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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

SupersonicMax said:
Thanks cdnaviator.  So, your ground postings years don't count towards the eligible years?


Thats correct....only time in a designated flying position counts for aircrew allowance.  When i was in Nav school...every flight we went on , we got CASUAL aircrew allowance.  When i wnt to OTU, i started getting the monthly allowance as i was posted into a flying position.
Astrodog said:
Is there any particular reason for it?

Not too sure, but more to do with hazards associated with flying. That's what all allowances are for really, if you're in Afghanistan, you get large amounts of extra cash, if you fly you get aircrew allowance, if you sail you get sea pay, if you fly Sea Kings you get aircrew allowance and sea pay. Allowances are a means of compensating you for doing a job that's a little more risky than something an RMS clerk or Public Affairs Officer would do.
Forgive me in advance if this topic/question has already been covered.  ???
I'm confused; I'm looking at the IPC's for the Officer rank specs on the DND site, and the rank of Captain seems disproportionately larger than the other mid and senior ranks. It would seem to me that the CF are inundated with officers at the rank of Captain.
How many years does the average Army officer spend at the rank of Captain before he/she is eligible for promotion?   
General Service Officers

General service officers are all officers below the rank of colonel in all occupation groups except for pilots and specialist officers (legal, medical and dental officers). General service officers pay rates are also determined through TC analysis and they receive incentive level increases just like non-commissioned members. One significant difference is that there are often more incentive levels for officer ranks than there are for non-commissioned member ranks, on the basis that it takes longer for officers to gather all the experience, skill and knowledge required for their rank. Hence, they must wait longer than non-commissioned members to receive the job rate (maximum) for their rank.

2. Why do non-commissioned members have fewer incentives than officers?

The Canadian Forces pay system is based on the principle of comparability with the Public Service. To that end, a series of Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) approved salary benchmarks are used to develop the CF rates of pay.

The NCM benchmarks fix a lower and an upper limit. At the lower end, the Cpl benchmark matches CF occupations with PS trades at the journeyman level and include a military factor. The upper limit, Chief Warrant Officer Incentive Pay Category (IPC) 4, is pegged as a Captain IPC 5/6. Between the lower and upper limits, all ranks from Corporal to CWO, six in all, must be accommodated and a maximum salary cap given to each one. The pay structure developed for NCMs must provide reasonable salary progression in the form of incentives and must provide for reasonable increases on promotion. Given the overall size of the NCM salary range, and the number of ranks involved, the number of incentives at each rank level must be limited if the amount of each incentive is to be of significance. The number of NCM incentives is presently set at four. Ten incentives, as there are for Captains, could easily be established mathematically, but annual increases would be so small as to be meaningless. Moreover, the sooner an individual reaches his/her pay ceiling at a given rank, the better off he or she will be financially.

By comparison, the general service officer (GSO) Pay Structure is developed through a comparison to approximately fifteen groups in the Scientific, Professional, and Administrative and Foreign Service categories of occupations in the PS. The result is a relatively broad salary range for each of the GSO Ranks, particularly at Captain, that reflects the scope of jobs, training, experience, responsibilities, and career progression at each rank level. The number of IPCs for each rank has been established to account for these factors. It would be possible to reduce the number of IPCs at each rank, but this would mean larger increment amounts or a larger salary gap between ranks, both unjustifiable based on the rank structure of the CF.


The last para explains it pretty well.
Trimmen said:
Forgive me in advance if this topic/question has already been covered.  ???
I'm confused; I'm looking at the IPC's for the Officer rank specs on the DND site, and the rank of Captain seems disproportionately larger than the other mid and senior ranks. It would seem to me that the CF are inundated with officers at the rank of Captain.
How many years does the average Army officer spend at the rank of Captain before he/she is eligible for promotion?   

A Captain is eligible for promotion to Major after four years (promotion zone) as a Captain.  Of course it doesn't happen automatically and many occupations have Captains in that rank for ten years and more.  Depending on the occupation and the requirementsthat need to met before promotion (courses, degree and language profile) the average can be anywhere from a few years to 12 years plus after reaching the promotion zone therefore the more IPCs for the rank of Captain.
This topic has been touched many times...just do a quick search.

In brief and in general, Captain has many IPC's because it is a position that takes much time and training to move out of.  More about that will be found in a search.

Have you ever heard of Career Corporals?  There is also something known as Career Captains on the officer side.
I would hardly consider it inundation when most trades are short Captains to fill all of their hard trade positions. Captain is a "working rank" for officers across the CF, and without also examining and understanding the distribution of jobs by rank in any particular trade it is very misleading to presume such things simply from the number of IPCs per rank.

Promotion to major is competetive and based on a wide range of performance and potential attributes.  There's no single file of captains being promoted in turn at X number of years in rank.  Combine those assessent factors with demographics (i.e., only so many vacancies per generation before you must start moving up younger officers) and it makes a very complex matrix for selection for promotion.

