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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter bertram
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Well you should know that as soon as my "friend" applied for the CF and learned all the policies he did indeed quit smoking dope.  And quitting on the spot like that does show commitment.  Anyway I wasent looking for a preacher.  I just want the question to be awnsered.  Should my "friend" reshedule or go through it.
If you I mean your "friend" does reshedule his/her test, will he/her be honest in his/her reason for wanting to reschedule?

As to preaching?,... common sense isn't preaching
Of course me "friend" will be honest.  Thats why my "friend" wants an awnser before he phones his recruiting officer, which he will probably do very soon.
Yes,  real hilarious,,.... my "friend" is laughing his ass off.

Best of luck and,....

Just say NO to drugs
Are we done being "friends" now ?  .....i'm going to puke

Milnet.ca staff

Your friend might as well go do the CFAT and find out if he or she has the right aptitude to even process further. That way if their attitude improves they can do a CFAT rewrite after 90 days if needed.
Hey everyone,


Im currently in the process to join, I am waiting to write my CFAT (actually im waiting to get booked in to write).

I am 20 years old, and have been drunk 3 times in my life, the last time was about 4 months ago.

Before last night, I have *NEVER* smoked pot. I was on my way home from the gym last night, my buddy drove me home, and we made a stop in to a friends house. I figured, hey, I'm joining the army, I KNOW I wont be able to screw around in the army, so, I better experience it now while I'm not (same thing for growing my hair out too lol, shave it off at boot camp). I had a few puffs, coughed my lungs out and burned my throat, but I was determined to feel the effects. I ended up smoking quite a bit apparently, and yeah, it worked. I was freakin right out an hour later.

So, this morning, I get up, and my first thought is. "Oooooooooooooooh boy". How screwed am I? I could see it not being a biggie 6 months ago, but man, this is right before my CFAT and that process...

What should I do?

(please do not tell me to use SEARCH, I have searched and cannot find a similar situation).
Thanks for the advise,
They don't drug test you when you do the CFAT.  ::)
You say "right before my CFAT" yet you are not even booked in to write it yet.  Relax!
Don't do it again.  I would even recommend not hanging out with the "friends" who do and when it comes time for your interview (or whenever they ask about previous drug use) be honest.

Pot stays in your system(urine) for about 30 days (at the most).  It can leave long before that however depending on your body.   Best way to speed that up is to drink lots of water.  Like as much as you can lol.  Is your medical the same day as CFAT?

;D So you grew your hair out too eh?
Heh, they're not even friends. They're the coach of my gymnastics team, and a few of the 'cool cheerleader guys' lol.

The tricky part is, I just got kicked out of the house (my dads ex military of 22 years or so, and is tired of my laziness apparently - boot camp to fix that?! lol). Im staying with the friend who took me there to actually get stoned, Ive got no other place to go, and dont want to pay for an apartment quite yet, as I hope to be gone shortly. But I suppose I will have to look around.

I will NEVER touch it again, I didn't actually know about the drug policy (no excuse), but man thats all I can think about now is my future going down the drain/

Thanks for the reply.

If you feel ok then write the CFAT.  If you are doing a medical along with it then re-schedule the whole thing for another day.  It takes a while for pot to purge from your body.  You shouldn't be doing drugs anyway but you've heard that line a million times.

MedTechStudent said:

Pot stays in your system(urine) for about 30 days.  Best way to speed that up is to drink lots of water.  Like as much as you can lol.  Is your medical the same day as CFAT?

;DSo you grew your hair out too eh?

I understand it will only be in my system for 30 days, but, I still dont want to lie about using drugs. Lie in the military, lie in the dirt, as I see it. I am now just afraid they will say 'please come back in 6 months'. The problem is I just got approved on my waiver to rewrite (i was going to join 2 years ago outa highschool, wrote, and decdided to go to college).

My hair is about 2 inches long now. LOL
Ok, well heres the problem.  If you lie and get caught by your urine test.  Now THAT will look bad.  Right on the sheet it will ask for a list of drugs, number of times you have done it and lest time you did it.  I would THINK, that if you are honest and just put once, it should not be to big of a deal.  :salute:

However!.... lets take a moment to talk about that devil drug "pot"

Pot is barely a drug, and the only reason the government hates pot is because they cannot regulate it.  Alcohol is easy, they make it they sell it we buy it, get drunk and fight with each other.  Pot can be grown and sold within the public, which is BAD BUSINESS for the Hill.  My point is, I would much rather be a round a group of stoned people than a drunk bunch.  I have never seen ANYONE lose their temper or get angry and violent after smoking up.  Opposed to the dozens of people I have seen completely change for the worst after a few shots.  I have not done put for a long time now but if I had the choice between the two... 
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