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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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When I enlisted the good captain sat me down and had our little interview.After she hauled out a piece of paper with a huge list of narcotics.I chose the usual Newfoundland boredom drugs,weed,hash,mushrooms.None of which I had used in the previous 2 year's and mushrooms within 5 years.The only one I was even questioned on was the mushrooms as they are a heavy physcoactive (sp?) drug,and she explained it may "reoccur" during a 3 year period.

I left for basic shortly after.

If you go in and be honest/not smelling of hippie grass you'll be fine.But drugs like coke,mes,ice,shrooms,acid....expect to wait 3 years.I had a friend who also joined armoured the same week as myself.I taught him on his DP1 5 years later as he had to wait 3 years then took two to get back in.
(Something for all you space kadet kids out there to think about)
    I have the same problem . I was honest and was told waitout for three years . As of now its been 1.5 years and Ive decided to reapply anyway. I've almost finished my GED , paid money out of my own pocket for a drug screening and have got several references . One from my doctor saying I'm physically and mentally good to go and one from my former TRG Officer from cadets saying I don't have any kind of drug problem and I would make a excellent candidate for the CF . I got a call from CFRC and they scheduled me for my medical and interview . I'm assuming they know it hasn't been 3 years and I'm hoping they're starting to look at the files on a more individual basis.
STING said:
    I have the same problem . I was honest and was told waitout for three years . As of now its been 1.5 years and Ive decided to reapply anyway. I've almost finished my GED , paid money out of my own pocket for a drug screening and have got several references . One from my doctor saying I'm physically and mentally good to go and one from my former TRG Officer from cadets saying I don't have any kind of drug problem and I would make a excellent candidate for the CF . I got a call from CFRC and they scheduled me for my medical and interview . I'm assuming they know it hasn't been 3 years and I'm hoping they're starting to look at the files on a more individual basis.
good luck to you sting i hope that you get in. Im looking in to doing the same thing. you never know maybe we will see each other there. one can only hope!
I hear a lot of talk, not just in this thread either, about the CF "screwing them over" for being honest.  Saying perhaps they should have lied etc.  It's not the CF screwing anyone.  People who make the choice to use drugs screw themselves.  Plain and simple.  We all make choices in life, and if you make a bad one you must suffer the consequences.  Don't try to shift the blame elsewhere.
beach_bum said:
I hear a lot of talk, not just in this thread either, about the CF "screwing them over" for being honest.  Saying perhaps they should have lied etc.  It's not the CF screwing anyone.  People who make the choice to use drugs screw themselves.  Plain and simple.  We all make choices in life, and if you make a bad one you must suffer the consequences.  Don't try to shift the blame elsewhere.
so you have only justified the whole point. apparently liers do prosper.
besides you cant say that youve never done something you regretted, it may not have had these consequences but you probably paid for it in one form or another.
besides its really easy for you to sit up on your high horse when you are already in. Im not shifting blame. THe recruiter told me that id have to wait and i wasnt angry, i accepted it and have been waiting since. Im sure that i will get in this time
S'cuse me?
the CF screwing someone over for being honest about drug use?

Don't thik so.  The CF asked an honest question and you might as well come out with an honest answer.  The CFs directive for you to wait 3 years is for everyone's own good... Are you going to re-offend- possibly not intentionally (at 1st) but, on that level, it does not matter.... if you re-offend - you'll get a strike against you... and the troops at your side will not trust you & your jugement.

You done the "crime".... be a man, do your time.

suck back, reload, watch your tone, or the ramp's that-a-way!

like i said i did the crime ive done the time. end of discussion. Im not a habitual drug user. i tried one drug once. period.
since applying ive had time to be young a little longer, and start a family. Im glad to have had the time to sort things out. becoming a mother is the best thing to have happened to me. Now im almost done maturnity and i am looking forward to starting a new chapter. Rules are in place for a reason and i respect that.
i thought this would be a good thread for people who have also encountered this obstical. A mistake made in high school should not follow you around for the rest of your life. I cant say that any of my friends are the same as they were in high school. If they were it would be pretty sad, you grow up and mature as you get older.

"If during the post substance form assessment interview, applicants confirm or declare past or current hallucinogen use, the MCCs must take into consideration applicants’ past occurrences or potential occurrences of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), known colloquially as flashbacks.  Research literature on HPPD/ flashbacks indicates that this condition is very difficult to accurately diagnose medically in that the perceptual disturbance symptoms that the hallucinogen users present may be caused by other factors.  These factors can include, but may not be limited to, visual epilepsies, migraines, delirium, strokes, brain tumours, dementia, schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorder, and severe anxiety and depression.  Therefore, an applicant’s self report of having HPPD or of having a flashback must not be taken by the MCC as being accurate.  The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of  Mental Disorders – Fourth Edition contains the standardized operational criteria for HPPD that medical doctors use to diagnose the condition.