Most Army officers will spend about 6-8 years as a Captain before promotion.  getting there will usually require employment in a variety of jobs as a Captain, both in their primary trade and often out of it in staff/instructional/etc. employment as well.  It also requires, for most trades as a rule, completion of the Army Operations Course (colloqualliy known as Staff College).  Until a few years ago, an officer went to Staff College shortly before promotion, now they will normally attend at 2-3 years in rank and await possible promotion afterwards.

Like Corporals and Sergeants, some Captains will serve out the balance of their careers in that rank and there's no shortage of positions for them.

I currently have a medical condition which I am being treated for and my MO has hinted heavily about placing me on a TCAT in the near future. I am to be promoted and posted this summer, so this news has me worried. My understanding is that my promotion documentation has been passed to my CDU to be signed off. If this documentation is processed before I am placed on a TCAT and my current medical cat is valid until Feb 08, will I be cleared for the promotion?
    As long as your promotion paperwork is signed by medical authority and current medical category is within the minimum medical standard for your trade you are good to go for promotion.
BigMac, Thanks for the input. I've had few dealings with pers med situations during my career and the timing for this one has me a bit worried, especially when it concerns a dream promotion/posting. 

I would welcome any personal experiences anybody has with this kind of situation or further advice. Key here, I do not want to draw negative attention from the med folks or my C of C. ;)
CFAO 49-4 Para 19
When a member of the rank of Cpl or above who is eligible for promotion is assigned a temporary medical category that is lower than the minimum required for the member's MOC, promotion shall be deferred.
Thanks PO2FinClk, but believe me, I've read every med and admin policy I can find on the subject including CFAO 49-4. I'm not on TCAT yet. therefore perhaps I'm speculating too much.

Pick out the paragraphs that pertain to you:


1.     This order amplifies QR&O chapters 11 and 14, and prescribes the
policy for non-commissioned members (NCMs) on promotion, reduction,
reversion, and relinquishment of rank in the Regular Force.

DEFINITIONS2.     In this order:
     includes re-enrolment in, or transfer to, the Regular Force;

     means the date on which a member is eligible for consideration for
     promotion. The EPZ date is determined from the enrolment date adjusted
     by adding any leave without pay (LWOP) granted on enrolment, plus the
     minimum promotion time prerequisite for the next higher rank specified
     in Annex A, minus the time credit for promotion (TCP) if applicable,
     but it is never earlier than the enrolment date; or on promotion it is
     determined from the seniority date plus the minimum time prerequisite
     for the next higher rank specified in Annex A;

     means the transfer of NCMs from their current military occupation
     (MOC) to another MOC;

     includes appointment as master corporal (MCpl), granting of acting
     rank, and advancement within the rank of private from private
     (recruit) (Pte(R)) to private (basic) (Pte(B)) to private (trained)

     replaces "Trade Qualification (TQ)" and means the level of skill and
     knowledge specified for individual MOCs in the A-PD-series

     means the service required for entry into the promotion zone (EPZ) or
     for promotion to the next higher rank;

     means the compulsory demotion from a substantive rank to a lower rank
     by reason of, or consequent upon, a sentence imposed by a Service

     means the return to a lower rank by other than reduction and includes
     revocation and relinquishment of rank or appointment;

     means the date of promotion to substantive rank or in the case of a
     person who holds the rank granted on enrolment, the date of enrolment.
     This date may be subject to various adjustments;

     means the qualifying service calculated on the basis of the member's
     previous service, rank and military and/or civilian qualifications.
     TPC determines the earliest date a member may be eligible for
     promotion to the next higher substantive rank and is used to calculate
     the initial EPZ date, and

     includes MOC qualification training and/or language training.

3.     A member may be promoted in recognition of meritorious service or an
act of gallantry; such promotions require the approval of the Minister of
National Defence.

4.     Subject to paragraph 5, the approving authority for:
     a.   promotion to Pte(B), Pte(T), acting lacking/corporal (AL/Cpl),
          acting/corporal (provisional) (A/Cpl(P)) and Corporal (Cpl) is
          the member's commanding officer (CO);

     b.   except as specified in Annexes A, B and F, appointment to MCpl,
          or promotion to sergeant (Sgt) or to a higher rank, is National
          Defence Headquarters/Director General Personnel Careers Other
          Ranks (NDHQ/DGPCOR); and

     c.   except as specified in Annexes C and F, granting and revoking
          acting rank (acting lacking (AL) and/or provisional(P)) is

5.     The approving authority for:

     a.   accelerated promotion to Cpl is the member's CO subject to any
          limitations imposed by the officer commanding the command (OCC);

     b.   accelerated promotion to MCpl or to a rank higher than Cpl is
          NDHQ/DGPCOR; and

     c.   promotion from acting to substantive rank is the CO when the
          lacking prerequisite has been obtained.

