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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

DIESEL 007 said:

yes im sure we met that week, commander Lahaie and I had a long talk and she seemed to really know what she was talking about... Although I looked and looked for someone at NOTC venture for the single thin stripe of a Ncdt and could not find one.  This and firemans post are uplifting my spirits but a word of advice for you is not to get your hopes up about it, it would be a nice surprise to get the commission then and I will leave it at that.
Hurry up and wait!!
see you next week,

Jay Finlayson

For sure, next will be the start of a whole new adventure. I will not get my hopes up about the details regarding promotion until I have it in writing or see the policy that impacts. For me personnaly it will be tight if I have to wait 1.5 - 2 but the fact of having the chance to serve as a members of the CF and enter such a challenging and rewarding career is awesome. In 3 - 5 years if all goes well we will be in good shape.

See ya in about a week.

Here is the new CEOTP instruction that would apply to you. http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/pd/pi-ip/09-05-eng.asp

Here is the ref

4.6 Promotion and Career

Under the CEOTP

    * All candidates enrolled in the CEOTP shall hold the rank of OCdt/NCdt until completion of basic officer training, unless initially granted higher rank, Incentive Pay Category, or Time Counting for Promotion in recognition of previous service or training.

hope that relieves some of your stress any other questions let me know.


I cant get a straight answer from BOR or CM. Here's my story.

ROTP Promoted to 2Lt effective 1 May 2006 (EPZ to Lt. 1 May 2007)

Failed AEC training, new trade effective Aug 2007, new EPZ to Lt. 13 Jan 2008)

I will be complete my trades training in a few months and will be subsequently promoted to Lt

I'm told that promotion to Captain in my trade is just a time thing, so the CM thinks my promo to Captain should be effective Aug 2010, while others are telling me it should be effective Jan 2010.

I know it's not a big deal, Jan to Aug, but I'm just looking for a clear answer.  Not to mention the fact of being a fresh Capt with no Lt time really.....
Having gone through the same process, I can give you my experience. All my EPZs were based off the date of the completion of my phase training. I completed Phase IV Log in Oct 00, then I was promoted to LT. I was promoted Capt in 02, the usual mandatory 2 years in rank as an LT. However, I did my phase training back to back, and there was no time awaiting training. Normally, you are only credited with the time you have awaited training, if it was considered excessive and at not fault of the member. However, when it is a COT due to failure, we aren't given much grace. You really need to consult the new regs on this, as they have changed/been reworded since my COT.
I don't know if this helps anyone. 

But I just finished BMOQ and we had lots of people on the CEOTP entry plan in many different trades; MARS, INF, ART, AEC, etc and all got their commissions at the end of the course.  What I did hear and this is purely chatter from someone who talked to a clerk, nothing first hand.  DEO get paid as 2LT while at BMOQ, if they are being paid as OCDT/NCDT's they are reimbursed at the end of the course for the difference between the amount they were getting paid and 2LT pay.  CEOTP were paid OCDT pay and DO NOT get reimbursed for the time they were at BMOQ.

Can someone detail what is needed to achieve Sgt in a reserve inf unit?

Pl wpns crse?

Is that correct? What else is required to get "made" at the NCM level? Thanks for any insight.
What do you mean by "get made"? and yes those are some of the courses you do need.
Time in?  Good PERs?  Good leadership ability?

It's more than just courses.

I don't believe ILQ is a requirement. 
To be considered for promotion to Sgt in the Infantry (Reg or Reserve), one must have completed DP 3A.  (All that other stuff is "along the way")

If you want it "from the start":
PLQ (Inf)

NOTE: IPSWQ "may" be a prerequisite for DP 3A.  Of this I'm not 100% Certain. 

NOTE: Infantrymen don't attend BMQ-L.
BMQ-L is till required for the INF reserves.

They are still being run in Edmonton this year.

IPSWQ is a requirement for PLQ Inf


+ 2 years In can be promoted to Cpl

PLQ Mod 1-5
PLQ Mod 6(INF)
+ 2 years as a Cpl can be promoted MCpl

+2 years as a MCpl then can be promoted to Sgt. (Depending upon PER etc.)

Of course they are changing the IPSWQ, DP3A and Mod 6 Inf over the next couple of years.

Technoviking said:
To be considered for promotion to Sgt in the Infantry (Reg or Reserve), one must have completed DP 3A.  (All that other stuff is "along the way")

If you want it "from the start":
PLQ (Inf)

It's CF PLQ then PLQ (Inf).  Non Infantry soldiers do CFPLQ and PLQ (L)

Technoviking said:
NOTE: IPSWQ "may" be a prerequisite for DP 3A.  Of this I'm not 100% Certain. 
IPSW is a prerequisite for PLQ (Inf).

Technoviking said:
NOTE: Infantrymen don't attend BMQ-L.

P Res Infantrymen do.
charlesm said:
BMQ-L is still required for the INF reserves.
I am currently a board member on the Qualification Standard writing board for DP1 Infantryman, and from LFWA TC, LFCA TC and  SQFT TC, they have all said that PRes Infantrymen attend BMQ, but not BMQ-L: They go from BMQ to DP1, and there are some associated problems with that; however, the 'delta' is made up on DP1 Infantryman.

Haggis said:
It's CF PLQ then PLQ (Inf).  Non Infantry soldiers do CFPLQ and PLQ (L)
IPSW is a prerequisite for PLQ (Inf).
Thanks!  :)
Technoviking said:
I am currently a board member on the Qualification Standard writing board for DP1 Infantryman, and from LFWA TC, LFCA TC and  SQFT TC, they have all said that PRes Infantrymen attend BMQ, but not BMQ-L: They go from BMQ to DP1,Thanks!  :)

That hardly qualifies you, or them, to comment. Please refrain in the future.

CDN Aviator said:
That hardly qualifies you, or them, to comment. Please refrain in the future.

Of course, heaven forbid if ANYONE follows the QS ;D
Technoviking said:
I am currently a board member on the Qualification Standard writing board for DP1 Infantryman, and from LFWA TC, LFCA TC and  SQFT TC, they have all said that PRes Infantrymen attend BMQ, but not BMQ-L: They go from BMQ to DP1, and there are some associated problems with that; however, the 'delta' is made up on DP1 Infantryman.

LFCATC is still running BMQ (L) during RST this Summer.  There is a huge delta between Army Reserve BMQ and the "CF" (i.e. Reg F Air Reserve and Naval Reserve) BMQ QS.  If you have found a way to close the delta without additional training days (beyond what was in BMQ (L) and DP1)  then go for it!!
NFLD Sapper said:
There are QS's for courses...... ;D

of course there is. currently they are considering taking "over the top boys" as the order for a charge from the trenches
CORRECTION to my earlier post:
The CURRENT path for P Res Infantryman is:

The new way, pending approval for implementation in 2011 is:
Now, there will be a transitional portion of training between BMQ and DP1: call it "army camping" or whatever, to make up that field portion that they don't get on BMQ.