Drug use information on applicants who have used hallucinogens and report a past medical diagnoses of HPPD shall be passed to the recruiting medical staff who will take it into consideration during the medical assessment phase.  Medical staff will assess the impact of applicants’ hallucinogen use and HPPD occurrences in relation to their reliability and suitability for CF enrolment (i.e., are there employment limitations).  For applicants who feel they have HPPD and feel they have experienced at least one flashback episode, but have never been medically diagnosed as having the condition, must also have that information passed to the recruiting medical staff for further consideration with regard to their suitability for military service.

As indicated, drug use information for assessed or self-reported dependent drug users and for some hallucinogen users must be passed to recruiting medical staff.  As well, for other applicants, MCCs at their discretion after having consulted a UPSO, can pass any extensive and questionable drug use information that is based on a combination of type of drug(s) used, frequency of use, and when used to medical staff for their consideration during those applicants’ medical assessment phases. "

Mescaline usage is associated with HPPD. It may take as little as one use to leave a permanent disorder:

Hallucinogen-Induced Disorders

Hallucinogen Intoxication
Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks)
Hallucinogen Intoxication Delirium
Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder
  With Delusions
  With Hallucinations
Hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder
Hallucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorder
Hallucinogen-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

A very close friend of mine had LSD dropped into his drink one summer by somebody jackass who thought it would be really funny to see what would happen. Two years latter, he stole 10 Kg of a cyanide compound and finally silenced the voices. Nobody was able to figure out why he was going off his nut and not responding to meds. It wasn't until about a year after his death that I told the Doc about his 'one time use', then it all came together.....

While the odds are that you're not at risk, and are now good to go, the three year waiting period was there to protect all parties involved. Aside from the MSN speak, you seem to have your life heading on the right track, so good luck, and hope to see you in uniform soon!
I would imagine that if the recruiting centre said,  "come back in three years" , they want to see you again in three years. :-\
Funny thing is.
I grew up in rural Newfoundland.Never saw a soldier in uniform besides Americans until I went to enlist.I also didn't have a internet connection.However I was interested in the army,made phone calls at the age of 15.After receiving my rejection letter from the US military(I'm a alien).I called up the CF and asked questions about previous drug use(as I KNEW it was illegal),and any other question I could think of.They promptly asked me what types,and I told them.They told me the action to take.I.E refrain from these drugs 3 yrs prior to enrollment.

Therefore I had no problems enlisting.From day 1 of wandering into the office to graduating basic was approx (max) 4 months.

If your serious about enlisting,you will make sure you set yourself up for success.After I heard of a drug test I ceased all civilian cerebellum recreation.

Makes me wonder how serious these people are in joining the CF.If your a army brat wouldn't you realise dope and the army don't mix?Did you never hear of zero percent policy.Did your army parent/parents do Mes?

How come Myself a highschool graduate from butt**** Nfld realised this,yet a person on a army base could not grasp the concept?

(Won't go into the policy as there are more threads covering this discusting system)
and no my parents being in the military did all the experiments in high school. just like everyone else. Ofcourse back then they didnt test for such things. infact all my dad was asked if he smoked, and if he did they suggested he should stop. anyways im done with this. hopefully this thread has answered other peoples concerns.
If you have anything you feel that should be added just contact a mod.

I'm pretty new here and first and for most ... thinking of joining the Army in pursuit of a career opportunity. I've heard there is a preliminary Drug test for potential recruits; correct me if im wrong. If there is, how stringent (serious) are they about these tests???

I could be wrong about this but my basic understanding is.

They test you for drugs.
If you show up positive you dont get it.

Later, they randomly test you for drugs.
If you show up positive you get kicked out.

If your using I dunno if the CF is for you.
Well besides booze and smokes ;)
Recruiting FAQ - Drug Use - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103982.html#msg103982

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search

Try limiting the time period of your searches to the last 6 months or a year for the most current discussions on this topic.  Searching on "drugs" for messages up to 365 days old returned 9 pages of hits.  Changing the board selections to just the "Recruiting Office" forums reduces this to 2 pages of hits.
FlipTechniq said:
...I'm pretty new here and first and for most ... thinking of joining the Army....

so if your not in the army maybe you should change your display picture, your not a Private yet.
My friend has his aptitude test, medical and interview coming up in 4 days.  Problem is he smoked weed 2 months ago and I told him about the 6month thing.  He's now worried and is wondering if he should just reschedule all his test 4 months from now?  So my question is.  Should he reschule his tests for a date in 4 months or should he go through the process anyways?
Your "friend" should give his head a shake and stop doing dope.  In going to the recruiting center your "friend" should have been well aware of the policy on drug use for the CF and stopped toking up right away. This little situation makes me question your "friend's" desire to really join the CF in the first place. I mean if it isn't worth not smoking up then your "friend" must not really want to join that bad.
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