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Problems and Bugs

Mike Bobbitt said:
PC, the Javascript still works OK for me, and I'm also on Firefox (also confirmed it's OK in IE). I'll take a look at the message arrows...

Message arrows are fixed now, just the JS issue. I'm gonna see if its my browser.

Edit: Issue appears to be with AdBlock Plus, its blocking something coming from Army.ca. I'll have to pour through the list and see what its auto-blocking that it shouldn't, but the JS works when I disable adblock.
I'm trying to get my moral to go up.
I am very impatient. So I click the conduct mission button a million times.
Seems after I've done this, my moral goes down.
It's gone down from around 270 to 203.
Can you fix this?
Also, make a conduct mission several times button thingy.
If my mission takes 45CR. and I have +700CR, I don't wanna be there for 40 hours.
Gogo lazyness.  ;D
You're lucky, you could have your CR set to 0. There's a bug with clicking the conduct mission a bunch of times before the page loads, it ignores your CR and will let you run infinite mission. Mike fixed it so if you click too fast it sets your CR to 0 and docks you a bunch of morale.

Be patient like the rest of us!
I'm suggesting he put a little box next to the missions that allows you to put in the number of times you want to complete the mission.
Sort of like the QM thingy.
That would get rid of some of the addictiveness to the game though. Could blow through CR in 2 minutes and not come back to the game all day.
You would need to plan ahead for your equipment though, or it wouldn't let you go through it.  Unless you said you wanted x number of missions to be played and it countered with 'buy this equipment'.  I'm not a programming guru, but it doesn't sound easy to make this happen.  Although I do like the idea.  Especially when you are doing multiple low-CR missions to get mission count up!

I got your PM, but can you expand on what you're seeing? What was your Max CR initially? Does the timer look OK? Do you perform a specific action when you see your Max CR go down, or does it just do it automatically?

Based on what I've seen so far, your Max CR was at 795 yesterday, and is still there...
Initially, when I had CE before the upgrade the timer said random numbers in the format 0-2, 0-8, etc. and the CE was going up per second, but when I refreshed the page my CE was going down from my original count.

I tried doing a mission and now I have 0CE and get the sad panda, after which it resets my counter to 10:00 mins and my CE starts going up per second again, but once again when I refresh I get the sad panda
Hi John,

I apologize for that, I didn't account for something when we discussed this earlier so it blew up when you went over the 720 limit. It should be fixed now, plus I've done a quick restore on your account so you have full CR again plus a little extra something for being blocked out. Let me know if you have any further problems - and sorry!

Is the game offline? I am not able to log onto the game at all. I keep getting this message:


Error while loading page from Afghan Operations

[Try Again]  [Go Home]
I am getting the same error message and came here to check for info.

Hopefully the problem will be rectified quickly.

Damn... I had been staging some changes and accidentally moved them into production when I made this fix... it's all working now.
All is good. Thank you Mike.
Not yet. Most of the changes were internal, to make the game run a little smoother. I know I keep talking about plans and haven't put much new out there lately... life has been busy but I hope to dedicate some time this weekend to AO. I'm way behind!