6.     The sole authority for revoking a member's appointment as MCpl is
NDHQ/DGPCOR. Except as provided for in Appendix 2 of Annex B and paragraph
10 of Annex F, eligibility for reappointment will be determined by the
first merit board convened following revocation.

7.     The approving authority for granting acting rank "while so employed"
is limited to designated commanders of operational theatres, as determined
by the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS). A rank authorized on a
while-so-employed basis shall be revoked not later than the date when the
member ceases to be employed in the operational theatre.

8.     In accordance with  QR&O 11.02, a member may not be promoted unless
the following conditions are met:
     a.   an appropriate vacancy in the total establishment for the
          component exists:

     b.   the member is recommended by the appropriate authority; and

     c.   the member meets such promotion standards and other conditions as
          the CDS may prescribe. Except in cases of OT as outlined in
          paragraph 26, a member who declines promotion will be subject to
          a Career Review Board (CRB) in accordance with paragraph 41.

9.     Superseded by CANFORGEN 087/06

10.    The military requirement referred to in subparagraph 9b(2) is the
number of NCMs required at each rank level, in each military occupation, to
man the Canadian Forces (CF) establishment. Annual promotion quotas are
determined by calculating the difference between the military requirement
and the actual strength after subtracting the projected attrition for the
year from the latter figure. A member who will be selected for promotion
from the merit list within the annual promotion quota may be promoted out
of sequence during the promotion year to meet Service requirements. This
action will ensure units as full a complement of leaders as possible,
reduce turbulence, and permit the member the benefit of rank commensurate
with assigned duties.

11.    For promotion to Cpl, AUCpl or A/Cpl(P) and for nominations to
accelerated promotions and from acting to substantive rank, form CF 743A,
UER (Unit Employment Record) Qualification Record Sheet, shall be completed
and distributed as described in Annex G.
12.    A recommendation by a CO for promotion, or for qualification leading
to promotion, shall be construed to mean that the member has, in all
respects, demonstrated the necessary potential, and that the CO is prepared
to retain and develop the member in the higher rank.
13.    When a CO has recommended the promotion of a member in a Personal
Evaluation Record (PER) or by any other means, it is imperative that any
change in circumstances that could affect the member's suitability for
promotion be reported immediately to NDHQ/DGPCOR by message.
14.    When a promotion to Pte(T) or Cpl is denied, the CO shall inform
NDHQ/DGPCOR of the circumstances and specify the intended period of delay,
and inform the member of the action taken.
15.    In all cases, the CO shall, prior to approving promotion, confirm that
the member meets the minimum medical category for the MOC as prescribed in
34-30, Medical Standards for the Canadian Forces.
16.    When a promotion instruction has been issued and the CO does not
concur, recommendation that the promotion be denied shall be forwarded to
NDHQ/DPCAOR 2. The member shall be advised of the CO's action and of the
NDHQ decision.

Much more follows on that link......

Find what pertains to you for yourself.  I have done enough of your research for now.
Nope.  You missed someone starting a whole new topic, basically on what reply #4 was asking.  Someone who felt they didn't want to do a search. 

I suppose I could have given them this link where I painstakingly copied out the whole CFAO 49-4, but then I would have done almost all of his work for him.   
yea that was me, sorry, I did find that topic in a search and read it, and wanted originally to post my question here but it said that since it's been over a 100 days since the last post, I might as well create a new topic, which I did; but regardless thx, that's exactly what I was looking for.
According to the cadets.ca website, if you have an undergraduate degree, it's possible for promotion to 2Lt upon completion of BOQ  "without" serving 1 year as OCdt. Does anyone have more info regarding this?


According to the regulations, if you have an undergraduate degree and wished to join the forces, you would be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant upon enrolling. Since OCdt is a rank primarily for members of RMC and ROTP/RESO who are working towards a degree, they would generally earn their commission two ways. 1) Graduating from university or 2) Obtaining the required military courses for career advancement to the next rank.
What more information do you need?

Once you finish BOQ submit a DND 324 (http://www.cadets.net/pac/support/admin/forms/dnd324.pdf) and then you'll get your commission. The proof of edu would be a part of your enrollement process, unless you gained the degree between your attestation and BOQ date (or any time up to the one year mark, for that matter) then you would need to foward that to the RCSU as well.
I have a rather odd promotion situation, which I could not find an answer to in other threads as it seems to be a unique situation from others. It regards the promotion from Pte. to Cpl. I have been in the army for two years in a little bit, which for most people would merit the promotion to Cpl. However, I trained with my unit last year as an UNtrained private, as I was unable to take my DP1 Inf course last summer. I took it this summer, and have returned for my second year with my unit, as a now Fully trained Pte. Is it likely I will get promoted at my two year mark with this scenario, or will I have to train a second year fully trained. This question may sound stupid, but has seemed to astound everyone in my unit so far, including the senior leadership...