we do. To ensure that.
punk, one more smartass remark like that to a serving member on here, and you go up the ladder.

Coming from the person who wrote: "I'd rather just shoot them. Especially idiots with pants 5 sizes too large and a sun visor on upside down and backwards, or pastel sweaters tied over their shoulders and pom-poms on their loafers."

I wonder if you know why guys like us do what we do.
reilly said:
Coming from the person who wrote: "I'd rather just shoot them. Especially idiots with pants 5 sizes too large and a sun visor on upside down and backwards, or pastel sweaters tied over their shoulders and pom-poms on their loafers."

I wonder if you know why guys like us do what we do.
guys like who?

Nice try though. Sadly for your attempt at hoisting, that petard won't do. Board members have long since learned to tell when I'm in jest (which is most of the time) and when not. You, however, have simply spammed the board with vitriol and bile. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get rid of vitriol? Mike's going to be scrubbing for weeks. Don't worry too much, though. He looks so darn cute in his little apron and big ol' yellow gloves. Kinda like Carol Burnett in the animation at the end of her program. But with a moustache.
I wonder if you know why guys like us do what we do.

Maybe he could figure it out if he knew what a  guy like you did!

(hint: profile still empty)
Remember, attack the opinion, NOT the person.

Canada is proud of its freedom of speech, and our soldiers are here to protect that.  While you may disagree with their waving a flag around and being arrogant pricks there is a deeper meaning.  Do you think they could get away with waving an American flag in their own countries?  Demonstrating in itself is just their way of trying to screw the system, but it really only reinforces what one of our main beliefs are.

People will have a difference of opinion as long as they still draw breath.  Say what their actions make you feel as it is your right to do so, just as it is their right to show what they wish.  Their rights extend just as far as yours; until someone does something to encroach upon the rights of someone else that is.

I am disgusted by their blatantly disgusting display, and while I may think "they should be shot" or some other thought of a violent nature, carrying out that thought would be betraying your own countries beliefs.  Don't stoop to their level, and most of all, a comrade is a comrade.  Just because you may have a slight difference of opinion, doesn't mean you aren't standing for the same thing in the end.

Reilly, I don't know you; and I probably wouldn't care to either.  I do however know paracowboy and he is right.  Stop being a smartass or your welcome will soon be quite overstayed.  Army.ca isn't a place to come and behave like a badass.  This is a forum for civil discussion, and if you can't refrain from slinging insults then the moderation team will not hesitate to remove you from the situation.  Stop stirring the pot.
COuld you send another link for the video? I don't have subscription to the site the video is linked to.
Kyle Burrows said:
Reilly, I don't know you; and I probably wouldn't care to either.  I do however know paracowboy and he is right.  Stop being a smartass or your welcome will soon be quite overstayed.  Army.ca isn't a place to come and behave like a badass.  This is a forum for civil discussion, and if you can't refrain from slinging insults then the moderation team will not hesitate to remove you from the situation.  Stop stirring the pot.

::) wow...when I grow up I want to be just as wise as Kyle (I'm not b/sing). Yes...I agree...standing up in my class would be EXTREMELY counter productive...by the by, did you guys know that the poor CiviU guys cant voice ANY political opinion in their classes? Correct me if I'm wrong PLEASE, but a buddy of mine said that one of the clauses in his contract is that 'though shalt naught' make policitcal statements with regards to the CF....I just thought that's kind of strange. Well not really... anyways off topic now. :D
That cow of a woman looks pretty silly, but,  " Our home in Native land..." :cdn:
big bad john said:
Para as I mentioned in another thread, look under the bridge, I think I see something.

I think that pretty much sums it up...I smell a 'locked thread' in the wind...

As many of you know, this Saturday Oct. 28 is the "Day of Protest Against the CF" :rage:

The protest is supposed to start at the Harry Hayes building downtown at noon. As we know, the last protest (the one discussed in this thread) did not start at the war memorial, but as the video shows, it sure ended up there.

Any one who can come down and protect our memorial would be greatly appreciated. I as well as many of my Regimental brothers will be on course that day, but I will be down there for about 45 mins on my lunch break to lay flowers at the memorial. I sincerely hope there are others in the area that are not busy and can stay for longer.

Your presence may be enough of a deterrent to prevent the disgraceful act that took place last time from happening again. Make an afternoon out of it. Most of us don’t get down there nearly as much as we should.
Hey guys,

    I respect your intentions in wanting to protect thewar memorial.  And I am sure you know the standard cautionary lines like "don't identify yourself as a member of the CF in any way",  keep the protest peacefull,  and all that kill-joy stuff.  :warstory:  I honestly wish you guys the best,  but please remember stay safe,  if things get hairy  that is what the police are for.  Stay safe eh.

    Oh and take pictures,  I kinda miss Calgary. :)
What?!  I didnt know that the 28th was "Protest Against The CF day"...can someone fill me in on this please?
med tech,

see the following thread:



Call for action on October 28, 2006
"End Canada's occupation of Afghanistan

The Collectif Échec à la guerre, Canadian Peace Alliance the Canadian Labour Congress and the Canadian Islamic Congress are jointly calling for a pan-Canadian day of protest this October 28th 2006 to bring Canadian troops home from Afghanistan. On that day, people all across the country will unite to tell Stephen Harper that we are opposed to his wholehearted support for Canadian and US militarism. "

There are allot of threads on this board about this. :)  It is going on in Most Canadian cities. I'm kinda upset that unions are funding this. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51699.0.html  But, there we are :)